
对于linux, 相信每个朋友都会有自己的使用习惯. 也会总结出不少的 alias 等等.

下面是我的.bashrc, 希望对对朋友们有借鉴作用.

如果有不明白的, 欢迎随时交流. 😃

export PS2="-> "
export PS4='+{$LINENO:${FUNCNAME[0]}}'
set -o vi

# ignore case
bind "set completion-ignore-case on"

# do NOT limit the size of core file
ulimit -c unlimited

export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;$PWD\007"'

# check the window size after each command and, if necessary, 
# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -s checkwinsize

bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'

shopt -s autocd  # auto "cd" when entering just a path   

# ls ## {{{
alias ls='\ls -F --color=auto'
alias LS='ls'
alias sl='ls'
alias s='ls'
alias l='ls -lh'
alias la='ls -A'
alias ll='l -A'
alias l.='la -d .*'
alias ll.='ll -d .*'
alias lr='ls -R'         # recursive ls
alias lm='la | less'
alias lld='__Lld'
alias lf='__Lf'

alias llta='ll -rt'      # sort by date ascent
alias llxa='ll -BX'      # sort by extension ascent
alias llza='ll -rS'      # sort by size ascent
alias lltd='ll -t'       # sort by date descent
alias llxd='ll -rBX'     # sort by extension descent
alias llzd='ll -S'       # sort by size descent
alias llt='llta'         # sort by date (ascent)
alias llx='llxa'         # sort by extension (ascent)
alias llz='llza'         # sort by size (ascent)

alias lta='l -rt'        # sort by date ascent
alias lxa='l -BX'        # sort by extension ascent
alias lza='l -rS'        # sort by size ascent
alias ltd='l -t'         # sort by date descent
alias lxd='l -rBX'       # sort by extension descent
alias lzd='l -S'         # sort by size descent
alias lt='lta'           # sort by date (ascent)
alias lx='lxa'           # sort by extension (ascent)
alias lz='lza'           # sort by size (ascent)
# }}}

## cd ## {{{
alias cd.=''
alias cd..='cd ..'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ..1='cd ..'
alias ..2='cd ../..'
alias ..3='cd ../../..'
alias ..4='cd ../../../..'
alias ..5='cd ../../../../..'
alias cd1='..'
alias cd2='..2'
alias cd3='..3'
alias cd4='..4'
alias cd5='..5'
alias cd-='cd -'

alias cn0='__NthPath 0'
alias cn1='__NthPath 1'
alias cn2='__NthPath 2'
alias cn3='__NthPath 3'
alias cn4='__NthPath 4'
alias cn5='__NthPath 5'
alias cn6='__NthPath 6'
alias cn7='__NthPath 7'
alias cn8='__NthPath 8'
alias cn9='__NthPath 9'
alias cn='__NthPath '
# }}}

alias sudo='sudo '

## Modified commands ## {{{
alias diff='colordiff'
alias more='less'
alias df='df -h'
alias du='du -c -h'
alias du1='du --max-depth=1'
alias du.='du -s .'
alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
alias nano='nano -w'
alias ping='ping -c 3'
alias dmesg='dmesg -HL'
alias date='date "+%A, %B %d, %Y [%T]"'
alias hist='history | grep'         # requires an argument
alias openports='ss --all --numeric --processes --ipv4 --ipv6'
alias pgp='ps -aux | grep '           # requires an argument

alias clr='clear'
alias vi='vim'
alias g++='g++ -std=c++14 '
alias gg='g++ -std=c++14 -g '
alias cl='clang++ -std=c++14 '
alias clg='clang++ -std=c++14 -g '

## Privileged access ## {{{
if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
    alias scat='sudo cat'
    alias svi='sudo vi'
    alias root='sudo -s'
    alias sreboot='sudo systemctl reboot'
    alias spoweroff='sudo systemctl poweroff'
    alias snetctl='sudo netctl'

## pacman alias ## {{{
alias pacupg='sudo pacman -Syu'      # Synchronize with repositories and then upgrade packages that are out of date on the local system.
alias pacin='sudo pacman -S'         # Install specific package(s) from the repositories
alias pacins='sudo pacman -U'        # Install specific package not from the repositories but from a file 
alias pacre='sudo pacman -R'         # Remove the specified package(s), retaining its configuration(s) and required dependencies
alias pacrem='sudo pacman -Rns'      # Remove the specified package(s), its configuration(s) and unneeded dependencies
alias pacout='pacrem'
alias pacrep='pacman -Si'            # Display information about a given package in the repositories
alias pacreps='pacman -Ss'           # Search for package(s) in the repositories
alias pacloc='pacman -Qi'            # Display information about a given package in the local database
alias paclocs='pacman -Qs'           # Search for package(s) in the local database
alias paclo="pacman -Qdt"            # List all packages which are orphaned
alias pacc="sudo pacman -Scc"        # Clean cache - delete all not currently installed package files
alias paclf="pacman -Ql"             # List all files installed by a given package
alias pacexpl="pacman -D --asexp"    # Mark one or more installed packages as explicitly installed 
alias pacimpl="pacman -D --asdep"    # Mark one or more installed packages as non explicitly installed
# '[r]emove [o]rphans' - recursively remove ALL orphaned packages
alias pacro="pacman -Qtdq > /dev/null && sudo pacman -Rns \$(pacman -Qtdq | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')"

