1. 支持使用反射和非反射(模版生成)两种方式实现执行SQL。
2. 支持复合主键
3. 支持任何主键类型
4. 兼容android原生的 android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase 和SqlCipher的 net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase。
1. 不支持链表查询。
1 /** 2 * Author: wangjie 3 * Email: tiantian.china.2@gmail.com 4 * Date: 6/25/15. 5 */ 6 @Table(propertyClazz = PersonProperty.class) 7 public class Person implements Serializable{ 8 9 @Column(primaryKey = true) 10 private Integer id; 11 12 @Column(primaryKey = true) 13 private Integer typeId; 14 15 @Column 16 private String name; 17 18 @Column 19 private Integer age; 20 21 @Column 22 private String address; 23 24 @Column 25 private Long birth; 26 27 @Column 28 private Boolean student; 29 30 // getter/setter... 31 32 }
1. Table注解用于标记这个类需要映射到数据表,RapidORM会创建这个表。
2. Column注解用语标记这个字段映射到的数据表的列(如果)。
1 /** 2 * Author: wangjie 3 * Email: tiantian.china.2@gmail.com 4 * Date: 6/25/15. 5 */ 6 public class DatabaseFactory extends RapidORMConnection<RapidORMDefaultSQLiteOpenHelperDelegate> { 7 private static final int VERSION = 1; 8 9 private static DatabaseFactory instance; 10 11 public synchronized static DatabaseFactory getInstance() { 12 if (null == instance) { 13 instance = new DatabaseFactory(); 14 } 15 return instance; 16 } 17 18 private DatabaseFactory() { 19 super(); 20 } 21 22 @Override 23 protected RapidORMDefaultSQLiteOpenHelperDelegate getRapidORMDatabaseOpenHelper(@NonNull String databaseName) { 24 return new RapidORMDefaultSQLiteOpenHelperDelegate(new MyDatabaseOpenHelper(MyApplication.getInstance(), databaseName, VERSION)); 25 } 26 27 @Override 28 protected List<Class<?>> registerAllTableClass() { 29 List<Class<?>> allTableClass = new ArrayList<>(); 30 allTableClass.add(Person.class); 31 // all table class 32 return allTableClass; 33 } 34 }
DatabaseFactory推荐使用单例,实现RapidORMConnection的getRapidORMDatabaseOpenHelper()方法,该方法需要返回一个RapidORMDatabaseOpenHelperDelegate或者它的子类对象,RapidORMDatabaseOpenHelperDelegate是SQLiteOpenHelper的委托,因为需要兼容android原生的 android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase 和SqlCipher的 net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase 两种方式。
如果使用 android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase ,则可以使用RapidORMDefaultSQLiteOpenHelperDelegate,然后构造方法中传入真正的android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase (也就是这里的MyDatabaseOpenHelper)即可,使用SqlCipher的方式后面再讲。
1 /** 2 * Author: wangjie 3 * Email: tiantian.china.2@gmail.com 4 * Date: 6/26/15. 5 */ 6 public class PersonDaoImpl extends BaseDaoImpl<Person> { 7 public PersonDaoImpl() { 8 super(Person.class); 9 } 10 11 }
-void insert(T model) throws Exception; // 插入一条数据。
-void update(T model) throws Exception; // 更新一条数据。
-void delete(T model) throws Exception; // 删除一条数据。
-void deleteAll() throws Exception; // 删除表中所有的数据
-void insertOrReplace(T model) throws Exception; // 删除或者替换(暂不支持)
-List<T> queryAll() throws Exception; // 查询表中所有数据
-List<T> rawQuery(String sql, String[] selectionArgs) throws Exception; // 使用原生sql查询表中所有的数据
-void rawExecute(String sql, Object[] bindArgs) throws Exception; // 使用原生sql执行一条sql语句
-void insertInTx(T... models) throws Exception; // 插入多条数据(在一个事务中)
-void insertInTx(Iterable<T> models) throws Exception; // 同上
-void updateInTx(T... models) throws Exception; // 更新多条数据(在一个事务中)
-void updateInTx(Iterable<T> models) throws Exception; // 同上
-void deleteInTx(T... models) throws Exception; // 删除多条数据(在一个事务中)
-void deleteInTx(Iterable<T> models) throws Exception; // 同上
-void executeInTx(RapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate db, RapidOrmFunc1 func1) throws Exception; // 执行一个方法(可多个sql),在一个事务中
-void executeInTx(RapidOrmFunc1 func1) throws Exception; // 同上
1. Where:
-eq(String column, Object value) // 相等条件判断
-ne(String column, Object value) // 不相等条件判断
-gt(String column, Object value) // 大于条件判断
-lt(String column, Object value) // 小于条件判断
-ge(String column, Object value) // 大于等于条件
-le(String column, Object value) // 小于等于条件
-in(String column, Object... values) // 包含条件
-ni(String column, Object... values) // 不包含条件
-isNull(String column) // null条件判断
-notNull(String column) // 不为null条件判断
