
View Code
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 #include <sys/types.h>
 4 #include <unistd.h>
 5 #include <string.h>
 6 #include  <sys/stat.h>
 7 #include  <fcntl.h>
 8 #include  <error.h>
 9 #include  <wait.h>
10 #define PSIZE 2
12 int main(){
13     int fd[2];
14     int flag = 1;
15     //
16     if((flag = pipe(fd)) == -1){
17       printf("error in create pipe.");
18       exit(1);
19     }else if(flag == 0){
20     //  printf("success in create pipe.");
21     }
23     pid_t pid_1,pid_2;
24     char outpipe[50];
25 // ******************问题所在********************//
26     if(((pid_1 = fork()) == -1)||((pid_2 = fork()) == -1)){
27 // ******************问题所在********************//
28         printf("error in fork()!");
29     }
30     else if(pid_1 == 0){
31         printf("\n ...................%d   %d...................\n",pid_1,pid_2);
32         printf("i am a child 1, my pid is %d ,my fatherpid is %d.\n",getpid(),getppid());
33         lockf(fd[1],1,0);// 对管道的写入端口jia锁。
34         strcpy(outpipe,"Child process 1 is sending message!\n");
35                 printf("i am a child, i am writing %s \n",outpipe);
36         write(fd[1],outpipe,sizeof(outpipe));
37         sleep(5);
38         lockf(fd[1],0,0);// 对管道的写入端口解锁。
39         //getchar();//must write
40         exit(0);
41     }else if(pid_2 == 0){
42                 printf("\n ...................%d   %d...................\n",pid_1,pid_2);
44         printf("i am a child 2, my pid is %d ,my fatherpid is %d..\n",getpid(),getppid());
45         lockf(fd[1],1,0);// 对管道的写入端口jia锁。
46         strcpy(outpipe,"Child process 2 is sending message!");
47                 printf("i am a child, i am writing %s \n",outpipe);
48         write(fd[1],outpipe,sizeof(outpipe));
49         sleep(5);
50         lockf(fd[1],0,0);// 对管道的写入端口解锁。
51           //getchar();//must write
52         exit(0);
53     }else if(pid_1 > 0&&pid_2>0){
54         printf("i am father, my pid is %d, my sonpid is %d  and  %d.\n",getpid(),pid_1,pid_2);
55         int i = 0;
56         pid_t pid;
57         while(i < PSIZE){
58           if((pid = wait(0)) < 0){
59             printf("error in waitepid.\n");
60             exit(1);
61           }else{
62             read(fd[0],outpipe,sizeof(outpipe));
63             printf("father process read from pipe : %s    son pid is %d.\n",outpipe,pid);
64           }
65           i++;
66         }
67         //getchar();//must write, if not ,the son process will be an orphen process.       相当于停了一下
68         exit(0);
69     }
70 }
父进程:(pid :2000)
fork()(子进程pid :2001)||fork()(子进程pid :2002)
子进程2:(pid :2002)
fork()(子进程pid :2001)||fork()(子进程pid :0
子进程1:(pid :2001)
fork()(子进程pid :    0   )||fork()(子进程pid :2003
子进程至少保证了与所属父进程在调用fork()的位置处,fork()返回值为 0.
具体,比如 子进程2:pid 2001,我认为是由于父进程刚第一次fork,子进程2就fork了,那返回值为什么不是0呢?
父进程可以fork多个子进程,但是得一个一个fork,必须使得每fork一次后都需要有控制语句将其父子进程执行的程序段完全隔离开。避免使用 fork()||fork()连续fork子进程。
View Code
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 #include <sys/types.h>
 4 #include <unistd.h>
 5 #include <string.h>
 6 #include  <sys/stat.h>
 7 #include  <fcntl.h>
 8 #include  <error.h>
 9 #include  <wait.h>
10 #define PSIZE 2
12 int main(){
13     int fd[2];
14     int flag = 1;
15     if((flag = pipe(fd)) == -1){    //创建管道
16       printf("error in create pipe.");
17       exit(1);
18     }else if(flag == 0){
19     //  printf("success in create pipe.");
20     }
21     pid_t pid_1,pid_2;
22     char outpipe[50];
23     if((pid_1 = fork()) == -1){    //创建子进程
24         printf("error in fork()!");
25     }else if(pid_1 == 0){   //子进程执行代码段
26         printf("i am child 1, my pid is %d ,my fatherpid is %d.\n",getpid(),getppid());
27         lockf(fd[1],1,0);// 对管道的写入端口jia锁。
28         strcpy(outpipe,"Child process 1 is sending message!\n");
29                         printf("i am writing : %s \n",outpipe);
30         write(fd[1],outpipe,sizeof(outpipe));
31         sleep(5);// 让自己睡眠,好让父进程读出pipe内的数据。
32         lockf(fd[1],0,0);// 对管道的写入端口解锁。
33         //getchar();//must write
34         exit(0);
35     }else if(pid_1 > 0){    //父进程执行代码段
36          if((pid_2 = fork()) == -1){
37                 printf("error in fork()!");
38             }else if(pid_2 == 0){
39                 printf("i am child 2, my pid is %d ,my fatherpid is %d..\n",getpid(),getppid());
40                 lockf(fd[1],1,0);// 对管道的写入端口jia锁。
41                 strcpy(outpipe,"Child process 2 is sending message!");
42                         printf("i am writing : %s \n",outpipe);
43                 write(fd[1],outpipe,sizeof(outpipe));
44                 sleep(5);
45                 lockf(fd[1],0,0);// 对管道的写入端口解锁。
46                   //getchar();//must write
47                 exit(0);
48             }
49         printf("i am father, my pid is %d, my son pid is %d  and  %d.\n",getpid(),pid_1,pid_2);
50         int i = 0;
51         pid_t pid;
52         while(i < PSIZE){
53           if((pid = wait(0)) < 0){//等待子进程结束后返回,返回值为子进程pid
54             printf("error in waitepid.\n");
55             exit(1);
56           }else{
57             read(fd[0],outpipe,sizeof(outpipe));
58             printf("father process read from pipe : %s  from son pid: %d.\n",outpipe,pid);
59           }
60           i++;
61         }
62         //getchar();//must write, if not ,the son process will be an orphen process.       相当于停了一下
63         exit(0);
64     }
65 }





因此,code中 子进程1,2的程序段中的sleep函数的作用:保证子进程将数据全部写入管道。





posted @ 2012-06-01 23:21  wanpp590  阅读(623)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报