Step By Step(Java 反射篇)
1. 类属性反射:
1) 反射类的名字:
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 String str = "Hello";
3 //1. 获取Java对象的类对象(Class),也可以通过class域字段直接获取,如:
4 //c = str.class;
5 Class<? extends String> c = str.getClass();
6 //2. 获取Java对象的字符串表示的名称
7 System.out.println(c.getName());
8 }
9 /* 输出结果如下:
10 java.lang.String
11 */
2) 通过表示类名称的字符串获取该类的对象实例:
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 try {
3 //1. 通过表示类名的字符串,获取该类的类对象(描述String的类metadata信息)
4 Class<?> cls = Class.forName("java.lang.String");
5 //2. 再通过Class<String>对象的newInstance方法来构造
6 //String的实例,这样要求被实例化的类带有缺省构造函数。
7 //因为newInstance方法只有这一种签名方式。
8 String s = (String) cls.newInstance();
9 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
10 e.printStackTrace();
11 } catch (InstantiationException e) {
12 e.printStackTrace();
13 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
14 e.printStackTrace();
15 }
16 }
3) 反射类的修饰符:
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 String str = "Hello";
3 Class<? extends String> c = str.getClass();
4 //获取的类在声明时定义的修饰符,既该类是否为public、final和abstract
5 int m = c.getModifiers();
6 if (Modifier.isPublic(m))
7 System.out.println("public");
8 if (Modifier.isAbstract(m))
9 System.out.println("abstract");
10 if (Modifier.isFinal(m))
11 System.out.println("final");
12 }
13 /* 输出结果如下:
14 public
15 final
16 */
4) 获取类的域字段、构造函数和域方法的访问修饰符信息:
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String[] args) {
3 MyTest pp = new MyTest();
4 pp.doClass("java.lang.String");
5 }
6 protected void doClass(String className) {
7 try {
8 Class<?> c = Class.forName(className);
9 System.out.println(Modifier.toString(c.getModifiers()) + ' ' + c + " {");
10 //通过类的metadata属性信息,获取类的域字段,但是不包括超类中的字段
11 //这其中getFields()方法将仅仅返回当前类的public域字段
12 Field fields[] = c.getDeclaredFields();
13 for (Field f : fields) {
14 if (Modifier.isPrivate(f.getModifiers())) {
15 System.out.println("Field '" + f.getName() + "' is private.");
16 } else if (Modifier.isProtected(f.getModifiers())) {
17 System.out.println("Field '" + f.getName() + "' is protected.");
18 } else if (Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())) {
19 System.out.println("Field '" + f.getName() + "' is public.");
20 } else if (Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers())) {
21 System.out.println("Field '" + f.getName() + "' is final.");
22 } else if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) {
23 System.out.println("Field '" + f.getName() + "' is static.");
24 }
25 }
26 //获取类的构造函数,getConstructors仅仅返回该类的public构造函数。
27 //如果希望获得全部的构造函数,调用getDeclaredConstructors
28 Constructor<?>[] constructors = c.getConstructors();
29 for (Constructor<?> ctor : constructors) {
30 if (Modifier.isProtected(ctor.getModifiers())) {
31 System.out.println("Constructor '" + ctor.getName() + "' is protected.");
32 } else if (Modifier.isPrivate(ctor.getModifiers())) {
33 System.out.println("Constructor '" + ctor.getName() + "' is private.");
34 } else if (Modifier.isPublic(ctor.getModifiers())) {
35 System.out.println("Constructor '" + ctor.getName() + "' is public.");
36 }
37 }
38 //获取类中声明的域方法,但是不包含超类中的方法。
39 //这其中getMethods()方法将仅仅返回当前类的public域方法
40 Method methods[] = c.getDeclaredMethods();
41 for (Method m : methods) {
42 if (Modifier.isProtected(m.getModifiers())) {
43 System.out.println("Method '" + m.getName() + "' is protected.");