-between(String column, Object value1, Object value2) // BETWEEN ... AND ..." condition
-like(String column, Object value) // 模糊匹配条件
-Where raw(String rawWhere, Object... values) // 原生sql条件
-and(Where... wheres) // 多个Where与
-or(Where... wheres) // 多个Where或
1 Where.and( 2 Where.like(PersonProperty.name.column, "%wangjie%"), 3 Where.lt(PersonProperty.id.column, 200), 4 Where.or( 5 Where.between(PersonProperty.age.column, 19, 39), 6 Where.isNull(PersonProperty.address.column) 7 ), 8 Where.eq(PersonProperty.typeId.column, 1) 9 )
2. QueryBuilder:
-setWhere(Where where) // 设置Where条件;
-setLimit(Integer limit) // 设置limit
-addSelectColumn(String... selectColumn) // 设置查询的数据列名(可以调用多遍来设置多个,默认是查询所有数据)
-addOrder(String column, boolean isAsc) // 设置查询结果的排序(可以调用多遍来设置多个)
1 public List<Person> findPersonsByWhere() throws Exception { 2 return queryBuilder() 3 .addSelectColumn(PersonProperty.id.column, PersonProperty.typeId.column, PersonProperty.name.column, 4 PersonProperty.age.column, PersonProperty.birth.column, PersonProperty.address.column) 5 .setWhere(Where.and( 6 Where.like(PersonProperty.name.column, "%wangjie%"), 7 Where.lt(PersonProperty.id.column, 200), 8 Where.or( 9 Where.between(PersonProperty.age.column, 19, 39), 10 Where.isNull(PersonProperty.address.column) 11 ), 12 Where.eq(PersonProperty.typeId.column, 1) 13 )) 14 .addOrder(PersonProperty.id.column, false) 15 .addOrder(PersonProperty.name.column, true) 16 .setLimit(10) 17 .query(this); 18 }
3. UpdateBuilder:
-setWhere(Where where) // 设置Where条件;
-addUpdateColumn(String column, Object value) // 添加需要更新的字段;
1 public void updatePerson() throws Exception { 2 long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); 3 updateBuilder() 4 .setWhere(Where.and( 5 Where.like(PersonProperty.name.column, "%wangjie%"), 6 Where.lt(PersonProperty.id.column, 200), 7 Where.or( 8 Where.between(PersonProperty.age.column, 19, 39), 9 Where.isNull(PersonProperty.address.column) 10 ), 11 Where.eq(PersonProperty.typeId.column, 1) 12 )) 13 .addUpdateColumn(PersonProperty.birth.column, now) 14 .addUpdateColumn(PersonProperty.address.column, "address_" + now).update(this); 15 }
4. DeleteBuilder:
-setWhere(Where where) // 设置Where条件;
1 public void deletePerson() throws Exception { 2 deleteBuilder() 3 .setWhere(Where.and( 4 Where.like(PersonProperty.name.column, "%wangjie%"), 5 Where.lt(PersonProperty.id.column, 200), 6 Where.or( 7 Where.between(PersonProperty.age.column, 19, 39), 8 Where.isNull(PersonProperty.address.column) 9 ), 10 Where.eq(PersonProperty.typeId.column, 1) 11 )) 12 .delete(this); 13 }
1. 新建一个类,在main方法中执行:
/** * Author: wangjie * Email: tiantian.china.2@gmail.com * Date: 7/2/15. */ public class MyGenerator { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Class tableClazz = Person.class; new ModelPropertyGenerator().generate(tableClazz, "example/src/main/java", tableClazz.getPackage().getName() + ".config"); } }
generate(Class tableClazz, String outerDir, String packageName)
1 // THIS CODE IS GENERATED BY RapidORM, DO NOT EDIT. 2 /** 3 * Property of Person 4 */ 5 public class PersonProperty implements IModelProperty<Person> { 6 7 public static final ModelFieldMapper id = new ModelFieldMapper(0, "id", "id"); 8 public static final ModelFieldMapper typeId = new ModelFieldMapper(1, "typeId", "typeId"); 9 public static final ModelFieldMapper name = new ModelFieldMapper(2, "name", "name"); 10 public static final ModelFieldMapper age = new ModelFieldMapper(3, "age", "age"); 11 public static final ModelFieldMapper address = new ModelFieldMapper(4, "address", "address"); 12 public static final ModelFieldMapper birth = new ModelFieldMapper(5, "birth", "birth"); 13 public static final ModelFieldMapper student = new ModelFieldMapper(6, "student", "student"); 14 15 public PersonProperty() { 16 } 17 18 19 @Override 20 public void bindInsertArgs(Person model, List<Object> insertArgs) { 21 Integer id = model.getId(); 22 insertArgs.add(null == id ? null : id); 23 24 Integer typeId = model.getTypeId(); 25 insertArgs.add(null == typeId ? null : typeId); 26 27 String name = model.getName(); 28 insertArgs.add(null == name ? null : name); 29 30 Integer age = model.getAge(); 31 insertArgs.add(null == age ? null : age); 32 33 String address = model.getAddress(); 34 insertArgs.add(null == address ? null : address); 35 36 Long birth = model.getBirth(); 37 insertArgs.add(null == birth ? null : birth); 38 39 Boolean student = model.isStudent(); 40 insertArgs.add(null == student ? null : student ? 