synchronization objects for interprocess synchronization and multi-threadiing

线程间、进程间的同步是通过称为“信号量”signal的一类对象来实现的。下面是一个来自msdn的natice code world的列表:


Name Relative speed Cross process Resource counting Supported platforms
Critical Section Fast No No (exclusive access) 9x/NT/CE
Mutex Slow Yes No (exclusive access) 9x/NT/CE
Semaphore Slow Yes Automatic 9x/NT
Event Slow Yes Yes 9x/NT/CE
Metered Section Fast Yes Automatic 9x/NT/CE


1. 如果是进程内同步线程,用critical section,因为他fast。

2. 如果是需要对shared resources做最大值限制,用semaphore。(msdn:A semaphore object is a synchronization object that maintains a count between zero and a specified maximum value. The count is decremented each time a thread completes a wait for the semaphore object and incremented each time a thread releases the semaphore. )

3. interprocess同步,用mutex,sepaphore之类。

4. Event,有两类:manuaset和autoset。可以用来精准控制线程的执行次序。

参考文章:Introduction to Multi-threaded Code

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