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Global Financial Applications uses the following Public tables

来自文档: Oracle  Financial Applications Technical Reference Manual  更多明细参考文档


Table Name                                                 Description

AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL                            Accounting entry headers table (See page 3 – 8)

AP_AE_LINES_ALL                                   Accounting entry lines table (See page 3 – 10)

AP_AWT_BUCKETS_ALL                        Summary amount of tax withheld to date for a particular supplier site (See page 3 – 13)

AP_AWT_TAX_RATES_ALL                     Withholding tax rates (See page 3 – 14)

AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_ALL                  Detailed bank account information (See page 3 – 17)

AP_BANK_ACCOUNT_USES_ALL        Information about bank account use by Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables applications (See page 3 – 22)

AP_BANK_BRANCHES                           Detailed bank branch information (See page 3 – 24)

AP_BATCHES_ALL                                  Summary invoice batch information (See page 3 – 28)

AP_CHECKS_ALL                                    Supplier payment data (See page 3 – 32)

AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL                              Header information about employee expense reports (Seepage 3 – 40)

AP_INVOICES_ALL                                   Detailed invoice records (See page 3 – 47)

AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE                    Information used to create an invoice using Payables Open Interface Import (See page 3 – 55)

AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL     Invoice distribution line information (See page 3 – 60)

AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE         Information used to create one or more invoice distributions(See page 3 – 73)

AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL              Invoice payment records (See page 3 – 80)

AP_PAYMENT_PROGRAMS                  Payment programs used for defining payment formats (Seepage 3 – 85)

AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL      Scheduled payment information on invoices (See page3 – 86)

AP_TAX_CODES_ALL                            Tax code information (See page 3 – 89)

AP_TERMS_TL                                         Payment term definitions (See page 3 – 92)

AR_STANDARD_TEXT_B Standard statement messages (See page 3 – 157)
AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B Tax codes defined in the Tax Codes and Rates window (See
page 3 – 159)
CST_MGD_INFL_ADJUSTED_COSTS Stores inflation adjustment values (See page 3 – 163)
CST_MGD_INFL_ADJ_KARDEX_DATA Stores data that supports the Inflation Adjustment Kardex
Report (See page 3 – 165)
CST_MGD_INFL_ADJ_PER_STATUSES Stores inflation status for each period. (See page 3 – 166)
CST_MGD_INFL_TSF_ORG_ENTRIES Stores transfer organization information for inflation
adjustment. (See page 3 – 167)
FA_ADDITIONS_B Descriptive information about assets (base MLS table) (See
page 3 – 168)
FA_ASSET_INVOICES Accounts payable and purchasing information for each
asset (See page 3 – 172)
FA_BOOK_CONTROLS Control information that affects all assets in a depreciation
book (See page 3 – 176)
FA_CATEGORIES_B Default financial information for asset categories (base MLS
table) (See page 3 – 184)
FA_DEPRN_PERIODS Information about each depreciation period (See page
3 – 188)
FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY Depreciation information at the asset level (See page 3 – 191)
FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY Employee, location, and Accounting Flexfield values
assigned to each asset (See page 3 – 194)
FA_PRICE_INDEXES General price index information (See page 3 – 197)
FA_RETIREMENTS Information about asset retirements and reinstatements (See
page 3 – 198)
FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS Information about all transactions performed within Oracle
Assets (See page 3 – 202)
FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS Concurrent programs (No table description)
FND_CURRENCIES Currencies enabled for use at your site (See page 3 – 209)
FND_FLEX_VALUES Valid values for flexfield segments (No table description)
GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS Account combinations (See page 3 – 213)High–Level Design 2 – 27
Oracle Proprietary, Confidential Information––Use Restricted by Contract
GL_INTERFACE Import journal entry batches (See page 3 – 218)
GL_JE_BATCHES Journal entry batches (See page 3 – 222)
GL_JE_CATEGORIES_TL Journal entry categories (See page 3 – 226)
GL_JE_HEADERS Journal entry headers (See page 3 – 227)
GL_JE_LINES Journal entry lines (See page 3 – 232)
GL_PERIOD_STATUSES Calendar period statuses (See page 3 – 236)
GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS Set of books definitions (See page 3 – 238)

HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Organization unit definitions. (See page 3 – 242)
HR_LOCATIONS_ALL Work location definitions. (See page 3 – 244)
JA_AU_ACCOUNT_DEFAULTS AutoAccounting setup information (See page 3 – 247)
JA_AU_ACCT_DEFAULT_SEGS AutoAccounting segment setup (See page 3 – 248)
JA_AU_BAL_CHG_APPLIED Balancing charge applications (See page 3 – 249)
JA_AU_BAL_CHG_INTERFACE Balancing charges information imported from external
systems (See page 3 – 251)
JA_AU_BAL_CHG_SOURCE Balancing charge source information (See page 3 – 253)
JA_AU_CAPITAL_VALUE Capital Gains Tax information (See page 3 – 255)
JA_AU_FA_BOOK_CONTROLS Balancing charge book controls (See page 3 – 257)
JA_AU_SRW_TAX_DEPRN_TMP Australian Schedule 32 report temporary table (See page
3 – 258)
JA_AU_SUBINV_LOC_ASSOCS Subinventory and location associations (See page 3 – 259)
JE_BE_ANNUAL_VAT Receivables information required for VAT Annual Return
preparation (See page 3 – 263)
JE_BE_ESL_SUMMARIES Quarterly VAT summaries information (See page 3 – 264)
JE_BE_LINE_TYPE_MAP Mappings for financial document line types to VAT rules
line types (See page 3 – 265)
JE_BE_LOGS VAT declarations (See page 3 – 266)
JE_BE_REPORTERS Declarer information to be printed on report header of VAT
reports (See page 3 – 267)

JE_BE_VAT_ALLOCATIONS Transactions that have been allocated to VAT reporting
boxes (See page 3 – 268)
JE_BE_VAT_ALLOC_ERRORS Allocation/reallocation errors (See page 3 – 269)
JE_BE_VAT_REP_RULES Reporting rules for allocating/reallocating amounts to VAT
boxes (See page 3 – 270)
JE_CH_PAYMENT_REF Payment batch information for Swiss EFT payments (See
page 3 – 273)
JE_CH_SAD_SEQUENCES Table of sequences for Swiss SAD payments (See page
3 – 274)
JE_CZ_CONT_ALLOC_ALL This table is used to associate a bank account with a
Compatible Media contract. A contract can relate to one or
more bank accounts. (See page 3 – 275)
JE_CZ_EFT_CONTRACTS_ALL This table will store all the relevant details of a Compatible
Media contract between a company and its Bank. This table
will contain the range of Interval Numbers allocated to the
Accounting files used within the Payment file. (See page
3 – 276)
JE_CZ_EFT_DATA_TMP This is a temporary table used to facilitate validation and
the build of the EFT Payment file before printing. This table
is emptied before each run and then populated by the report
JECZPEFT (See page 3 – 278)
JE_DE_AP_BATCHES Checkrun names for which German separate payment
letters have been printed (See page 3 – 279)
JE_DE_AR_BATCHES Information on Receivables payment batches for which
separate letters have been printed (See page 3 – 280)
JE_DE_CHECKRUN_RESULTS Results of the German Payables EFT Format payments
processed (See page 3 – 281)
JE_DE_FA_SUMMARY Summary information on fixed assets (See page 3 – 282)
JE_DE_REMITTANCE_RESULTS Results of the German Direct Debit Format program in
Receivables (See page 3 – 283)
JE_DK_EDI_TMP Danish EDI (See page 3 – 284)
JE_DK_PAY_CATEGORIES Stores payment categories and their attributes (See page
3 – 285)

