  Help yourself/Enjoy yourself/Who is calling?/I am on a diet.
  U set me up/Can I help u?/u did right/Keep in touch/Time is money
  Give me a hand/How is it going?/I donot have any idea(I have no idea)
  She never showed up./I couldnot get throught./That is not like him.

key words and expressions:
  fisherman       渔夫,渔民               talkative        多话的,多嘴的
  realize         意识到,实现               lung             肺,呼吸器
  cancer          癌                             a waste of time  浪费时间
  boot            靴子                          diet             食物,协议
  apologize       道歉,辩白               zen              禅
  show up         揭露,露面              get throught     到达,成为,获得
  give up         放弃,认输,抛弃       at a time        每次,在某时
  by the time     在那个时候           punish           处罚,处罚

  He is getting less talkative than usual.
  I'm not even as lucky as they r. == I am even less lucky.
  I realize that it is very late now.
  He has realized his dream.
  They do not catch fish,instead  they catch old boots and rubbish.
  He ordered chicken instead of fish.
  Do not give up hope./U should give up smoking.

  Shopping is fun for many women.
  Smoking can cause lung cancer.
  After talking to her,I felt better.
  I apologize for interrupting u.
  I am only interested in sitting in the boat and doing nothing at all.

posted on 2007-08-16 09:39  晓木  阅读(349)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报