singleton 单例模式
一个更好的办法是,让类自身负责保存它的唯一实例。这个类可以保证没有其他实例可以被创建(通过截取创建新对象的请求) ,并且它可以提供一个访问该实例的方法。
这就是S i n g l e t o n模式,我们可以在需要时才创建对象。在计算机系统中,线程池、缓存、日志对象、对话框、打印机、显卡的驱动程序对象常被设计成单例。
优点 在系统内存中只存在一个对象,因此可以节约系统资源,对于一些需要频繁创建和销毁的对象单例模式无疑可以提高系统的性能。
缺点 没有抽象层,因此扩展很难。 职责过重,在一定程序上违背了单一职责
1 public class LazyNotSecurtySingleton { 2 3 //使用静态变量来记录Singleton类的唯一实例 4 private static LazyNotSecurtySingleton instance; 5 6 // 私有构造,确保只有自类内部才能访问 7 private LazyNotSecurtySingleton() { 8 } 9 10 //返回该类的实例, 有线程同步问题 11 public static LazyNotSecurtySingleton getInstance() { 12 if (instance == null) { 13 instance = new LazyNotSecurtySingleton(); 14 } 15 return instance; 16 } 17 }
1 public class EagerSingleton { 2 //私有的类成员常量 3 private static final EagerSingleton SINGLETON = new EagerSingleton(); 4 //私有的默认构造方法,此类不能被继承 5 private EagerSingleton(){} 6 //静态工厂方法 7 public static EagerSingleton getInstance(){ 8 return SINGLETON; 9 } 10 }
这种方式,我们依赖JVM在加载这个类时马上创建该类的唯一实例,避免了线程安全问题。不过,instance在类装载时就实例化,没有达到lazy loading的效果.
java 中的Runtime类就是采用这种方式
1 /* 2 * Runtime:每个 Java 应用程序都有一个 Runtime 类实例,使应用程序能够与其运行的环境相连接。 3 * exec(String command) 4 */ 5 public class RuntimeDemo { 6 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 7 Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); 8
9 // r.exec("notepad"); 10 // r.exec("calc"); 11 // r.exec("shutdown -s -t 10000"); 12 r.exec("shutdown -a"); 13 } 14 } 15 16 /* 17 * class Runtime { 18 * private Runtime() {} 19 * private static Runtime currentRuntime = new Runtime(); 20 * public static Runtime getRuntime() { 21 * return currentRuntime; 22 * } 23 * } 24 */
第三种:懒汉 线程安全
1 public class LazySecurtySingleton { 2 3 private static LazySecurtySingleton instance; 4 /** 5 * 私有构造子,确保无法在类外实例化该类 6 */ 7 private LazySecurtySingleton() { 8 } 9 10 /** 11 * synchronized关键字解决多个线程的同步问题 12 */ 13 public static synchronized LazySecurtySingleton getInstance() { 14 if (instance == null) { 15 instance = new LazySecurtySingleton(); 16 } 17 return instance; 18 } 19 20 }
“双重检查加锁”机制的实现会使用关键字volatile,它的意思是:被volatile修饰的变量的值,将不会被本地线程缓存,所有对该变量的读写都是直接操作共享内存,从而确保多个线程能正确的处理该变量。关于volatile参看07 volatile & java 内存模型
1 public class TwoLockSingleton { 2 private volatile static TwoLockSingleton singleton; 3 private TwoLockSingleton() { 4 } 5 public static TwoLockSingleton getInstance() { 6 //先检查实例是否存在,如果不存在才进入下面的同步块 7 if (singleton == null) { 8 //同步块,线程安全的创建实例 9 synchronized (TwoLockSingleton.class) { 10 //再次检查实例是否存在,如果不存在才真正的创建实例 11 if (singleton == null) { 12 singleton = new TwoLockSingleton(); 13 } 14 } 15 } 16 return singleton; 17 } 18 }
第五种:使用内部类 Initialization-on-demand holder -- idiom
In software engineering, the Initialization on Demand Holder (design pattern) idiom is a lazy-loaded singleton.
In all versions of Java, the idiom enables a safe, highly concurrent lazy initialization with good performance.
1 public class Something { 2 private Something() {} 3 4 private static class LazyHolder { 5 private static final Something INSTANCE = new Something(); 6 } 7 8 public static Something getInstance() { 9 return LazyHolder.INSTANCE; 10 } 11 }
关于idiom 详见、
The implementation of the idiom relies on the initialization phase of execution within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as specified by the Java Language Specification (JLS).[2] When the class Something is loaded by the JVM, the class goes through initialization. Since the class does not have any static variables to initialize, the initialization completes trivially. The static class definition LazyHolder within it is not initialized until the JVM determines thatLazyHolder must be executed. The static class LazyHolder is only executed when the static method getInstance is invoked on the class Something, and the first time this happens the JVM will load and initialize the LazyHolder class. The initialization of the LazyHolder class results in static variable INSTANCE being initialized by executing the (private) constructor for the outer class Something. Since the class initialization phase is guaranteed by the JLS to be serial, i.e., non-concurrent, no further synchronization is required in the static getInstance method during loading and initialization. And since the initialization phase writes the static variable INSTANCE in a serial operation, all subsequent concurrent invocations of the getInstance will return the same correctly initialized INSTANCE without incurring any additional synchronization overhead.
This gives a highly efficient thread-safe "singleton" cache, without synchronization overhead; benchmarking indicates it to be far faster than even uncontended synchronization.[3] However, the idiom is singleton-specific and not extensible to pluralities of objects (e.g. a map-based cache).