1 : 0); 41 42 } 43 44 @Override 45 public void bindUpdateArgs(Person model, List<Object> updateArgs) { 46 String name = model.getName(); 47 updateArgs.add(null == name ? null : name); 48 49 Integer age = model.getAge(); 50 updateArgs.add(null == age ? null : age); 51 52 String address = model.getAddress(); 53 updateArgs.add(null == address ? null : address); 54 55 Long birth = model.getBirth(); 56 updateArgs.add(null == birth ? null : birth); 57 58 Boolean student = model.isStudent(); 59 updateArgs.add(null == student ? null : student ? 1 : 0); 60 61 } 62 63 @Override 64 public void bindPkArgs(Person model, List<Object> pkArgs) { 65 Integer id = model.getId(); 66 pkArgs.add(null == id ? null : id); 67 68 Integer typeId = model.getTypeId(); 69 pkArgs.add(null == typeId ? null : typeId); 70 71 } 72 73 @Override 74 public Person parseFromCursor(Cursor cursor) { 75 Person model = new Person(); 76 int index; 77 index = cursor.getColumnIndex("id"); 78 if(-1 != index){ 79 model.setId(cursor.isNull(index) ? null : (cursor.getInt(index))); 80 } 81 82 index = cursor.getColumnIndex("typeId"); 83 if(-1 != index){ 84 model.setTypeId(cursor.isNull(index) ? null : (cursor.getInt(index))); 85 } 86 87 index = cursor.getColumnIndex("name"); 88 if(-1 != index){ 89 model.setName(cursor.isNull(index) ? null : (cursor.getString(index))); 90 } 91 92 index = cursor.getColumnIndex("age"); 93 if(-1 != index){ 94 model.setAge(cursor.isNull(index) ? null : (cursor.getInt(index))); 95 } 96 97 index = cursor.getColumnIndex("address"); 98 if(-1 != index){ 99 model.setAddress(cursor.isNull(index) ? null : (cursor.getString(index))); 100 } 101 102 index = cursor.getColumnIndex("birth"); 103 if(-1 != index){ 104 model.setBirth(cursor.isNull(index) ? null : (cursor.getLong(index))); 105 } 106 107 index = cursor.getColumnIndex("student"); 108 if(-1 != index){ 109 model.setStudent(cursor.isNull(index) ? null : (cursor.getInt(index) == 1)); 110 } 111 112 return model; 113 } 114 115 }
2. 在相应的持久类的@Table注解中设置propertyClazz:
1 @Table(propertyClazz = PersonProperty.class) 2 public class Person implements Serializable{
1. 新建MySQLCipherOpenHelper,继承net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteOpenHelper:
1 import android.content.Context; 2 import com.wangjie.rapidorm.core.dao.DatabaseProcessor; 3 import com.wangjie.rapidorm.core.delegate.database.RapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate; 4 import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase; 5 import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabaseHook; 6 import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteOpenHelper; 7 8 /** 9 * Author: wangjie 10 * Email: tiantian.china.2@gmail.com 11 * Date: 8/17/15. 12 */ 13 public class MySQLCipherOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { 14 15 private RapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate rapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate; 16 17 public MySQLCipherOpenHelper(Context context, String name, int version) { 18 super(context, name, null, version); 19 } 20 21 public MySQLCipherOpenHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) { 22 super(context, name, factory, version); 23 } 24 25 public MySQLCipherOpenHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version, SQLiteDatabaseHook hook) { 26 super(context, name, factory, version, hook); 27 } 28 29 @Override 30 public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { 31 // super.onCreate(db); 32 rapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate = new MySQLCipherDatabaseDelegate(db); 33 DatabaseProcessor databaseProcessor = DatabaseProcessor.getInstance(); 34 for (Class<?> tableClazz : databaseProcessor.getAllTableClass()) { 35 databaseProcessor.createTable(rapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate, tableClazz, true); 36 } 37 } 38 39 @Override 40 public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { 41 // super.onUpgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion); 42 rapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate = new MySQLCipherDatabaseDelegate(db); 43 DatabaseProcessor databaseProcessor = DatabaseProcessor.getInstance(); 44 // todo: dev only!!!!! 45 databaseProcessor.dropAllTable(rapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate); 46 47 } 48 }
