JQuery上传插件Uploadify出现"HTTP Error"错误的解决办法

今天用Uploadify上传文件,出现“HTTP Error”

后来在网上查到这样一段文字“Hi, I had got the same problem...that uploadify works well in IE 8, but in chrome it didnt, when i try to upload the file an error type: HTTP error 302 occurred, my problem was that i had the .ashx file inside a folder that requires user authentication & authorization, although the user has permissions to access to the page that contains the uploadify it seems like the problem was when the current page try to request the .ahx, so the http error appears.
The solution i found is to put the .ashx file in the solution root folder, which allows anonymous users.” 





 今天上传又出现“HTTP Error”

 经过多次研究悲剧的发现原来上传页面也必须放在根目录下!!一放在其它文件夹下,也会出HTTP Error!真蛋疼的上传插件啊!



posted on 2011-09-18 15:00  TimChan  阅读(8944)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报
