Guice vs Dependency Injection By Hand

As you can see, Guice saves you from having to write factory classes. You don't
have to write explicit code wiring clients to their dependencies. If you forget to
provide a dependency, Guice fails at startup.
Guice handles circular dependencies
Guice enables you to specify scopes declaratively. For example, you don't have to
write the same code to store an object in the HttpSession over and over.
In the real world, you often don't know an implementation class until runtime.
You need meta factories or service locators for your factories. Guice addresses
these problems with minimal effort.
When injecting dependencies by hand, you can easily slip back into old habits and
introduce direct dependencies, especially if you're new to the concept of
dependency injection. Using Guice turns the tables and makes doing the right
thing easier. Guice helps keep you on track.

posted @ 2008-05-15 21:59  能巴  阅读(244)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报