本文主要介绍Windows Azure CLI对ASM及ARM资源的基本操作




2.可以通过命令:azure config mode arm,进行ASM模式与ARM模式的切换

PS C:\Users\stone> azure config mode arm
info:    Executing command config mode
info:    New mode is arm
info:    config mode command OK


3.通过命令:azure login -e AzureChinaCloud,按照提示登陆Azure账号

PS C:\Users\stone> azure login -e AzureChinaCloud
info:    Executing command login
- Authenticating...info:    To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://aka.ms/deviceloginchina and enter the code ****** to authenticate.
info:    login command OK


4.查看当前账号的订阅信息,命令:azure account list


5.设定预操作的指定订阅,命令:azure account set ******


6.查看当前订阅的虚拟机信息,命令:azure vm list


7.查看当前订阅存储账号的信息,命令:azure storage account list


8.查找一个陌生的操作命令,示例:azure storage -h

posted on 2017-09-13 15:46  铭的随记  阅读(310)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报