服务器 53507
外部推广的id算法:OTag 第一个数字/10万 %10 =3,则渠道来源是外部推广。
t_trade(商品明细表) ext_11002 是 Otag 字段
select SUM(OFee) as 下单金额, --SUBSTRING (Otag, CHARINDEX('-',OTag)-6, 1) as 外部推广, Otag,OId,OrderDate,Qty,UId,wh_id from ( SELECT ISNULL(tr.ext_11002, '') as OTag, td.Fbusiness_deal_id as OId, CONVERT(VARCHAR, td.Fdeal_gen_time, 112) OrderDate, tr.Ftrade_buy_num as Qty, (tr.Ftrade_buy_num*tr.Ftrade_buy_price / 100.00) as OFee, ISNULL(u.Ficson_uid,0) as UId, (case when td.Fdeal_source in(2,3,8) then 1969 else td.fsite_id end) as wh_id from t_deal td left join t_trade tr on td.Fdeal_id = tr.fdeal_id left join etl_users..t_user_buyer u on u.Fwg_uid=td.Fbuyer_id where td.Fdeal_gen_time >= '20140820' AND td.Fdeal_gen_time < '20140821' and td.Fdeal_property3 = 64 and td.Fdeal_source not in(2,3,8))t where SUBSTRING (t.Otag, CHARINDEX('-',OTag)-6, 1)='3' group by Otag,OId,OrderDate,Qty,UId,wh_id order by SUM(OFee) desc ,OId