Hi. Its me again ;)  I hope you are feeling good and are enjoying
the 7 Rules Email Course.  I hope you are excited, because the
Effortless English method is easy and it is successful!

My number one goal for you is for you to speak English easily.
When you speak easily, it feels great.  The words come
out quickly.  You don't need to think.  You feel comfortable using
English.  You feel relaxed.  Communication is fun and easy.

This never happens in English schools.  Did you feel relaxed in
English class?   Ha!  I certainly never feel relaxed in Spanish
classes.  All those rules and textbooks confuse me and make me
feel stressed. 

**Learn To Speak English Easily

To speak English easily, you must forget what you learned from
schools and textbooks.   You will never succeed with their methods. 

The good news is you CAN learn to speak English easily.

You only need to use all of the 7 Rules. 

Today, you will learn Rule number 4.

**Rule 4:  A Story

Hyun, a student from Korea, said:

"Im a very serious student.  When studying English in Korea,
I memorized 50,000 English words.  Fifty Thousand! 

My problem was-- I couldn't USE them.  I could pass an English
test.  But I could not understand native speakers. 

With Effortless English, I learned to instantly understand
English. I learned how to automatically use vocabulary.  After
6 months, I could speak easily. I didn't need to think. 

Thanks so much!"

**RULE 4:  Slow, Deep Learning Is Best

The secret to speaking easily is to learn every word & phrase

Its not enough to know a definition.  You must put the word deep
into your brain.

To speak English easily, you must go slower.  You must repeat each
lesson many times.  

This is the key to speaking automatically, without thinking.  You
must learn English deeply. 

    Learn deeply, speak easily.
    Learn deeply, speak easily.
    Learn deeply, speak easily.

Each time you listen to a lesson, you are closer to instant
understanding and automatic speaking.  Repeat every lesson many
times, even if it seems easy.    

**Deep Learning Of Grammar

What about grammar?  How do you learn it deeply, without studying
grammar rules?

I'll tell you in the next email. 

Until then, take care and enjoy your English learning! 

Have a great day :)
posted on 2007-12-06 20:59  IT Person  阅读(446)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报