JE_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT Provides audit information for the Greek Accounting
Sequence (See page 3 – 286)
JE_ES_MESSAGES_ALL Temporary messages table used by Spanish reports (See
page 3 – 287)
JE_ES_MODELO_190_ALL Information for Spanish Withholding Tax processing (See
page 3 – 288)
JE_ES_MODELO_347_ALL Information for Spanish Payables Third Party Operations
reporting (See page 3 – 290)
JE_ES_MODELO_349_ALL Information for Spanish Payables Third Party Operations
reporting (See page 3 – 292)
JE_ES_MODELO_415_ALL Information for Spanish Payables Third Party Operations
reporting (See page 3 – 293)
JE_FI_NUMBER_VALIDATION Table of values for Finnish validation (See page 3 – 294)
JE_FR_DAS_010 Record 010 information for French DAS2 reports (See page
3 – 295)
JE_FR_DAS_010_NEW New version of JE_FR_DAS_010 table (See page 3 – 297)
JE_FR_DAS_020 Record 020 information for French DAS2 reports (See page
3 – 299)
JE_FR_DAS_020_NEW New version of JE_FR_DAS_020 table (See page 3 – 300)
JE_FR_DAS_210 Record 210 information for French DAS2 reports (See page
3 – 302)
JE_FR_DAS_210_NEW New version of JE_FR_DAS_210 table (See page 3 – 304)
JE_FR_DAS_300 Record 300 information for French DAS2 reports (See page
3 – 306)
JE_FR_DAS_300_NEW New version of JE_FR_DAS_300 table (See page 3 – 308)
JE_FR_DAS_310 Record 310 information for French DAS2 reports (See page
3 – 310)
JE_FR_DAS_310_NEW New version of JE_FR_DAS_310 table (See page 3 – 312)
JE_GR_AR_AP_TRNOVR_ITF Customer/Supplier’s Transaction/Invoice data will be
populated by data extract process based on turnover data
exclusion rules. (See page 3 – 314)

JE_GR_CUTOFF_RULES Stores accounting cutoff rules for Greece (See page 3 – 316)
JE_GR_JE_HEADER_SEQUENCE Greek Accounting sequence and value for each journal
entry (See page 3 – 318)
JE_GR_TRNOVR_RULES Turnover data exclusion rules (See page 3 – 319)
JE_GR_TRNOVR_RULE_LINES Turnover data exclusion rule lines (See page 3 – 320)
JE_HU_BALANCES_REPORT Hungarian Fixed Assets balance information (See page
3 – 322)
JE_IT_EXEMPT_LETTERS Italian exemption letter information for suppliers (See page
3 – 323)
JE_IT_EXLET_SEQS Table based sequencing for exemption letters (See page
3 – 324)
JE_IT_INV_PACKSLIPS Information on Italian Inventory Packing Slips (See page
3 – 325)
JE_IT_PACKSLIPS Information on Italian Order Management Packing Slips
(See page 3 – 326)
JE_IT_PO_PACKSLIPS Information on Italian Purchasing Packing Slips (See page
3 – 327)
JE_IT_REPORT_PARAMETERS Italian report parameters (See page 3 – 328)
JE_IT_TMP_RPT_HEADERS Page numbers for printing generic report headers (See page
3 – 329)
JE_IT_VAT_REGISTERS_B Italian VAT Registers. (See page 3 – 330)
JE_IT_VAT_REGISTERS_TL Translated information about Italian VAT Registers. (See
page 3 – 331)
JE_IT_VAT_REG_DOCS Document sequence information for Italian VAT registers
(See page 3 – 332)
JE_IT_VAT_REPORT_INV Invoices reported on submitted Italian VAT Register (See
page 3 – 333)
JE_NL_EFT_BATCHES Dutch EFT payment batches (See page 3 – 334)
JE_NL_EFT_CONTENTS Dutch EFT payments (See page 3 – 335)
JE_NL_EFT_MEDIA Media information for creating Dutch EFT documents (See
page 3 – 336)