44 } else if (Modifier.isPrivate(m.getModifiers())) {
45 System.out.println("Method '" + m.getName() + "' is private.");
46 } else if (Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())) {
47 System.out.println("Method '" + m.getName() + "' is public.");
48 } else if (Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())) {
49 System.out.println("Method '" + m.getName() + "' is static.");
50 } else if (Modifier.isNative(m.getModifiers())) {
51 System.out.println("Method '" + m.getName() + "' is native.");
52 } else if (Modifier.isAbstract(m.getModifiers())) {
53 System.out.println("Method '" + m.getName() + "' is abstract.");
54 } else if (Modifier.isFinal(m.getModifiers())) {
55 System.out.println("Method '" + m.getName() + "' is final.");
56 }
57 }
58 System.out.println("}");
59 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
60 System.err.println("Error: Class " + className + " not found!");
61 } catch (Exception e) {
62 System.err.println(e);
63 }
64 }
65 }
5) 获取超类的名称:
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 Class<?> subclass = LinkedList.class;
3 //获取超类的Class对象。
4 Class<?> superclass = subclass.getSuperclass();
5 while (superclass != null) {
6 String className = superclass.getName();
7 System.out.println(className);
8 subclass = superclass;
9 superclass = subclass.getSuperclass();
10 }
11 }
12 /* 输出结果如下:
13 java.util.AbstractSequentialList
14 java.util.AbstractList
15 java.util.AbstractCollection
16 java.lang.Object
17 */
6) 获取实现的接口:
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 Class<?>[] interfaces = LinkedList.class.getInterfaces();
3 if ((interfaces != null) && (interfaces.length > 0)) {
4 if (LinkedList.class.isInterface())
5 System.out.print(" extends ");
6 else
7 System.out.print(" implements ");
8 for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
9 if (i > 0)
10 System.out.print(", ");
11 System.out.print(interfaces[i].getName());
12 }
13 }
14 }
15 /* 输出结果如下:
16 implements java.util.List, java.util.Deque, java.lang.Cloneable,
17 */
7) 获取包名:
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 System.out.println(String.class.getPackage().getName());
3 }
4 /* 输出结果如下:
5 java.lang
6 */
2. 基于数组的反射:
1) 通过反射创建数组实例:
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 int[] dim1 = { 5 };
3 //通过Array的newInstance方法构造新的数组实例,这里的dim1定义了
4 //oneDimA的维度,以及在该维度内的长度
5 int[] oneDimA = (int[]) Array.newInstance(int.class, dim1);
6 //第二个参数定义了一维数组的长度
7 int[] oneDimB = (int[]) Array.newInstance(int.class, 5);
8 System.out.println("The length of oneDimA is " + oneDimA.length);
9 System.out.println("The length of oneDimB is " + oneDimB.length);
10 if (Arrays.equals(oneDimA, oneDimB))
11 System.out.println("OneDimA is equal to oneDimB");
13 int[] dimStr = { 5, 10 };
14 //这里通过dimStr来定义一个5*10的二维String数组。
15 String[][] twoDimStr = (String[][]) Array.newInstance(String.class,dimStr);
16 System.out.println("The length of twoDimStr is " + twoDimStr.length);
17 for (int i = 0; i < twoDimStr.length; ++i) {
18 System.out.print(twoDimStr[i].length + "\t");
19 }
20 }
21 /* 输出结果如下:
22 The length of oneDimA is 5
23 The length of oneDimB is 5
24 OneDimA is equal to oneDimB
25 The length of twoDimStr is 5
26 10 10 10 10 10
27 */
2) 获取原始类型和原始类型数组的类型名称:
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 System.out.println(int.class.getName());
3 System.out.println(int[].class.getName());
