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Dependencies and prerequisites 依赖关系和先决条件

  • Basic knowledge of the Activity lifecycle (see Managing the Activity Lifecycle).
    Activity 生命周期的基础知识(见 管理Activity生命周期)
  • Experience building XML layouts.
    构建XML 布局的经验。

You should also read 你也应该阅读

Try it out 尝试

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To create a dynamic and multi-pane user interface on Android, you need to encapsulate UI components and activity behaviors into modules that you can swap into and out of your activities. You can create these modules with the Fragment class, which behaves somewhat like a nested activity that can define its own layout and manage its own lifecycle.


When a fragment specifies its own layout, it can be configured in different combinations with other fragments inside an activity to modify your layout configuration for different screen sizes (a small screen might show one fragment at a time, but a large screen can show two or more).


This class shows you how to create a dynamic user experience with fragments and optimize your app's user experience for devices with different screen sizes, all while continuing to support devices running versions as old as Android 1.6.
这节课将向你展示如何用fragment创建一个动态的用户体验,并在不同屏幕尺寸的设备上优化您应用程序的用户体验,同时继续支持在Android 1.6一样老的版本上运行。


Lessons 课程

Using the Android Support Library
使用 Android 支持库
Learn how to use more recent framework APIs in earlier versions of Android by bundling the Android Support Library into your app.
Creating a Fragment
Learn how to build a fragment and implement basic behaviors within its callback methods.
学习如何构建一个fragment 并用其回调方法实现其基本行为。
Building a Flexible UI
Learn how to build your app with layouts that provide different fragment configurations for different screens.
Communicating with Other Fragments
Learn how to set up communication paths from a fragment to the activity and other fragments.

posted on 2012-08-21 13:49  梵谷星辰  阅读(2069)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