JE_NL_EFT_SPECS Information for Dutch EFT Payment formatting (See page
3 – 337)
JE_NO_BANK_AVSTEM_TEMP Bank transactions (See page 3 – 338)
JE_NO_BBS Information for Norwegian BBS Payment formatting (See
page 3 – 339)
JE_NO_BBS_MESSAGE Error messages related Norwegian BBS Payment formatting
(See page 3 – 340)
JE_NO_DATADIALOG Information for Norwegian Datadialog Payment formatting
(See page 3 – 341)
columns for investment tax (See page 3 – 342)
JE_NO_INVEST_SETUP_B Setup information for Norwegian Investment Tax (See page
3 – 346)
JE_NO_INVEST_SETUP_TL Translated setup information for Norwegian Investment Tax
(See page 3 – 347)
JE_NO_TELEPAY Information on Norwegian Telepay sessions (See page
3 – 348)
JE_NO_TELEPAY_RETUR1 Return information from the bank on Telepay payments
(See page 3 – 349)
JE_PT_BANK_TRANSFER_TEXT Information for Portuguese Payables EFT and Receivables
Direct Debit formatting (See page 3 – 350)
JE_PT_JEPTVATR Information for Payables and Receivables VAT
Recapitulative reporting (See page 3 – 351)
JE_SE_EFT Information for Swedish EFT formatting (See page 3 – 352)
JG_ZZ_AP_BALANCES Subledger balances for Payables (See page 3 – 357)
JG_ZZ_AP_TMP_BAL Temporary subledger balances for Payables (See page
3 – 358)
JG_ZZ_AP_TMP_DETAIL Used for calculating subledger balances and holding
detailed reporting data for Payables (See page 3 – 359)
JG_ZZ_AR_BALANCES Subledger balances for Receivables (See page 3 – 360)

JG_ZZ_AR_SRC_TRX_TY_ALL This table stores associations of transaction sources and
transaction types. This table restricts you to using only
associated transaction types for a selected transaction
source. (See page 3 – 361)
JG_ZZ_AR_TMP_BAL Temporary subledger balances for Receivables (See page
3 – 363)
JG_ZZ_AR_TMP_DETAIL Used for calculating subledger balances and holding
detailed reporting data for Receivables (See page 3 – 364)
JG_ZZ_ENTITY_ASSOC Business Entity Relationships information (See page 3 – 365)
JG_ZZ_GL_RECON_TRX RXi Interface Table for the RXi report General Ledger
Reconciled Transactions Report (See page 3 – 367)
JG_ZZ_GL_UNREC_TRX RXi Interface Table for the RXi report General Ledger
Unreconciled Transactions Report (See page 3 – 368)
JG_ZZ_II_INT_RATES_ALL User defined lookup codes (See page 3 – 369)
JG_ZZ_INTEREST_BATCHES_ALL Interest invoice batch details (See page 3 – 370)
JG_ZZ_INTEREST_INVOICES_ALL Invoice header information for interest invoices (See page
3 – 371)
JG_ZZ_INT_INV_LINES_ALL Detail invoice lines for interest invoices (See page 3 – 372)
JG_ZZ_INVOICE_INFO Additional country–specific payment information for
invoices (See page 3 – 373)
JG_ZZ_JGZZCSLP_MESSAGES Holds status messages of Customer Account Balance
Maintenance program (See page 3 – 375)
JG_ZZ_JGZZVSLP_MESSAGES Holds status messages of Vendor Account Balance
Maintenance program (See page 3 – 376)
JG_ZZ_PAY_FORMAT_INFO Additional country–specific information for payment
formats (See page 3 – 377)
JG_ZZ_PAY_SCHED_INFO Additional country–specific information for payment
schedules (See page 3 – 379)
JG_ZZ_SYS_FORMATS_ALL_B Holds additional country–specific information for EFT
Payment Formats (See page 3 – 381)
JG_ZZ_SYS_FORMATS_ALL_TL Holds additional country specific information for EFT
Payment Formats (See page 3 – 383)

JG_ZZ_TAXABLE_DETAIL_ITF Report eXchange interface view for the Tax Reconciliation
Report by Taxable Account (See page 3 – 384)
JG_ZZ_TA_ACCOUNT_RANGES Stores the journal allocation natural account ranges (See
page 3 – 385)
JG_ZZ_TA_ALLOCATED_LINES Stores the information on the original journal line used to
allocate new journal line (See page 3 – 386)
JG_ZZ_TA_CC_RANGES Holds Cost Center Range for Rules (See page 3 – 387)
JG_ZZ_TA_RULE_LINES Stores the Journal Allocation Lines (See page 3 – 388)
JG_ZZ_TA_RULE_SETS Stores the header information for each Journal Allocation
Rule Set (See page 3 – 389)
JG_ZZ_TMP_RPT_HEADERS Report headers (See page 3 – 390)
JG_ZZ_VEND_SITE_INFO Additional country–specific information for vendor sites
(See page 3 – 391)
JL_AR_AP_AWT_CERTIF_ALL Argentine withholding certificate information (See page
3 – 393)
JL_AR_AP_PROVINCES Argentine province records (See page 3 – 395)
JL_AR_AP_SUP_AWT_CR_LTS Argentine supplier withholding credit letter information
(See page 3 – 397)
JL_AR_AP_TRX_DGI_CODES Argentine DGI transaction type codes (See page 3 – 399)
JL_AR_AR_DOC_LETTER_ALL Argentine Document Letter Assignments information (See
page 3 – 401)
JL_BR_AP_COLLECTION_DOCS_ALL Detailed Brazilian bank collection document records (See
page 3 – 403)
JL_BR_AP_CONSOLID_INVOICES_ALL Detailed Brazilian consolidated invoice records (See page
3 – 406)
JL_BR_AP_INT_COLLECTION_TMP Temporary information of bank collection documents
interface (See page 3 – 408)
JL_BR_AP_INT_COLLECT_ALL Bank collection document loaded from the file of supplier’s
bank (See page 3 – 409)
JL_BR_AP_INT_COLLECT_EXT_ALL Invalid records from the JL_BR_AP_INT_COLLECT table
(See page 3 – 412)