4 System.out.println(byte.class.getName());
5 System.out.println(byte[].class.getName());
6 }
7 /* 输出结果如下:
8 int
9 [I
10 byte
11 [B
12 */
3) 判断当前对象是否为数组:
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 Object o = new int[10];
3 boolean b = o.getClass().isArray();
4 if (b) {
5 System.out.println("object is an array");
6 }
7 }
8 /* 输出结果如下:
9 object is an array
10 */
4) 获取数组的维度:
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String[] args) {
3 Object o = new int[1][2][3];
4 System.out.println("The length is " + Array.getLength(o));
5 System.out.println("The Dimension is " + getDim(o));
6 }
7 public static int getDim(Object array) {
8 int dim = 0;
9 Class<?> cls = array.getClass();
10 while (cls.isArray()) {
11 ++dim;
12 //getComponentType获取数组元素的Class对象,
13 //如果不是数组返回null。
14 cls = cls.getComponentType();
15 }
16 return dim;
17 }
18 }
19 /* 输出结果如下:
20 The length is 1
21 The Dimension is 3
22 */
5) 通过反射填充和显示数组元素:
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String args[]) {
3 Object array = Array.newInstance(int.class, 3);
4 fillArray(array);
5 displayArray(array);
6 }
7 private static void fillArray(Object array) {
8 //这里是通过反射的方式获取数组的长度,效率会低于
9 //通过数组对象的length方法获取,因此这里的例子缓存
10 //了该长度,而不是直接放到for循环的第二个表达式
11 int length = Array.getLength(array);
12 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
13 //设置array数组的第i个元素的值为i*i。
14 Array.setInt(array, i, i*i);
15 }
16 }
17 private static void displayArray(Object array) {
18 int length = Array.getLength(array);
19 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
20 //获取array数组的第i个元素,并返回int值。
21 int value = Array.getInt(array, i);
22 System.out.println("Position: " + i + ", value: " + value);
23 }
24 }
25 }
26 /* 输出结果如下:
27 Position: 0, value: 0
28 Position: 1, value: 1
29 Position: 2, value: 4
30 */
6) 基于数组对象再通过反射的机制创建一个相同的数组对象:
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String args[]) {
3 int[] ints = new int[2];
4 Object ret = buildNewArrayWithReflection(ints);
5 if (ret != null) {
6 Arrays.equals(ints, (int[])ret);
7 System.out.println("The both array are equal.");
8 }
9 }
10 private static Object buildNewArrayWithReflection(Object source) {
11 if (!source.getClass().isArray()) {
12 System.out.println("The argument is NOT an array.");
13 return null;
14 }
15 Class<?> arrayClass = source.getClass();
16 String arrayName = arrayClass.getName();
17 Class<?> componentClass = arrayClass.getComponentType();
18 String componentName = componentClass.getName();
19 System.out.println("Array: " + arrayName + ", Component: " + componentName);
20 int length = Array.getLength(source);
21 Object ret = Array.newInstance(componentClass, length);
22 System.arraycopy(source, 0, ret, 0, length);
23 return ret;
24 }
25 }
26 /* 输出结果如下:
27 Array: [I, Component: int
28 The both array are equal.
29 */
3. 基于对象域字段的反射:
1) 列出对象的public域字段和所有声明的域字段(不包含超类的):
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String args[]) {
3 Class<Point> cls = java.awt.Point.class;
4 Field[] fieldPublic = cls.getFields();
5 System.out.println("Here are public fields.");
6 for (Field f : fieldPublic) {
7 System.out.println(f.getType());
8 }
9 Field[] fieldDeclared = cls.getDeclaredFields();
10 System.out.println("Here are all declared fields including private "
11 + "and static and protect.");
12 for (Field f : fieldDeclared) {
13 System.out.println(f.getType());
14 }
15 }
16 }
17 /* 输出结果如下:
