【原创】Maven cobertura整合多个子项目下的单测覆盖率报告

今天在调试一个UT job的时候发现找不到cobertural报告文件,后来发现在Maven的自项目里找到了对应的代码覆盖率报告,但都是是分散在每个子项目下面的,看起来很不方便。就在想是不是可以把这些报告都汇集到一起呢?结果还真是被我在stackoverflow里找到了。下面是原帖内容,我就一并粘过来吧:

The plugin has been updated since this question was asked (and last answered) to now enable aggregated reporting, via the aggregate configuration property in the parent POM.

This produces the aggregated coverage report at target/site/cobertura/index.html which will include all modules.

(Each module will also have it's own report produced, if that is of any use.)

Parent pom.xml



posted @ 2015-03-08 18:05  mark..  阅读(1789)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报