Su Doku (Japanese meaning number place) is the name given to a popular puzzle concept. Its origin is unclear, but credit must be attributed to Leonhard Euler who invented a similar, and much more difficult, puzzle idea called Latin Squares. The objective of Su Doku puzzles, however, is to replace the blanks (or zeros) in a 9 by 9 grid in such that each row, column, and 3 by 3 box contains each of the digits 1 to 9. Below is an example of a typical starting puzzle grid and its solution grid.
A well constructed Su Doku puzzle has a unique solution and can be solved by logic, although it may be necessary to employ “guess and test” methods in order to eliminate options (there is much contested opinion over this). The complexity of the search determines the difficulty of the puzzle; the example above is consideredeasy because it can be solved by straight forward direct deduction.
The 6K text file, sudoku.txt(right click and ‘Save Link/Target As…’), contains fifty different Su Doku puzzles ranging in difficulty, but all with unique solutions (the first puzzle in the file is the example above).
By solving all fifty puzzles find the sum of the 3-digit numbers found in the top left corner of each solution grid; for example, 483 is the 3-digit number found in the top left corner of the solution grid above.
package Level3; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class PE096{ public static void run() throws IOException{ ArrayList<int[][]> sudoku= getSudoku(); int[][] sd = sudoku.get(0); int result = 0; for(int index=0;index<sudoku.size();index++){ sd = sudoku.get(index); solvesudoku(sd,0); result += sd[0][0]*100+sd[0][1]*10+sd[0][2]; } System.out.println(result); } // 24702 // running time=0s515ms public static boolean solvesudoku(int[][] sd,int index){ if(index >= 81) return true; int x = index/9; int y = index%9; if(sd[x][y]==0){ for(int n=1;n<=9;n++){ sd[x][y] = n; if(CheckrowAndcol(sd,x,y,n) && CheckGrid(sd,x,y,n)) if(solvesudoku(sd,index+1)) return true; sd[x][y] = 0; } }else return solvesudoku(sd,index+1); return false; } // 判断 n 所在的行列是否包含 n public static boolean CheckrowAndcol(int[][] sd,int x ,int y,int n){ // x 行 for(int j=0;j<9;j++){ if(j!=y && sd[x][j] ==n ) return false; } // y列 for(int i=0;i<9;i++){ if(i!=x && sd[i][y]==n ) return false; } return true; } // 判断所在的方格是否包含 n public static boolean CheckGrid(int[][] sd,int x,int y,int n){ // 根据x y的坐标求其所在方格的左上坐标和右下坐标表示不好想。 for(int i = (x/3)*3;i<(x/3+1)*3;i++){ for(int j=(y/3)*3;j<(y/3+1)*3;j++){ if(i!=x && j!=y && sd[i][j]==n) return false; } } return true; } public static ArrayList<int[][]> getSudoku() throws IOException{ ArrayList<int[][]> sudoku= new ArrayList<int[][]>(); int[][] sd = new int[9][9]; String filename = "src/Level3/p096_sudoku.txt"; BufferedReader data = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String tmp = null; // 第几个数独 int index = 0; // 读取到数独的某行 int row = 0; while((tmp=data.readLine())!=null){ String grid=tmp.substring(0,4); if(grid.equals("Grid")){ if(index!=0){ sudoku.add(sd); } index++; row =0; sd = new int[9][9]; }else{ String[] arrayStr = tmp.trim().split(""); for(int i=0;i<9;i++){ sd[row][i] = Integer.parseInt(arrayStr[i+1]); } row++; } } //最后一个数独 sudoku.add(sd); return sudoku; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); run(); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long t = t1 - t0; System.out.println("running time="+t/1000+"s"+t%1000+"ms"); } }
# coding=gbk import copy import time as time filePath = 'E:/java/projecteuler/src/Level3/p096_sudoku.txt' dim = 9 # 判断数独的合法性 def assert_sudoku(puzzle): # 行列 for i in range(dim): seen_row = [] seen_col = [] for j in range(dim): if (puzzle[i][j] and puzzle[i][j] in seen_row) or(puzzle[j][i] and puzzle[j][i] in seen_col): return False seen_row.append(puzzle[i][j]) seen_col.append(puzzle[j][i]) # 方格 for boxIDX in range(3): for boxIDY in range(3): seen = [] for boxX in range(3): for boxY in range(3): value = puzzle[3*boxIDX + boxX][3*boxIDY + boxY] if value and value in seen: return False seen.append(value) return True def find_empty_cell(puzzle): empty_cells_col = [0]*dim empty_cells_row = [0]*dim for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): if puzzle[i][j] == 0: empty_cells_col[i] +=1 if puzzle[j][i] == 0: empty_cells_row[i] +=1 empty_cells = [] for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): if puzzle[i][j] ==0: empty_cells.append([[i,j],min(empty_cells_row[j],empty_cells_col[i])]) if len(empty_cells) == 0: return [] best_empty_cell = min(empty_cells, key=lambda x: x[1]) return best_empty_cell[0] def solve(puzzle): empty_cell = find_empty_cell(puzzle) if len(empty_cell) == 0: return puzzle for value in range(1, dim+1, 1): new_puzzle = copy.deepcopy(puzzle) new_puzzle[empty_cell[0]][empty_cell[1]] = value if not assert_sudoku(new_puzzle): continue new_puzzle = solve(new_puzzle) if len(new_puzzle) == 0: continue else: return new_puzzle return [] def main(): file = open(filePath, "r") data = file.readlines() data = [row.strip() for row in data] row_id = 0 puzzle_id = 0 result = 0 while row_id < len(data): assert(data[row_id] == "Grid {:0>2d}".format(puzzle_id + 1)) # print(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ") + data[row_id]) row_id += 1 puzzle = [] for puzzle_row_id in range(dim): puzzle.append([]) for col_id in range(dim): puzzle[-1].append(int(data[row_id+puzzle_row_id][col_id])) puzzle = solve(puzzle) result += int("{}{}{}".format(*puzzle[0])) row_id += dim puzzle_id += 1 print(result) t0 = time.time() main() t1 = time.time() print "running time=",(t1-t0),"s" # 24702 # running time= 117.409999847 s