18 Here are public fields.
19 int
20 int
21 Here are all declared fields including private and static and protect.
22 int
23 int
24 long
25 */
2) 基于域字段的字符串名称获取该域字段的值:
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
3 Object o = new TestClass();
4 //根据域字段的字符串名字反射出与该字段对应Field类对象。
5 Field field = o.getClass().getField("firstValue");
6 //获取该域字段类型的Class对象。
7 Class<?> type = field.getType();
8 //根据域字段的类型,调用Field.getXxx()方法获取该对象域字段的值。
9 if (type.toString().equals("double"))
10 System.out.println(field.getDouble(o));
11 else if (type.toString().equals("int"))
12 System.out.println(field.getInt(o));
13 }
14 }
16 class TestClass {
17 public double firstValue = 3.14;
18 }
19 /* 输出结果如下:
20 3.14
21 */
3) 获取和设置指定域字段的值:
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
3 Bean demo = new Bean();
4 Class<? extends Bean> cl = demo.getClass();
6 Field field = cl.getField("id");
7 field.set(demo, new Long(10));
8 Object value = field.get(demo);
9 System.out.println("Value = " + value);
11 field = cl.getField("now");
12 field.set(null, new Date());
13 value = field.get(null);
14 System.out.println("Value = " + value);
15 }
16 }
17 class Bean {
18 public static Date now;
19 public Long id;
20 public String name;
21 }
22 /* 输出结果如下:
23 Value = 10
24 Value = Sun Sep 04 11:38:15 CST 2011
25 */
4. 泛型信息的反射:
1) 获取类的泛型接口信息
1 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
2 Class<?> c = Class.forName("java.util.ArrayList");
3 System.out.format("Class:%n %s%n", c.getCanonicalName());
4 System.out.format("Modifiers:%n %s%n",
5 Modifier.toString(c.getModifiers()));
7 System.out.format("Type Parameters:%n");
8 //获取该泛型类的类型参数数组
9 TypeVariable[] tv = c.getTypeParameters();
10 if (tv.length != 0) {
11 System.out.format(" ");
12 for (TypeVariable t : tv)
13 System.out.format("%s ", t.getName());
14 System.out.println();
15 } else {
16 System.out.format(" -- No Type Parameters --%n%n");
17 }
19 System.out.format("Implemented Interfaces:%n");
20 //获取该类实现的接口,如果实现的接口为泛型接口,则打印出他的类型参数。
21 //getInterfaces()不会打印出类型参数。
22 Type[] intfs = c.getGenericInterfaces();
23 if (intfs.length != 0) {
24 for (Type intf : intfs)
25 System.out.format(" %s%n", intf.toString());
26 System.out.format("%n");
27 } else {
28 System.out.format(" -- No Implemented Interfaces --%n%n");
29 }
30 }
31 /* 输出结果如下:
32 Class:
33 java.util.ArrayList
34 Modifiers:
35 public
36 Type Parameters:
37 E
38 Implemented Interfaces:
39 java.util.List<E>
40 interface java.util.RandomAccess
41 interface java.lang.Cloneable
42 interface
43 */
2) 获取类的泛型接口、接口、泛型超类和超类信息的比较:
1 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
2 //1. 超类
3 Class<?> ts = TreeMap.class.getSuperclass();
4 System.out.println(ts + "\n");
5 //2. 如果超类为泛型类,输出该泛型超类的类型信息。
6 Type t = TreeMap.class.getGenericSuperclass();
7 System.out.println(t + "\n");
8 //3. 接口
9 Class<?>[] is = TreeMap.class.getInterfaces();
10 for (int i = 0; i < is.length; i++) {
11 System.out.println(is[i]);
12 }
13 System.out.println();
14 //2. 如果接口为泛型接口,输出该泛型接口的类型信息。
15 Type[] ts2 = TreeMap.class.getGenericInterfaces();
16 for (int i = 0; i < ts2.length; i++) {
17 System.out.println(ts2[i]);
18 }
19 }
20 /* 输出结果如下:
21 class java.util.AbstractMap
23 java.util.AbstractMap<K, V>
25 interface java.util.NavigableMap
26 interface java.lang.Cloneable
27 interface
29 java.util.NavigableMap<K, V>
30 interface java.lang.Cloneable
31 interface
32 */
3) 输出域方法的签名信息,包括返回值和参数列表的泛型类型信息:
1 import static java.lang.System.out;
2 public class MyTest {
3 private static final String fmt = "%24s: %s%n";
4 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
5 Class<?> c = Class.forName("java.util.ArrayList");
6 Method[] allMethods = c.getDeclaredMethods();
7 for (Method m : allMethods) {
8 //1. 获取域方法的完整描述,如果是泛型方法,则会给出类型信息
9 out.format("%s%n", m.toGenericString());
10 //2. 获取返回值类型
11 out.format(fmt, "ReturnType", m.getReturnType());
12 //3. 获取返回值类型,如为泛型类型,则打印出类型信息
13 out.format(fmt, "GenericReturnType", m.getGenericReturnType());
14 //4. 获取参数列表
15 Class<?>[] pType = m.getParameterTypes();
16 //5. 获取参数列表,如为泛型参数,则打印出类型信息
17 Type[] gpType = m.getGenericParameterTypes();
18 for (int i = 0; i < pType.length; i++) {
19 out.format(fmt, "ParameterType", pType[i]);
20 out.format(fmt, "GenericParameterType", gpType[i]);
21 }
22 }
23 }
24 }
25 /* 输出结果如下(由于输出较长,这里只是给出有代表性的输出):
26 ... ...
