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Part I Setup

第一部分 环境搭建

Step 1. Install Axis2 environment to c:\axis\ and run it.

第一步 安装Axis2环境并运行

This step is simple. Just download and unzip the "Standard Binary Distribution" into c:\axis and run c:\axis\bin\axis2server.bat


The Axis server is based on Tomcat server. We can open http://localhost:8080 to the axis server.


There may be a port conflict. Please solve it by yourself.


Step 2. Install Axis plugin to Eclipse

第二步 安装Axis插件

This step is a little bit troublesome. Because we need to download the plugin from Apache website manually.


And if you don't use the "Install New Software" feature of Eclipse. It sometimes cannot startup the plugin correctly.


So, if you failed to install it by other ways, please open the text file c:\eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\bundles.info and add this "org.apache.axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin,1.6.2,plugins/org.apache.axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin_1.6.2.jar,4,false" in a convient place inside the file.


And then restart Eclipse, it should be okay. You will see a new wizard named Axis2 Code Generator.

然后重启Eclipse,插件就该安装好了,在新建项目中可以看到一个新的选项Axis2 Code Generator。

Part II Implementation

第二部分 实现

Step 3. Create and edit WSDL, then validate it.

第三步 创建、编辑和验证WSDL

Create a WSDL using WSDL wizard in base directory of project.


The WSDL is the core of a web service. It consists of elements, types, target namespace, port type, ports and binding.

WSDL是Web Service的核心,由下列部分组成:

Elements and Types: This part can be defined in another xsd file and imported. 这部分可以由另一个XSD文件定义,并导入到该WSDL中。

Target Namespace: e.g. http://sample.com/ss => com.sample.ss

Port Type: A port type contains one or more operations. Every operation likes a method which client can call it remotely. We can define input, output and fault in an operation. 一个端口类型可包含多个操作,每个操作就像一个函数方法,可由客户端远程调用。可以在一个操作中定义输入、输出和错误。

Ports: A service may contain one or more ports. A port has a name and an endpoint. The endpoint is just a url. People can access it as a web service. 一个服务或包含多个端口,端口包括一个名称和一个终端点,终端点就是一个URL,用于提供Web Service。

Binding: There is no manual editing on this part. 该部分无需手动编辑。But the soap action needs to be modified to as the same as operation. 但是Soap Action需要改成和operation的名字一样。

Step 4. Use Axis2 Codegen Wizard (Axis plugin) to generate Java code.

第三步 使用向导生成Java代码

Step 4.1 Generate Server Side Code 生成服务器代码

打开Axis2 Codegen向导,按照如下描述进行。

Open the Axis2 Codegen Wizard and select "Generate Java source code from a WSDL file". Select the WSDL in base directory.

In Options screen, select Codegen option as "custom" and check "Generate server side code", "Generate a default services.xml" and "Generate an Interface for Skeleton".

In Output screen, select "Browse  and select a project on current eclipse workspace" and choose the base directory of project as "Output path". Check "Add Axis2 libraries to the codegen resulted project" and find out Axis home (c:\axis here). Then click "Check Libs...".

Step 4.2 Generate Client Side Code

打开Axis2 Codegen向导,按照如下描述进行。

Open the Axis2 Codegen Wizard and select "Generate Java source code from a WSDL file". Select the WSDL in base directory.

In Options screen, select Codegen option as "custom" and check "Generate client side code" and "Generate both sync and async".

In Output screen, as well as Step 4.1.

Finally, we can see some java code files are generated by this plugin.


These steps can be processed by Ant automatically. We will do it in Step 9.


Step 5. Add all dependency jars of Axis2 from lib.

第五步 添加依赖项

After previous step, java code files are generated. But there may be some errors caused by dependecy.


We need to add all Axis 2 jars in lib folder. The lib folder is added in previous step automatically.


For advanced developer, it is possible that not all libraries of Axis2 are required. But here, we need simple steps.


