1. 判断是否有环,首先想到的思路是利用Hashmap存储访问过的节点,然后每次访问下一个节点前先判断节点是否在Hashmap中存在。
X*t-Y*t = n*C --> t= n*C / (X-Y) -->需保证t(多少次)是正整数,所以 X-Y = 1。
指针移动的次数为 (X+Y)*t = (X+Y)*n*C / (X-Y) -->使移动次数最少, 即X+Y最少,所以X=2,Y=1
2. 求环的长度,只要ptr_fast,ptr_slow在环中再走一次,再次相遇所需要的操作数便是环的长度。需注意,由于X = 2Y,所以再次相遇的点与首次相遇的点是同一个节点。
3. 找出环的入口节点。有定理:相遇点到入口点的距离 = 头节点到入口点的距离,因此令ptr_fast重新指向链表的头节点,然后ptr_fast和ptr_slow同时一次移动一步,当ptr_slow和ptr_fast再次重合时该节点指针就是环的入口节点指针。
当ptr_fast若与ptr_slow相遇时,ptr_slow肯定没有走遍历完链表,而ptr_fast已经在环内循环了n圈(1<=n)。假设ptr_slow走了s步,则ptr_fast走了2s步(ptr_fast步数还等于s 加上在环上多转的n圈),设环长为r,则:
2s = s + nr
s= nr
a + x = s = nr
a + x = (n – 1)r +r = (n-1)r + L - a
a = (n-1)r + (L – a – x)
(L – a – x)为相遇点到环入口点的距离,由此可知,从链表头到环入口点等于(n-1)循环内环+相遇点到环入口点。
4. 求整个带环链表长度。根据第2问环的长度和第3问头结点到环入口的距离,即可得到整个带环链表的长度。
1 #include "stdafx.h" 2 #include <iostream> 3 4 using namespace std; 5 6 //the length of circum 7 const int length = 22; 8 //define the starting node of loop 9 const int circularNum = 11; 10 11 struct node{ 12 int value; 13 struct node *next; 14 }; 15 16 17 /** Create linklist containing nodes with value from 0 to length 18 * parameter: num, which the last pointer points to, in order to create circular linklist 19 */ 20 node *createCircularLinklist(int num){ 21 22 node *head,*last,*p,*temp; 23 head=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); 24 last=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); 25 26 for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ 27 p=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); 28 p->value = i; 29 p->next = NULL; 30 if(i==0) 31 head->next = p; 32 if(i==num) 33 temp = p; //if(i=num) temp = p; low-level mistake! 34 last->next = p; 35 last = p; 36 } 37 38 last->next = temp; //last points to the temp to create circum 39 40 return head->next; 41 } 42 43 //print linklist 44 void traverse(node *ptr){ 45 int count = 0; 46 while(ptr!=NULL){ 47 if(count>length) break; 48 cout<<ptr->value; 49 if(ptr->next!=NULL) cout<<" -> "; 50 ptr=ptr->next; 51 count++; 52 } 53 cout<<endl; 54 } 55 56 /** 57 * 1.Judge if the linklist is circular 58 2.Find the length of circum and the linklist 59 3.Find the starting node 60 */ 61 int isCircular(node *list){ 62 bool isLoop = false; 63 if(list==NULL) return -1; 64 node *ptr_fast,*ptr_slow; 65 ptr_fast = list; 66 ptr_slow = list; 67 68 while(ptr_fast->next && ptr_fast->next->next){ 69 ptr_fast = ptr_fast->next->next; 70 ptr_slow = ptr_slow->next; 71 72 if(ptr_fast==ptr_slow){ 73 isLoop = true; 74 cout<<"It's Circular!"<<" Meeting at: "<<ptr_fast->value<<endl; 75 break; 76 } 77 } 78 79 if(!isLoop){ 80 cout<<"It's not Circular!"<<endl; 81 return -1; 82 } 83 84 //Find the length of circular 85 int length = 0; 86 while(ptr_fast->next && ptr_fast->next->next){ 87 ptr_fast = ptr_fast->next->next; 88 ptr_slow = ptr_slow->next; 89 length++; 90 if(ptr_fast==ptr_slow){ 91 cout<<"The length: "<<length<<" Meeting at: "<<ptr_fast->value<<endl; 92 break; 93 } 94 } 95 96 //Find the starting node of circular 97 ptr_fast = list; 98 int len = 0; 99 while(ptr_fast!=ptr_slow){ 100 ptr_fast = ptr_fast->next; 101 ptr_slow = ptr_slow->next; 102 len++; 103 } 104 cout<<"Starting node: "<<ptr_fast->value<<endl; 105 cout<<"lenght of link: "<<len+length<<endl; 106 107 108 } 109 110 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) 111 { 112 node *list = createCircularLinklist(circularNum); 113 traverse(list); 114 isCircular(list); 115 return 0; 116 }