27 public void java.util.ArrayList.add(int,E)
28 ReturnType: void
29 GenericReturnType: void
30 ParameterType: int
31 GenericParameterType: int
32 ParameterType: class java.lang.Object
33 GenericParameterType: E
34 ... ...
35 public <T> T[] java.util.ArrayList.toArray(T[])
36 ReturnType: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
37 GenericReturnType: T[]
38 ParameterType: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
39 GenericParameterType: T[]
40 ... ...
41 */
4) 输出对象域字段的类型信息:
1 public class MyTest<T> {
2 public String name = "Alice";
3 public List<Integer> list;
4 public T val;
6 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
7 Class<?> c = Class.forName("MyTest");
8 for (Field f : c.getFields()) {
9 //getType和getGenericType之间的差异和上面用到的
10 //getReturnType和getGenericReturnType之间的差别相同
11 System.out.format("Type: %s%n", f.getType());
12 System.out.format("GenericType: %s%n", f.getGenericType());
13 }
14 }
15 }
16 /* 输出结果如下:
17 Type: class java.lang.String
18 GenericType: class java.lang.String
19 Type: interface java.util.List
20 GenericType: java.util.List<java.lang.Integer>
21 Type: class java.lang.Object
22 GenericType: T
23 */
5. 枚举的反射:
1) 获取枚举的常量列表:
1 import static java.lang.System.out;
2 public class MyTest {
3 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
4 //判断该类是否为枚举
5 if (!Eon.class.isEnum())
6 return;
7 Class<?> c = Eon.class;
8 out.format("Enum name: %s%nEnum constants: %s%n", c.getName(),
9 Arrays.asList(c.getEnumConstants()));
10 Eon[] vs = Eon.values();
11 for (Eon e : vs) {
12 out.println("The name is " + + "\tThe ordinal is " + e.ordinal());
13 }
14 }
15 }
17 enum Eon {
19 }
20 /* 输出结果如下:
21 Enum name: Eon
23 The name is HADEAN The ordinal is 0
24 The name is ARCHAEAN The ordinal is 1
25 The name is PROTEROZOIC The ordinal is 2
26 The name is PHANEROZOIC The ordinal is 3
27 */
6. 域方法的反射:
1) 通过类构造器的反射对象构造新实例:
1 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
2 //根据构造函数的参数列表获取Point类的带有该参数列表的构造函数的反射类
3 //该构造函数的原型为Point(int x,int y);
4 Constructor<Point> con = Point.class.getConstructor(new Class[] {
5 int.class, int.class });
6 //由于参数必须是Object的数组表示,因此对于Point构造的两个
7 //int参数,只能使用他们的包括类Integer.