JL_BR_AP_OPERATIONS Brazilian operations fiscal codes (See page 3 – 415)
JL_BR_AP_TAX_CALENDAR_HEADERS Brazilian withholding tax calendar header information (See
page 3 – 416)
JL_BR_AP_TAX_CALENDAR_LINES Brazilian withholding tax calendar line information (See
page 3 – 417)
JL_BR_AR_BANK_INSTRUCTIONS Bank Instruction Codes (See page 3 – 418)
JL_BR_AR_BANK_OCCURRENCES Bank Occurrence codes (See page 3 – 420)
JL_BR_AR_BANK_RETURNS_ALL Validated Bank Returns (See page 3 – 422)
JL_BR_AR_BORDEROS_ALL Bank Transfer Batches (See page 3 – 424)
JL_BR_AR_COLLECTION_DOCS_ALL Collection Documents (See page 3 – 426)
JL_BR_AR_COMP_INV_ALL Complementary Invoices (See page 3 – 430)
JL_BR_AR_CUST_INT_ERR Customer interface import errors (See page 3 – 432)
JL_BR_AR_MC_OCC_DOCS Multiple reporting currency sub–table for
JL_BR_AR_OCCURRENCE_DOCS_ALL Occurrences for collection documents (See page 3 – 434)
JL_BR_AR_PAY_SCHED_AUX Temporary table for Bank Transfer batches creation (See
page 3 – 438)
JL_BR_AR_POSTING_TMP Temporary table for Bank collection GL Interface report (See
page 3 – 439)
JL_BR_AR_REC_MET_ACCTS_EXT_ALL Receipt Method accounts (See page 3 – 440)
JL_BR_AR_REMIT_BORDEROS_ALL Request IDs of Formatted Bank Transfer Batches (See page
3 – 442)
JL_BR_AR_RET_INTERFACE_ALL Interface table for importing bank returns (See page 3 – 443)
JL_BR_AR_RET_INTERFACE_EXT_ALL Interface table with erroneous bank returns rows (See page
3 – 445)
JL_BR_AR_RET_INTERFACE_TMP Temporary table for post bank returns report (See page
3 – 447)
JL_BR_AR_SELECT_ACCOUNTS_ALL Bank Account distribution criteria for Bank Transfer batches
(See page 3 – 448)

