

Titanic是Kaggle竞赛的一道入门题,参赛者需要根据旅客的阶级、性别、年龄、船舱种类等信息预测其是否能在海难中生还,详细信息可以参看https://www.kaggle.com/,本文的分析代码也取自 kaggle 中该竞赛的 kernal。



1,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Owen Harris",male,22,1,0,A/5 21171,7.25,,S
2,1,1,"Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)",female,38,1,0,PC 17599,71.2833,C85,C


  • PassengerId:乘客ID
  • Survived:是否生还,0表示遇难,1表示生还
  • Pclass:阶级,1表示最高阶级,3最低
  • Name:姓名
  • Sex:性别
  • Age:年龄
  • SibSp:同乘船的兄弟姐妹的数量
  • Parch:是否有配偶同乘,1表示是
  • Ticket:船票编号
  • Fare:恐惧指数
  • Cabin:船舱号
  • Embarked:登船港口



  1. 数据预处理

    1. 读取数据,在本文代码中使用了 python 的 pandas 包管理数据结构
    2. 特征向量化,在本文代码中将性别和登船港口特征转成向量化表示
    3. 处理残缺数据,在本文代码中将残缺年龄用平均年龄表示,残缺的登船港口用频繁项表示
    4. 扔掉多余项,姓名、ID、舱号、票号在本问题中被认为是对分类没有帮助的信息,扔掉了这些特征项
  2. 数据训练

    在本文代码中使用了 sklearn 中的随机森林进行分类,随机森林每次随机选取若干特征和数据项生成决策树,最后采用投票的方式来生成预测结果,本文代码中将第一列作为分类项,后n列作为特征项,随机生成100棵决策树对数据进行训练

  3. 预测并生成结果


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv as csv
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

# Data cleanup
train_df = pd.read_csv('train.csv', header=0)        # Load the train file into a dataframe

# I need to convert all strings to integer classifiers.
# I need to fill in the missing values of the data and make it complete.

# female = 0, Male = 1
train_df['Gender'] = train_df['Sex'].map( {'female': 0, 'male': 1} ).astype(int)

# Embarked from 'C', 'Q', 'S'
# Note this is not ideal: in translating categories to numbers, Port "2" is not 2 times greater than Port "1", etc.

# All missing Embarked -> just make them embark from most common place
if len(train_df.Embarked[ train_df.Embarked.isnull() ]) > 0:
    train_df.Embarked[ train_df.Embarked.isnull() ] = train_df.Embarked.dropna().mode().values

Ports = list(enumerate(np.unique(train_df['Embarked'])))    # determine all values of Embarked,
Ports_dict = { name : i for i, name in Ports }              # set up a dictionary in the form  Ports : index
train_df.Embarked = train_df.Embarked.map( lambda x: Ports_dict[x]).astype(int)     # Convert all Embark strings to int

# All the ages with no data -> make the median of all Ages
median_age = train_df['Age'].dropna().median()
if len(train_df.Age[ train_df.Age.isnull() ]) > 0:
    train_df.loc[ (train_df.Age.isnull()), 'Age'] = median_age

# Remove the Name column, Cabin, Ticket, and Sex (since I copied and filled it to Gender)
train_df = train_df.drop(['Name', 'Sex', 'Ticket', 'Cabin', 'PassengerId'], axis=1)

test_df = pd.read_csv('test.csv', header=0)        # Load the test file into a dataframe

# I need to do the same with the test data now, so that the columns are the same as the training data
# I need to convert all strings to integer classifiers:
# female = 0, Male = 1
test_df['Gender'] = test_df['Sex'].map( {'female': 0, 'male': 1} ).astype(int)

# Embarked from 'C', 'Q', 'S'
# All missing Embarked -> just make them embark from most common place
if len(test_df.Embarked[ test_df.Embarked.isnull() ]) > 0:
    test_df.Embarked[ test_df.Embarked.isnull() ] = test_df.Embarked.dropna().mode().values
# Again convert all Embarked strings to int
test_df.Embarked = test_df.Embarked.map( lambda x: Ports_dict[x]).astype(int)

# All the ages with no data -> make the median of all Ages
median_age = test_df['Age'].dropna().median()
if len(test_df.Age[ test_df.Age.isnull() ]) > 0:
    test_df.loc[ (test_df.Age.isnull()), 'Age'] = median_age

# All the missing Fares -> assume median of their respective class
if len(test_df.Fare[ test_df.Fare.isnull() ]) > 0:
    median_fare = np.zeros(3)
    for f in range(0,3):                                              # loop 0 to 2
        median_fare[f] = test_df[ test_df.Pclass == f+1 ]['Fare'].dropna().median()
    for f in range(0,3):                                              # loop 0 to 2
        test_df.loc[ (test_df.Fare.isnull()) & (test_df.Pclass == f+1 ), 'Fare'] = median_fare[f]

# Collect the test data's PassengerIds before dropping it
ids = test_df['PassengerId'].values
# Remove the Name column, Cabin, Ticket, and Sex (since I copied and filled it to Gender)
test_df = test_df.drop(['Name', 'Sex', 'Ticket', 'Cabin', 'PassengerId'], axis=1)

# The data is now ready to go. So lets fit to the train, then predict to the test!
# Convert back to a numpy array
train_data = train_df.values
test_data = test_df.values

print 'Training...'
forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
forest = forest.fit( train_data[0::,1::], train_data[0::,0] )

print 'Predicting...'
output = forest.predict(test_data).astype(int)

predictions_file = open("myfirstforest.csv", "wb")
open_file_object = csv.writer(predictions_file)
open_file_object.writerows(zip(ids, output))
print 'Done.'



  1. 没有对测试结果的准确率和召回率进行评估
  2. 模型的参数选择是否可以进一步调整取得更好的效果?
  3. 如果采用一些集成学习的办法效果会不会进一步提升?
posted @ 2016-12-11 20:35  voidleaf  阅读(1347)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报