Step 6. Create link folder "out" to output web service to Axis2 server in c:\axis\repository\services\xxx

第六步 创建外部链接以自动编译代码到服务器

We can output compiled class files to Axis server directly which means auto-deploy a web service.


We only need to link the output folder to the web service folder in Axis server and then set it as "Default output folder" in Source tab of Java Builder Path screen.


Linking folder: Create a new folder in base directory of project, click "Advanced", check "Link to folder in the file system" and then choose the web service folder in Axis server c:\axis\repository\services\XYZService.创建一个新的文件夹,在高级选项中,选择一个Axis服务器上的文件夹 就可以了。

Step 7.Change Axis2 server config element "hotupdate" to true in c:\axis\conf\axis2.xml

第七步 更改Axis服务器配置以自动重新部署

After this step, we don't need to restart Axis server after redeployment.


Step 8. Create a debug batch to run Axis server in debug mode. Listen on port 8000.

第八步 为Axis服务器配置启动模式

Create debug.bat in c:\axis\bin\ as follow:

set JAVA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
The debug port is 8000 as default. There may be a conflict to it. Please solve this by yourself.

Run debug.bat in command line and then we can debug it in eclipse thru http://localhost:8080


Step 9. Create and edit build.xml to generate code (both service side and client side) automatically.

第九步 创建并编辑Ant文件以自动生成代码

The ant file build.xml will be generated by Axis Code Generator automatically. Thru changing it, we can generate code automatically.

Axis Code Generator向导会自动生成Ant文件,只需将其略微修改,就可以自动生成代码了。

Open Properties tab in Preferences->Ant->Runtime screen and Add Property as env.AXIS2_HOME (name) and c:\axis (value).


First, we need add some settings and element to build.xml.


Add following element before "target" elements in build.xml.

<taskdef name="wsdl2code" classname="org.apache.axis2.tool.ant.AntCodegenTask" classpathref="axis2.class.path" />

Step 9.1 Generate Server Side Code Automatically

Add following element to "target" elements in build.xml.

<target name="generate-service">
  <wsdl2code wsdlfilename="${name}.wsdl" serverside="true" generateservicexml="true" skipbuildxml="true"
             serversideinterface="true" namespacetopackages="http://sample.com/ss=com.sample.ss"
             targetsourcefolderlocation="src" targetresourcesfolderlocation="src/META-INF" overwrite="true" />
  <replaceregexp file="src/META-INF/services.xml" match="${name}Skeleton" replace="${name}Impl" />

Step 9.2 Generate Client Side Code Automatically

We can generate thru remote WSDL file as following.

We can also use an xsd file to define elements and types. The xsd file is better in the same folder as WSDL file.

Add following element to "target" elements in build.xml.

<target name="generate-client">
  <wsdl2code wsdlfilename="http://localhost:8080/axis/services/${name}?wsdl" skipbuildxml="true" 
             namespacetopackages="http://sample.com/ss=com.sample.ss.client" targetsourcefolderlocation="src" overwrite="true" />

Step 10. Chosse and run generate service/client process in Ant.

第十步 选择Ant的运行项

Right click -> Run as "2 Ant Build..." to open Edit configuration and launch screen. Select targets "generate-service" and "generate-client" we created in previous step.

右键点击运行为->2Ant Build... 打开Ant的运行配置界面,选择上一步中配置好的两项。

Then apply and run. Java code files appear.


Step 11. Create own implementation of skeleton interface. This implementation is the main entry for service side.

第十一步 创建自定义的骨架接口实现

In server side, we implement the interface XYZServiceSkeletonInterface by XYZServiceImpl. We need to implement all functional processes in this class.


In client side, we can use XYZServiceStub which is generated by "generate-client" process to send web service request.

在客户端,使用Stub类来发送Web Service请求。

posted on 2012-05-10 17:24  观星者  阅读(381)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报