  What a nice it is./U a chicken./A lovely day,isnot it?
  He is collecting money./He was born in New York./He wasnot a bit tired.
  Whatever u say./We have thirty minutes to kill.  key words and expressions:
  companion   同伴,共事者           economise         使节约,节俭
  hostess     女主人,女房东          from time to time 有进
  next to     几乎                            reflect to        思考,反省,怀疑
  unsmiling   不笑的,严肃的         dinner party      宴会
  despair     绝望,失望                  in despair        绝望
  deadly      致命的,势不两立的  take one's seat   坐下
  annoyed    使苦恼,骚扰             in any case       无论如何
  inflation    通货膨胀,胀大

  The post office is next to the hotel.    //紧挨着
  She fixed her eyes on the painting.      //凝视
  Next to your mother,who do u love most?  //除了
  I know next to nothing about him.       //几乎
  They u busy preparing for this evening's party.  //忙着准备  busy doing sth.


  If I were u,I would probably tell hime te truth.
  It it were not for u,I wouldnot do this.
  If u saw him now,u wouldnot recognize him.
  Would he get annoyed if I told him about it?
  If I had known that,I wouldnot have supported him.
  He could have come if his car hadnot broken down on the road.
  It would have been different if U had helped.

posted on 2007-09-23 18:03  晓木  阅读(288)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报