


#include "CCActionInterval.h"

#include "CCActionInstant.h"


class CCGridBase;


 * @addtogroup actions

 * @{


/** @brief Base class for Grid actions */

class CC_DLL CCGridAction : public CCActionInterval



    virtual CCObject* copyWithZone(CCZone* pZone);

    virtual void startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget);

    virtual CCActionInterval* reverse(void);

    /** initializes the action with size and duration */

    virtual bool initWithDuration(float duration, const CCSize& gridSize);

    /** returns the grid */

    virtual CCGridBase* getGrid(void);


    /** creates the action with size and duration */

    // We can't make this create function compatible with previous version, bindings-generator will be confused since they

    // have the same function name and the same number of arguments. So sorry about that.

    //CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static CCGridAction* create(const CCSize& gridSize, float duration);

    /** creates the action with size and duration */

    static CCGridAction* create(float duration, const CCSize& gridSize);


    CCSize m_sGridSize;



 @brief Base class for CCGrid3D actions.

 Grid3D actions can modify a non-tiled grid.


class CC_DLL CCGrid3DAction : public CCGridAction



    /** returns the grid */

    virtual CCGridBase* getGrid(void);

    /** returns the vertex than belongs to certain position in the grid */

    ccVertex3F vertex(const CCPoint& position);

    /** returns the non-transformed vertex than belongs to certain position in the grid */

    ccVertex3F originalVertex(const CCPoint& position);

    /** sets a new vertex to a certain position of the grid */

    void setVertex(const CCPoint& position, const ccVertex3F& vertex);


    /** creates the action with size and duration */

    static CCGrid3DAction* create(float duration, const CCSize& gridSize);


/** @brief Base class for CCTiledGrid3D actions */

class CC_DLL CCTiledGrid3DAction : public CCGridAction



    /** returns the tile that belongs to a certain position of the grid */

    ccQuad3 tile(const CCPoint& position);

    /** returns the non-transformed tile that belongs to a certain position of the grid */

    ccQuad3 originalTile(const CCPoint& position);

    /** sets a new tile to a certain position of the grid */

    void setTile(const CCPoint& position, const ccQuad3& coords);

    /** returns the grid */

    virtual CCGridBase* getGrid(void);


    /** creates the action with size and duration */

    static CCTiledGrid3DAction* create(float duration, const CCSize& gridSize);


/** @brief CCAccelDeccelAmplitude action */

class CC_DLL CCAccelDeccelAmplitude : public CCActionInterval



    virtual ~CCAccelDeccelAmplitude(void);

    /** initializes the action with an inner action that has the amplitude property, and a duration time */

    bool initWithAction(CCAction *pAction, float duration);

    virtual void startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget);

    virtual void update(float time);

    virtual CCActionInterval* reverse(void);

    /** get amplitude rate */

    inline float getRate(void) { return m_fRate; }

    /** set amplitude rate */

    inline void setRate(float fRate) { m_fRate = fRate; }


    /** creates the action with an inner action that has the amplitude property, and a duration time */

    static CCAccelDeccelAmplitude* create(CCAction *pAction, float duration);


    float m_fRate;

    CCActionInterval *m_pOther;


/** @brief CCAccelAmplitude action */

class CC_DLL CCAccelAmplitude : public CCActionInterval




    /** initializes the action with an inner action that has the amplitude property, and a duration time */

    bool initWithAction(CCAction *pAction, float duration);

    /** get amplitude rate */

    inline float getRate(void) { return m_fRate; }

    /** set amplitude rate */

    inline void setRate(float fRate) { m_fRate = fRate; }

    virtual void startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget);

    virtual void update(float time);

    virtual CCActionInterval* reverse(void);


    /** creates the action with an inner action that has the amplitude property, and a duration time */

    static CCAccelAmplitude* create(CCAction *pAction, float duration);


    float m_fRate;

    CCActionInterval *m_pOther;


/** @brief CCDeccelAmplitude action */

class CC_DLL CCDeccelAmplitude : public CCActionInterval




    /** initializes the action with an inner action that has the amplitude property, and a duration time */

    bool initWithAction(CCAction *pAction, float duration);

    /** get amplitude rate */

    inline float getRate(void) { return m_fRate; }

    /** set amplitude rate */

    inline void setRate(float fRate) { m_fRate = fRate; }

    virtual void startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget);

    virtual void update(float time);

    virtual CCActionInterval* reverse(void);


    /** creates the action with an inner action that has the amplitude property, and a duration time */

    static CCDeccelAmplitude* create(CCAction *pAction, float duration);


    float m_fRate;

    CCActionInterval *m_pOther;


/** @brief CCStopGrid action.

 @warning Don't call this action if another grid action is active.

 Call if you want to remove the the grid effect. Example:

 CCSequence::actions(Lens::action(...), CCStopGrid::action(...), NULL);


class CC_DLL CCStopGrid : public CCActionInstant



    virtual void startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget);


    /** Allocates and initializes the action */

    static CCStopGrid* create(void);


/** @brief CCReuseGrid action */

class CC_DLL CCReuseGrid : public CCActionInstant



    /** initializes an action with the number of times that the current grid will be reused */

    bool initWithTimes(int times);

    virtual void startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget);


    /** creates an action with the number of times that the current grid will be reused */

    static CCReuseGrid* create(int times);


    int m_nTimes;


// end of actions group

/// @}



posted @ 2014-05-21 17:34  sssssnian  阅读(202)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报