此文记录总结半边结构 以三角多面体为例,本文参考:http://www.flipcode.com/archives/The_Half-Edge_Data_Structure.shtml


The diagram below shows a small section of a half-edge representation of a triangle mesh.  The yellow dots are the vertices of the mesh and the light blue bars are the half-edges.  The arrows in the diagram represent pointers, although in order to keep the diagram from getting too cluttered, some of them have been ommited.




 struct HE_edge

        HE_vert* vert;   // vertex at the end of the half-edge
        HE_edge* pair;   // oppositely oriented adjacent half-edge
        HE_face* face;   // face the half-edge borders
        HE_edge* next;   // next half-edge around the face




struct HE_vert

        float x;
        float y;
        float z;

        HE_edge* edge;  // one of the half-edges emantating from the vertex


    struct HE_face

        HE_edge* edge;  // one of the half-edges bordering the face






1.the faces or vertices which border a half-edge can easily be found like this:


   HE_vert* vert1 = edge->vert;
    HE_vert* vert2 = edge->pair->vert;
    HE_face* face1 = edge->face;
    HE_face* face2 = edge->pair->face;


2.iterating over the half edges adjacent to a face


  HE_edge* edge = face->edge;

     do {

        // do something with edge
        edge = edge->next;
     } while (edge != face->edge);



3.interested in iterating over the edges or faces which are adjacent to a particular vertex.


  HE_edge* edge = vert->edge;

     do {

          // do something with edge, edge->pair or edge->face
          edge = edge->pair->next;

     } while (edge != vert->edge);








posted on 2017-06-13 16:41  wiw_vv  阅读(591)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报