Hi.  Today is the final day of the 7 Rules Course. I have enjoyed
writing to you.  I have enjoyed helping you.  I hope you also
enjoyed my emails.  Most of all, I hope you will use the 7 Rules and
improve your English speaking. 

Today is the last suggestion, and it is the easiest:

Most English CDs use "listen and repeat".   The speaker says something in English, and you repeat exactly what they said.  This method is a failure. 

**Rule 7:  A Story

Emi, a Japanese woman, had a problem.  Her speaking was SLOW. She
could not answer questions quickly.

Emi listened to many English tapes and CDs.  She listened.  She
repeated what the speaker said.

Emi emailed me. I recommended my Effortless English lessons. 
My lessons do not use "listen and repeat". 

They use "Listen & Answer" Mini-Stories.

I told her that "listen and repeat" is not enough--  when you
repeat, you only copy the speaker. But when you hear a question and
you ANSWER it-- you must think in English. 

After using the lessons for just 4 months, her speaking was fast,
easy, and automatic.  

Emi was excited.  She wrote:
"The Mini-Story lessons are FANTASTIC!  I love them.  My speaking
is so much faster now.  I understand quickly and I can now speak
English without thinking.  I can't believe it!"

**RULE 7:  Listen and Answer, not Listen and Repeat

    Use Listen & Answer Mini-Story Lessons
    Use Listen & Answer Mini-Story Lessons

In each Mini-Story Lesson, a speaker tells a short simple story. 
He also asks a lot of easy questions.   Every time you hear a
question, you pause and answer it. 

You learn to answer questions quickly-- without thinking. 
Your English becomes automatic.  

**What's Next?

Now it is time to USE what you have learned.  Don't forget these
7 rules.   Change the way you study English.  

  A great way to use the 7 Rules is to use my Effortless English
  Club lessons.  I will teach you to speak English easily, and fast. 
  My lessons use all of the 7 Rules.
posted on 2007-12-10 18:17  IT Person  阅读(380)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报