8 Point obj = (Point) con.newInstance(new Object[] {
9 new Integer(123), new Integer(123) });
10 System.out.println(obj);
11 }
12 /* 输出结果如下:
13 java.awt.Point[x=123,y=123]
14 */
2) 通过域方法的名称和参数列表签名获取并执行该方法(静态方法):
1 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
2 //通过方法名称和参数列表签名获取类的静态域方法。
3 Method m = Math.class.getMethod("sqrt", new Class[] { double.class });
4 //由于是静态方法,第一个参数传null,如是是非静态函数,可以
5 //该参数看成this引用,传递对象即可,后面的参数列表表示该
6 //反射方法的参数列表。这里Math.sqrt只有一个double类型的
7 //参数。invoke的返回值只能是Object类型,因此也只能先将其
8 //转换为原始类型的包装类型,在从包装类型获取原始类型。
9 Double o = (Double)m.invoke(null, 10);
10 System.out.println(o.doubleValue());
11 }
12 /* 输出结果如下:
13 3.1622776601683795
14 */
3) 通过域方法的名称和参数列表签名获取并执行该方法(非静态方法):
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
3 String firstWord = "Hello ";
4 String secondWord = "everybody.";
5 String bothWords = append(firstWord, secondWord);
6 System.out.println(bothWords);
7 }
9 public static String append(String firstWord, String secondWord) {
10 String result = null;
11 Class<String> c = String.class;
12 //初始化域方法的参数类型列表
13 Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class[] { String.class };
14 Method concatMethod;
15 //初始化域方法的参数
16 Object[] arguments = new Object[] { secondWord };
17 try {
18 //根据域方法的名称和参数列表获取域方法的反射对象
19 concatMethod = c.getMethod("concat", parameterTypes);
20 //和静态方法的反射调用不同,这里的第一个参数必须填入,其作用
21 //相当于firstWord.concat(secondword);
22 result = (String) concatMethod.invoke(firstWord, arguments);
23 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
24 System.out.println(e);
25 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
26 System.out.println(e);
27 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
28 System.out.println(e);
29 }
30 return result;
31 }
32 }
33 /* 输出结果如下:
34 Hello everybody.
35 */
4) 通过反射调用对象的私有域方法:
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
3 TestClass tc = new TestClass();
4 Class<?> c = tc.getClass();
5 Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("m");
6 //必须调用该方法通过反射的方法设置这个private的可访问性
7 //为true,否则调用时将会抛出IllegalAccessException异常
8 m.setAccessible(true);
9 Object o = m.invoke(tc);
10 }
11 }
12 class TestClass {
13 private void m() {
14 System.out.println("This is private method TestClass.m().");
15 }
16 }
17 /* 输出结果如下:
18 This is private method TestClass.m().
19 */
5) 通过栈帧获取当前方法的名称:
1 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
2 System.out.println(new Exception().getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName());
4 //这里的第0帧为getStackTrace()
5 System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getFileName());
6 System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getClassName());
7 System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName());
8 System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getLineNumber());
10 }
11 /* 输出结果如下:
12 main
14 MyTest
15 main
16 12
17 */
7. 基于反射的方法调用和普通的方法调用之间的效率差别:
1 public class MyTest {
2 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
3 try {
4 final int CALL_AMOUNT = 1000000;
5 final MyTest ri = new MyTest();
6 int idx = 0;
7 //1. 直接使用正常的方法调用(没有反射)
8 long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
9 for (idx = 0; idx < CALL_AMOUNT; ++idx)
10 ri.getValue();
11 System.out.println("Calling method " + CALL_AMOUNT
12 + " times programatically took "
13 + (System.currentTimeMillis() - millis) + " millis");
15 //2. 通过反射调用域方法,而且每次都重新获取该域方法的反射类。
16 millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
17 for (idx = 0; idx < CALL_AMOUNT; idx++) {
18 Method md = ri.getClass().getMethod("getValue", null);
19 md.invoke(ri, null);
20 }
21 System.out.println("Calling method " + CALL_AMOUNT
22 + " times reflexively with lookup took "
23 + (System.currentTimeMillis() - millis) + " millis");
25 //3.通过反射调用域方法,但是该方法的反射对象并不是每次都
26 //重新获取,而是重复使用,只是在域方法调用的时候通过反射完成。
27 Method md = ri.getClass().getMethod("getValue", null);
28 millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
29 for (idx = 0; idx < CALL_AMOUNT; idx++)
30 md.invoke(ri, null);
31 System.out.println("Calling method " + CALL_AMOUNT
32 + " times reflexively with cache took "
33 + (System.currentTimeMillis() - millis) + " millis");
34 } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) {
35 throw new RuntimeException(ex);
36 } catch (final InvocationTargetException ex) {
37 throw new RuntimeException(ex);
38 } catch (final IllegalAccessException ex) {
39 throw new RuntimeException(ex);
40 }
41 }
42 public String getValue() {
43 return this.value;
44 }
45 private String value = "some value";
46 }
47 /* 输出结果如下:
48 Calling method 1000000 times programatically took 0 millis
49 Calling method 1000000 times reflexively with lookup took 1422 millis
50 Calling method 1000000 times reflexively with cache took 110 millis
51 */
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