# Additional pacman alias examples
alias pacupd='sudo pacman -Sy && sudo abs'         # Update and refresh the local package and ABS databases against repositories
alias pacinsd='sudo pacman -S --asdeps'            # Install given package(s) as dependencies
alias pacmir='sudo pacman -Syy'                    # Force refresh of all package lists after updating /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

alias pacunlock="sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck"   # Delete the lock file /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
alias paclock="sudo touch /var/lib/pacman/db.lck"  # Create the lock file /var/lib/pacman/db.lck

## for myself ## {{{


alias o='${WM} '
alias o.='${WM} "${PWD}"'
alias so='sudo ${WM} '
alias so.='so "${PWD}"'


alias cddl='cd "${DL}"'
alias cddt='cd "${DT}"'
alias cddm='cd "${DM}"'
alias odl='o "${DL}"'
alias odt='o "${DT}"'
alias odm='o "${DM}"'

# arch offline wiki
export wiki_browser=firefox
alias ws='wiki-search '
alias wsh='wiki-search-html '

if [ -f ~/.cmd ]
    . ~/.cmd


    alias grep="$(__Colorized grep)"
    alias egrep="$(__Colorized egrep)"
    alias fgrep="$(__Colorized fgrep)"

以 __ 开头的是自定义的函数, 在另一个文件(.cmd) 中

这个文件中, 名称为小写的是 直接可以在命令行中调用的, 比如 proxy, 可以直接设置代理

而以__开头的大写函数, 则是为了让其它指令或者别名调用, 不推荐在shell中直接调用(这也是取这么难写名字的原因)

function __PS1()
    local normalColor="\[\e[38;5;22m\]"
    local urgentColor="\[\e[0;31m\]"
    local pathColor="\[\e[1;34m\]"
    local endColor="\[\e[m\]"

    local tip='\$ '
    local good="${normalColor}${tip}${endColor}"
    local bad="${urgentColor}${tip}${endColor}"

    local path=${pathColor}'\w '${endColor}
    local colorizedTip="\$(if [[ \$? == 0 ]]; then echo \"${good}\"; else echo \"${bad}\"; fi)"

    export PS1=${path}${colorizedTip}

function __Colorized()
    [ -n "$1" ] && echo "$1 --color=auto"

function mkcd()
    mkdir -p "$@" && eval cd "\"\$$#\"";

function __NthPath()
    [ $1 -eq 0 ] && cd / && return 0
    cd "$(echo "${PWD}" | cut -d / -f -$(($1 + 1)))"

function cdls()
    local dir=$1
    if [[ -z "${dir}" ]]
    if [[ -d "${dir}" ]]
        cd "${dir}"
        echo "bash: cdls: '${dir}': Directory not found"

function __CreateNotesIfNotExist()
    if [[ $# -eq 1 && ! -f $1 ]]
        touch $1

function note()
    # if file doesn't exist, create it
    __CreateNotesIfNotExist ${file}

    if ! (($#))
        # no arguments, print file
        cat "${file}"
    elif [[ "$1" == "-c" ]]
        # clear file
        > "${file}"
        # add all arguments to file
        printf "%s\n" "$*" >> "${file}"

function todo()
    # if file doesn't exist, create it
    __CreateNotesIfNotExist ${file}

    if ! (($#));
        cat "${file}"
    elif [[ "$1" == "-l" ]]
        nl -b a "${file}"
    elif [[ "$1" == "-c" ]]
        > ${file}
    elif [[ "$1" == "-r" ]]
        nl -b a "${file}"
        printf "----------------------------\n"
        read -p "Type a number to remove: " number
        ex -sc "${number}d" "${file}"
        printf "%s\n" "$*" >> "${file}"

function calc()
    echo "scale=3;$@" | bc -l

function __Proxy()
    export no_proxy="localhost,,localaddress,.localdomain.com"

    local proxy=$1
    if [ $# -eq 0 ]

    export http_proxy=${proxy}
    export https_proxy=${http_proxy}
    export ftp_proxy=${http_proxy}
    export rsync_proxy=${http_proxy}

    echo "proxy environment variable set."

function proxy()
    local proxy=" "  ##### default proxy

    if [ $# -eq 1 ]

    __Proxy "${proxy}"

function proxyoff()
    unset http_proxy
    unset https_proxy
    unset ftp_proxy
    unset rsync_proxy
    echo -e "proxy environment variable removed."

function __Lf()
    if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]
        l | grep ^[^d] | awk '{print $NF}'
        l -d "$@"

function __Lld()
    if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]
        l | grep ^[d] | awk '{print $NF}'
        l -d "$@"
posted @ 2015-07-17 16:12  sun shine  阅读(517)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报