2. 新建MySQLCipherDatabaseDelegate继承RapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate,并实现以下的方法:
1 import android.database.Cursor; 2 import android.database.SQLException; 3 import com.wangjie.rapidorm.core.delegate.database.RapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate; 4 import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase; 5 6 /** 7 * Author: wangjie 8 * Email: tiantian.china.2@gmail.com 9 * Date: 8/17/15. 10 */ 11 public class MySQLCipherDatabaseDelegate extends RapidORMSQLiteDatabaseDelegate<SQLiteDatabase> { 12 public MySQLCipherDatabaseDelegate(SQLiteDatabase db) { 13 super(db); 14 } 15 16 @Override 17 public void execSQL(String sql) throws SQLException { 18 db.execSQL(sql); 19 } 20 21 @Override 22 public boolean isDbLockedByCurrentThread() { 23 return db.isDbLockedByCurrentThread(); 24 } 25 26 @Override 27 public void execSQL(String sql, Object[] bindArgs) throws Exception { 28 db.execSQL(sql, bindArgs); 29 } 30 31 @Override 32 public Cursor rawQuery(String sql, String[] selectionArgs) { 33 return db.rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs); 34 } 35 36 @Override 37 public void beginTransaction() { 38 db.beginTransaction(); 39 } 40 41 @Override 42 public void setTransactionSuccessful() { 43 db.setTransactionSuccessful(); 44 } 45 46 @Override 47 public void endTransaction() { 48 db.endTransaction(); 49 } 50 51 @Override 52 public void close() { 53 db.close(); 54 } 55 }
注意这里的import,这里的SQLiteDatabase需要导入 net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase 。
3. 新建MySQLCipherOpenHelperDelegate继承RapidORMDatabaseOpenHelperDelegate,实现如下方法:
1 import com.wangjie.rapidorm.core.delegate.openhelper.RapidORMDatabaseOpenHelperDelegate; 2 3 4 /** 5 * Author: wangjie 6 * Email: tiantian.china.2@gmail.com 7 * Date: 6/18/15. 8 */ 9 public class MySQLCipherOpenHelperDelegate extends RapidORMDatabaseOpenHelperDelegate<MySQLCipherOpenHelper, MySQLCipherOpenHelperDelegate> { 10 public MySQLCipherOpenHelperDelegate(MySQLCipherOpenHelper sqLiteOpenHelper) { 11 super(sqLiteOpenHelper); 12 } 13 14 public static final String SECRET_KEY = "1234567890abcdef"; 15 16 @Override 17 public MySQLCipherOpenHelperDelegate getReadableDatabase() { 18 return new MySQLCipherDatabaseDelegate(openHelper.getReadableDatabase(SECRET_KEY)); 19 } 20 21 @Override 22 public MySQLCipherOpenHelperDelegate getWritableDatabase() { 23 return new MySQLCipherDatabaseDelegate(openHelper.getWritableDatabase(SECRET_KEY)); 24 } 25 26 }
4. 在DatabaseFactory中使用SqlCipher版本:
1 /** 2 * Author: wangjie 3 * Email: tiantian.china.2@gmail.com 4 * Date: 6/25/15. 5 */ 6 public class DatabaseFactory extends RapidORMConnection<MySQLCipherOpenHelperDelegate> { 7 private static final int VERSION = 1; 8 9 private static DatabaseFactory instance; 10 11 public synchronized static DatabaseFactory getInstance() { 12 if (null == instance) { 13 instance = new DatabaseFactory(); 14 } 15 return instance; 16 } 17 18 private DatabaseFactory() { 19 super(); 20 } 21 22 @Override 23 protected MySQLCipherOpenHelperDelegate getRapidORMDatabaseOpenHelper(@NonNull String databaseName) { 24 return new MySQLCipherOpenHelperDelegate(new MySQLCipherOpenHelper(applicationContext, databaseName, VERSION)); 25 } 26 27 @Override 28 protected List<Class<?>> registerAllTableClass() { 29 List<Class<?>> allTableClass = new ArrayList<>(); 30 allTableClass.add(Person.class); 31 // register all table class here... 32 return allTableClass; 33 } 34 }
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