JL_BR_AR_SELECT_CONTROLS_ALL Selection Criteria for invoices sent to Bank transfer batches
(See page 3 – 450)
JL_BR_AR_TX_CATEG_ALL Brazilian Tax Categories;no longer used (See page 3 – 453)
JL_BR_AR_TX_EXC_FSC_ALL Brazilian Tax Exception By Fiscal Classification
Information;no longer used (See page 3 – 455)
JL_BR_AR_TX_EXC_ITM_ALL Brazilian Tax Exception By Item Information;no longer used
(See page 3 – 457)
JL_BR_AR_TX_FSC_CLS_ALL Brazilian Tax Fiscal Classification Information;no longer
used (See page 3 – 459)
JL_BR_AR_TX_GROUP_ALL Brazilian Tax Groups;no longer used (See page 3 – 460)
JL_BR_AR_TX_LOCN_ALL Brazilian Tax Location Information;no longer used (See page
3 – 462)
JL_BR_AR_TX_RULES_ALL Brazilian Tax Rules Information;no longer used (See page
3 – 463)
JL_BR_BALANCES_ALL Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables transaction
balances (See page 3 – 465)
JL_BR_COMPANY_INFOS Company information for Brazilian General Ledger reports
(See page 3 – 467)
JL_BR_GL_LEGAL_REP Ledger Book and Subledger Information (See page 3 – 469)
JL_BR_JOURNALS_ALL Accounting entries successfully transferred from the
subledgers to GL (See page 3 – 471)
JL_BR_LOCAL_HOLIDAY_DATES Brazilian local holiday dates (See page 3 – 473)
JL_BR_LOCAL_HOLIDAY_SETS Brazilian local holiday sets (See page 3 – 474)
JL_BR_PO_FISC_CLASSIF_ALL Stores tax information for fiscal classifications (See page
3 – 475)
JL_BR_PO_FUNCTIONAL_MATRIX Stores tax recoverability and compounded base information
for combinations of contributor type, organization class and
transaction reason (See page 3 – 476)
JL_BR_PO_TAX_EXCEPTIONS_ALL Stores the intra/interstate tax exceptions by fiscal
classification (See page 3 – 477)
JL_BR_PO_TAX_EXC_ITEMS_ALL Stores the intra/interstate tax exceptions by item (See page
3 – 478)

JL_BR_PO_TAX_LOCATIONS_ALL Stores the intra/interstate tax rates (See page 3 – 479)
JL_BR_TAX_LMSG_ALL Brazilian Tax Legal Messages;no longer used (See page
3 – 480)
JL_CL_AP_AWT_CERT Chilean withholding certificate information (See page
3 – 481)
JL_CL_GL_ACCT_HIER_TMP Chilean General Ledger ”8 Columns Trial Balance” Report
Account Hierarchy (See page 3 – 483)
JL_CO_FA_ADJUSTMENTS Accounting information pertaining to Colombian Oracle
Assets (See page 3 – 484)
JL_CO_FA_APPRAISALS Information about the technical appraisal header (See page
3 – 486)
JL_CO_FA_APPRAISAL_BOOKS Information about the book for which the appraisal has
been revaluated successfully (See page 3 – 488)
JL_CO_FA_ASSET_APPRS Information about assets appraised (See page 3 – 489)
JL_CO_FA_PURGE Information about the Colombian archive, purge and restore
requests (See page 3 – 491)
JL_CO_GL_BALANCES Third Party Balances Table Summarized By Third Party
Identifier And Period For A Code Combination And Set Of
Books ID (See page 3 – 493)
JL_CO_GL_CONC_CTRL Third Party Control Table Containing Log For Every
Submission Of ’Generate Third Party Balances’ Concurrent
Program (See page 3 – 494)
JL_CO_GL_CONC_ERRS Third Party Errors Table Containing Error Log That Is
Refreshed On Every New Submission Of ’Generate Third
Party Balances’ Concurrent Program (See page 3 – 495)
JL_CO_GL_MG_CONFIGS Magnetic Media Report Grouping Configurations (See page
3 – 496)
JL_CO_GL_MG_HEADERS Magnetic Media Movement Headers (See page 3 – 498)
JL_CO_GL_MG_LINES Magnetic Media Movement lines (See page 3 – 499)
JL_CO_GL_MG_LITERALS Magnetic Media Literals (See page 3 – 501)
JL_CO_GL_MG_RANGES Magnetic Media Account Ranges (See page 3 – 503)
JL_CO_GL_NITS Third Party Master Table (See page 3 – 506)

