
热情推荐:开源程序/代码挖掘之codeproject (2)

2004-07-08 19:49  灵感之源  阅读(17801)  评论(16编辑  收藏  举报

1、A CBC Stream Cipher in C# (With wrappers for two open source AES implementations in C# and C):C#写的AES加密组件

2、A small tool to remove SCC information of a VS2003.NET project file:移除SourceSafe信息

3、DevGlobalCache – A way to Cache and Share data between processes:实现进程间通信

4、Visual Studio .NET RSS Viewer with XSL :RSS阅读器

5、Bubble.NET Game:泡泡龙游戏

6、Switching Between HTTP and HTTPS Automatically: Version 2:自动在HTTP/HTTPS间切换

7、Data Access and Transaction Handling Framework:数据访问/事务处理组件

8、3D Pie Chart:三维饼图

9、C# Worker Thread Starter Kit:多线程组件

10、Gmail Agent API v0.5 / Mail Notifier & Address Importer:GMail代理/邮件监测器和地址导入器

11、Inter-Process Communication in .NET Using Named Pipes, Part 2:使用名字管道进程间通信

12、Merging Word Documents with C#:合并Word文档

13、SharpGL, a C# OpenGL class library:OpenGL的封装类库,包括一个3D生成器,酷!

14、An extensible math parser:数学解析器(VC++/MFC)

15、Code to extract plain text from a PDF file:通过代码直接获取PDF中的文本内容(C++)

16、CppSQLite - C++ Wrapper for SQLite:SQLite C++封装库

17、CSpreadSheet - A Class to Read and Write to Excel and Text Delimited Spreadsheet:不用Excel直接写Excel文件(C++)

18、Implementation of a B-Tree Database Class:类似SQLite的功能,但不提供SQL语法,简便(C++)

19、Exile 1.7 - The Password Manager:超强密码保护!!!

20、Managed C++ wrapper for ZLib:世上最强压缩组件Zlib的C++类库

21、CDiagramEditor - DIY vector and dialog editor:图形化设计器(VC++)

22、CFlowchartEditor - linking things in CDiagramEditor:流程图设计器(VC++)

23、UMLEditor - revisiting the vector editor:UML设计器(VC++)这是我目前能給最高分数的代码了!