Start developing for iOS 6 today.
iOS 6 beta and Xcode 4.5 Developer Preview with iOS 6 SDK are now available in the iOS Dev Center.
iOS 6 有哪些新功能?
What’s New in iOS 6Map Kit
Take advantage of amazing new features in Maps. With Map Kit, you can create routing apps that users can access from Maps to get specific types of directions, like subway routes, hiking trails, or the bike path to work.
Location Awareness Programming GuideSocial Integration
Add Facebook support to your app with the new single sign-on capability. Use Facebook sheets so users can post content on their wall and include Facebook as an option for sharing media.
Social Framework ReferencePass Kit
Passbook gives users a whole new way to organize boarding passes, tickets, gift cards, and loyalty cards. It supports a variety of bar code formats, including QR, PDF417, and Aztec codes. Use Pass Kit APIs to display, add, or update your passes in a user’s Passbook.
Pass Kit Programming GuideEvent Kit
Access and modify reminders created in the Reminders app with Event Kit. You can assign properties like priorities and due dates, as well as location and time-based alarms.
Event Kit ReferenceIn-App Purchase
With In-App Content Purchasing, users can purchase apps, music, books, and other iTunes content directly within your app. Let Apple host your non-consumable content with In-App Purchase Hosting.
In-App Purchase Programming GuideiTunes Connect Developer GuideLearn more about In-App PurchaseGame Kit
Make any game a multiplayer game by turning high scores and other achievements into challenges with friends. Enable multiplayer games and share leaderboards and achievements across iOS and Mac versions of your app with Game Groups.
Game Kit Framework ReferenceGame Kit Programming GuideiTunes Connect Developer GuideLearn more about Game CenterCamera
Use powerful features from the built-in camera. New APIs let you control focus, exposure, and region of interest. You can also access and display faces with face detection APIs, and leverage hardware-enabled video stabilization.
Camera Programming Topics for iOSiCloud
Take advantage of new iCloud Storage APIs available in iOS 6, along with higher storage limits and faster updates for Key Value Store.
iCloud Design GuideLearn more about iCloudAction Sheet, Auto Layout, Collection Views, and State Preservation
Explore other features in iOS 6 that let you simplify sharing with the new Action Sheet, make your user interface more dynamic with auto layout, display groups of items in engaging ways with collection views, let users pick up where they left off with state preservation, and so much more.
UIKit FrameworkiOS App Programming GuideCocoa Auto Layout GuideUICollectionView Class Reference
iOS 6地图:
·Facebook已经被整合到iOS 6操作系统当中。
·Facebook Events将被自动加入Calendar当中。
一些想法:苹果和Facebook一直有着很好的关系。因为苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在今年D10大会中提到“持续关注”的问题,我们期待着两家公司有着更加密切的合作。
考虑到iOS 5中整合Twitter让后者受益匪浅,Facebook与苹果的合作当然也会获益颇丰。此外,因为用户将慢慢按照应用和操作系统进行划分,Facebook不需要在其Facebook应用中投入大量的时间、资源和力量。
·FaceTime此前只能够在Wifi接入中使用,但是iOS 6让其能够在无线状态下使用。
·,新版FaceTime还统一了电话号码和Apple ID。如果对方通过FaceTime呼叫你的电话号码,你可以通过Mac或者iPad来回应。
Safari/iCloud Tabs:
·iCloud Tabs只能收在Safari中使用。
·该功能只能够在OS X Mountain Lion和iOS 6操作系统中使用。
·Smart App Banners将能够让用户在应用商店App Store中了解到母语应用。
·可在Mac、Apple TV和通过网络使用。
Mail VIPs:
·Mail VIPs将与iCloud捆绑在一起,这意味着所有的“重要人物”联系方式将被同步到所有设备当中。
·iPhone 4S、iPhone 4和iPhone 3GS将支持iOS 6。
·iPad、iPad 2和全新iPad将支持iOS 6。
·第四代iPod Touch将支持iOS 6。
·iOS 6将于今年秋季正式发布。