
print "args before = %s" % (args)
args.insert(0, 10)
args.insert(0, 99999)
print "args = %s " % (args)
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = [99999, 10]
args before = [99999, 10]
args = [99999, 10, 99999, 10]
查阅Python manual有如下的说法:
Default parameter values are evaluated when the function definition is executed. This means that the expression is evaluated once, when the function is defined, and that that same “pre-computed” value is used for each call. This is especially important to understand when a default parameter is a mutable object, such as a list or a dictionary: if the function modifies the object (e.g. by appending an item to a list), the default value is in effect modified. This is generally not what was intended. A way around this is to use None as the default, and explicitly test for it in the body of the function, e.g.:
if penguin is None:
penguin = []
penguin.append("property of the zoo")
return penguin
至此,原因已经很清楚了:函数中的参数默认值是一个可变的list, 函数体内修改了原来的默认值,而python会将修改后的值一直保留,并作为下次函数调用时的参数默认值