

Hive 中的分区就是分目录,把一个大的数据集根据业务需要分割成更下的数据集。


1. 如何定义分区,创建分区 

hive> create table test(name string,sex int) partitioned by (birth string, age string);
Time taken: 0.044 seconds

hive> alter table test  add partition (birth='1980', age ='30');

Time taken: 0.079 seconds

hive> alter table test  add partition (birth='1981', age ='29');

Time taken: 0.052 seconds

hive> alter table test  add partition (birth='1982', age ='28');

Time taken: 0.056 seconds

hive> show partitions test;
birth=1980/age =30

birth=1981/age =29

birth=1982/age =28


2. 如何删除分区

hive> alter table test drop partition (birth='1980',age='30');

3. 加载数据到指定分区

load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/data.log' overwrite into table 

test partition(birth='1980-01-01',age='30');

创建分区原则: 最少粒度原则


4 向partition_test的分区中插入数据:

hive> insert overwrite table partition_test partition(stat_date='20110728',province='henan') select member_id,name from partition_test_input where stat_date='20110728' and province='henan';


5 还可以同时向多个分区插入数据,0.7版本以后不存在的分区会自动创建,0.6之前的版本官方文档上说必须要预先创建好分区:
> from partition_test_input
> insert overwrite table partition_test partition (stat_date='20110526',province='liaoning')
> select member_id,name where stat_date='20110526' and province='liaoning'
> insert overwrite table partition_test partition (stat_date='20110728',province='sichuan')
> select member_id,name where stat_date='20110728' and province='sichuan'
> insert overwrite table partition_test partition (stat_date='20110728',province='heilongjiang')
> select member_id,name where stat_date='20110728' and province='heilongjiang';
Total MapReduce jobs = 4


posted @ 2012-08-10 12:02  subsir  阅读(6228)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报