  He lacks courage./U can make it./Control yourself.
  I donot mean it./I will fix u up./It sounds great.
  He is ill in bed./So far so good./
  Something is come up./Let's get to the point./Keep that in mind. 

key words and expressions:
  Holland           荷兰                      netherlander      荷兰人
  courage           勇气,精神             lack              缺乏
  fix up            安排,打点,修理      dream of          梦想,幻想(后跟动名词)
  concentrate       集中,浓缩           stranger          陌生人,门外汉
  The Channel = The English Channel   英吉利海峡
  a bit = a little  少量的                   regularly        定期的,有规则的
  withdraw          收回,撤消            insist           坚持,强调
  novel             小说,新奇的           Dickens          狄更斯
  pen pal           笔友                       pal              好朋友,伙伴,同志
  irresponsible     不负责任的,不可靠的

  Slow down a bit,plz./I'm a bit tired tonight.
  I never dreamed of meeting u here./She dreamed of living in that beautiful house.
  I am feeling a little cold./He is a lillte over forty.
  This compute cost me a lot of money./I spent a lot of money of this bottle.

  withdraw from/be base on/put into/protect from
  think of/throw into/fix up/write to/receive from
  decide to/warn of/count on/congratulate on/insist on
  I withdrew a lot of money from the bank yesterday.
  I insist on your telling me the truth.
  I warned him the danger,but he wouldnot listen to me.
  I suppose I can count on u for help in this matter.
  Plz concentrate on what u r doing.

posted on 2007-08-21 09:24  晓木  阅读(322)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报