mybatisz中一个可以替代between..and 的技巧

用mybatis进行时间段筛选时,如果,查询本日,本月的信息量,我们可以使用like concat()函数来替换between..and

<select id="queryMyStaffByShopId" parameterType="map" resultType="">
select staffid, b.avatar_url avatarUrl,b.nick_name name,(
select count(1) from shop_fans c
where c.promoter=a.uuid and a.shop_id=c.shop_id
<if test="createTime != null">
and c.create_time like concat ('%','${createTime}','%')
) totalCount
from user_staff a join user_info b
on a.uuid = b.unionid
where a.shop_id =#{shopId} and a.is_delete=0
<if test="name !=null">
and b.nick_name like concat ('%','${name}','%')
order by totalCount desc

posted on 2018-09-28 12:30  四六之间  阅读(3368)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报