JL_CO_GL_NIT_ACCTS Third Party Control Accounts Table Used For Referring NIT
Required Accounts (See page 3 – 508)
JL_CO_GL_TRX Third Party Transaction Table Containing Posted
Transactions Of GL From Different Sources For NIT
Required Accounts (See page 3 – 509)
JL_MX_FA_ISR_IMPAC Holds information generated during the execution of ISR
and IMPAC reports (See page 3 – 511)
JL_ZZ_AP_AWT_TYPES Withholding tax type records for Argentina and Colombia
(See page 3 – 512)
JL_ZZ_AP_COMP_AWT_TYPES Withholding applicability information per
company/location for Argentina and Colombia (See page
3 – 514)
JL_ZZ_AP_INV_DIS_WH_ALL Invoice distribution withholding information for Argentina
and Colombia (See page 3 – 516)
JL_ZZ_AP_SUPP_AWT_TYPES Withholding applicability information per supplier for
Argentina and Colombia (See page 3 – 518)
JL_ZZ_AP_SUP_AWT_CD_ALL Withholding tax codes applicable to Argentine and
Colombian suppliers (See page 3 – 520)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_ATT_CLS_ALL Latin Tax Condition Classes Information (See page 3 – 522)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_ATT_VAL_ALL Latin Tax Condition Values Information (See page 3 – 524)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_CATEG_ALL Latin Tax Category Information (See page 3 – 526)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_CAT_ATT_ALL Latin Tax Category – Conditions Association Information
(See page 3 – 529)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_CAT_DTL_ALL Latin Tax Category Detail Information (See page 3 – 531)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_CUS_CLS_ALL Latin Tax Customer Site Profile Information (See page
3 – 533)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_EXC_CUS_ALL Latin Tax Exception By Customer Site Information (See page
3 – 535)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_EXC_FSC_ALL Latin Tax Exception By Fiscal Classification Information
(See page 3 – 537)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_EXC_ITM_ALL Latin Tax Exception By Item Information (See page 3 – 539)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_FSC_CLS_ALL Latin Tax Fiscal Classification Information (See page 3 – 541)

JL_ZZ_AR_TX_GROUPS_ALL Latin Tax Group Information (See page 3 – 543)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_LGL_MSG_ALL Latin Tax Legal Messages Information (See page 3 – 545)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_LOCN_ALL Latin Tax Location Information (See page 3 – 546)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_NAT_RAT_ALL Latin Tax Exception By Transaction Condition Values
Information (See page 3 – 548)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_RULES_ALL Latin Tax Rules Information (See page 3 – 550)
JL_ZZ_AR_TX_SCHEDULES_ALL Latin Tax Schedules Information (See page 3 – 552)
JL_ZZ_FA_RETIREMNT_ADJS Information about retired assets that need to be inflation
adjusted (See page 3 – 554)
JL_ZZ_FA_RETIREMNT_JES Audit table that stores inflation adjustment journal entries
of retired assets at code combination level (See page 3 – 555)
JL_ZZ_GL_AXI Inflation Adjustment Gain and Loss Accounts (See page
3 – 556)
JL_ZZ_GL_AXI_ACCOUNTS Runtime Inflation Adjustment Gain and Loss Account
Ranges (See page 3 – 557)
JL_ZZ_GL_AXI_MODELS Accounting Models (See page 3 – 560)
JL_ZZ_GL_AXI_MODEL_RANGES Accounting Model Account Ranges (See page 3 – 561)
JL_ZZ_GL_AXI_TMP Temporary Table For Inflation Adjustment Report (See page
3 – 564)
MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES Subinventory definitions (See page 3 – 565)
MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Inventory item definitions (See page 3 – 569)
PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL Document shipment schedules (for purchase orders,
purchase agreements, quotations, RFQs) (See page 3 – 589)
PO_VENDORS Suppliers (See page 3 – 597)
PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL Supplier sites (See page 3 – 604)
RA_ADDRESSES_ALL Customer address information (See page 3 – 609)
RA_BATCHES_ALL Invoice batch information (See page 3 – 614)
RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL Sources of invoice, credit memo and commitments (See
page 3 – 617)
RA_CUSTOMERS Customer information (See page 3 – 622)

RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE_ALL Customer Interface table (See page 3 – 627)
RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL Header–level information about invoices, debit memos,
chargebacks, commitments and credit memos (See page
3 – 633)
RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL Invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo and
commitment lines (See page 3 – 642)
RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL Transaction type for invoices, commitments and credit
memos (See page 3 – 649)
RA_SITE_USES_ALL Business purpose of a customer address (See page 3 – 653)
RCV_TRANSACTIONS Receiving transactions (See page 3 – 658)

posted on 2014-12-15 20:48  王小航  阅读(469)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
