The Computer Vision HomePage 



The Computer Vision Homepage

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January 12, 2004 - I am now actively updating the CVHP after a long time of being too busy to do the updates. I am still busy and would dearly love assistance. If you are interested in helping with the site, please let me know ( big thanks goes out to Owen Carmichael who has been processing new additions to the site, and to Javed Rabbaini, who has been helping me clean up the broken links on the software sub-page.

Sub-page contents


The Computer Vision Homepage was established at Carnegie Mellon University in 1994 to provide a central location for World Wide Web links relating to computer vision research. Due to the success of the concept, we have broken the original monolithic site into a number of specific subpages. The emphasis of the Computer Vision Homepage is on computer vision researchrather than on commercial products. The growth and continued usefulness of the this site depends on submissions and suggestions from everyone in the computer vision community. If you have suggestions for improvement, we would love to hear from you (

The Maintainer

I have been maintaining the Computer Vision Homepage (on a volunteer basis) since Mark Maimone handed over the responsibility to me almost two years ago. During my tenure, I have worked to improve the site in various ways - from converting the data to a database to automating the submission procedure to improving the graphics and organization. Now I keep a log of my activities so that you can see what has changed. - Daniel Huber


You can either search just the local CV pages, the local CV pages plus references (includes all pages within two links of the local pages), or the entire Internet. The index is automatically regenerated each week.

Other Vision Sites

If you don't find what you need here, try these vision-related sites:

  • ECVNet - The European Computer Vision Network has shut down as of February 1, 1999.
  • PEIPA- The Pilot European Image Processing Archive
  • Vision List Digest

Text only version

We realize that not everyone is running the latest version of Netscape or Internet Explorer. However, we like to include some of the more recent capabilities of these browsers in our web pages. Since some of you may be using old browsers which cannot handle these advanced features, we maintain a text only versionof the Computer Vision Homepage which contains all of the information found on the regular pages. These text only pages are also useful for access over low-bandwidth connections.

Submissions and updates

If you are responsible for a site or know of a site that would be appropriate for the Computer Vision Homepage, please take a moment to submitan entry using our forms interface. If your browser doesn't support forms, or if you just want to update an entry, you can send your request via e-mail ( We still have to verify each entry that we receive, so it may be a few weeks before your submission is processed. We to notify the sender once we actually add the link.

Very recent submissions

Entries that are submitted via the forms interface can be accessed immediately on the Unfiled Submissionspage. This page provides you with the most up-to-date information possible, and avoids the delay that occurs between the time that you submit a new entry and the time that the maintainer adds it to the correct sub-page. Users of this page should be forewarned that these are unmoderated entries.

New additions

We keep a separate log of the new additionsto the Computer Vision Homepage sorted in chronological order. The complete archives of new additions can be accessed by season:

2004 Spring Current  
2002 Spring    
2001 Spring   Fall
2000 Spring Summer Fall
1999 Spring Summer Fall
1998 Spring Summer Fall
1997 Spring Summer Fall
1996 Spring Summer Fall
1995 Spring Summer Fall
1994 Spring Summer Fall

Broken link policy

Occasionally, some links are unreachable for short periods of time. Since the Computer Vision Homepage includes numerous links all over the world, you are bound to encounter broken links from time to time. We periodically check for links that have been unreachable for an extended period. Rather than simply deleting these links, we place them in a special page dedicated to broken links. If you cannot find a link in the regular sections, check the broken link page as a last resort. If you see a link on this page for which you are responsible, please e-mail the updated URL to us ( Also, if you find a link that has been moved, please notify us (our broken link detector does not always identify pages that have moved).

Computer Vision Homepage (last updated Sun Jun 20 14:36 EDT 2004)
Text Only version of this page.
Please submit new links using our forms interface or send email to
[count] visits since November, 1997.

posted @ 2012-11-03 21:36  Martin_小强  阅读(155)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报