* USE CCDrawNode instead
#include "ccTypes.h"
#include "ccMacros.h"
#include "cocoa/CCGeometry.h" // for CCPoint
Drawing OpenGL ES primitives.
- ccDrawPoint, ccDrawPoints
- ccDrawLine
- ccDrawRect, ccDrawSolidRect
- ccDrawPoly, ccDrawSolidPoly
- ccDrawCircle
- ccDrawQuadBezier
- ccDrawCubicBezier
- ccDrawCatmullRom
- ccDrawCardinalSpline
You can change the color, point size, width by calling:
- ccDrawColor4B(), ccDrawColor4F()
- ccPointSize()
- glLineWidth()
@warning These functions draws the Line, Point, Polygon, immediately. They aren't batched. If you are going to make a game that depends on these primitives, I suggest creating a batch. Instead you should use CCDrawNode
* @addtogroup global
* @{
class CCPointArray;
/** Initializes the drawing primitives */
void CC_DLL ccDrawInit();
/** Frees allocated resources by the drawing primitives */
void CC_DLL ccDrawFree();
/** draws a point given x and y coordinate measured in points */
void CC_DLL ccDrawPoint( const CCPoint& point );
/** draws an array of points.
@since v0.7.2
void CC_DLL ccDrawPoints( const CCPoint *points, unsigned int numberOfPoints );
/** draws a line given the origin and destination point measured in points */
void CC_DLL ccDrawLine( const CCPoint& origin, const CCPoint& destination );
/** draws a rectangle given the origin and destination point measured in points. */
void CC_DLL ccDrawRect( CCPoint origin, CCPoint destination );
/** draws a solid rectangle given the origin and destination point measured in points.
@since 1.1
void CC_DLL ccDrawSolidRect( CCPoint origin, CCPoint destination, ccColor4F color );
/** draws a polygon given a pointer to CCPoint coordinates and the number of vertices measured in points.
The polygon can be closed or open
void CC_DLL ccDrawPoly( const CCPoint *vertices, unsigned int numOfVertices, bool closePolygon );
/** draws a solid polygon given a pointer to CGPoint coordinates, the number of vertices measured in points, and a color.
void CC_DLL ccDrawSolidPoly( const CCPoint *poli, unsigned int numberOfPoints, ccColor4F color );
/** draws a circle given the center, radius and number of segments. */
void CC_DLL ccDrawCircle( const CCPoint& center, float radius, float angle, unsigned int segments, bool drawLineToCenter, float scaleX, float scaleY);
void CC_DLL ccDrawCircle( const CCPoint& center, float radius, float angle, unsigned int segments, bool drawLineToCenter);
/** draws a quad bezier path
@warning This function could be pretty slow. Use it only for debugging purposes.
@since v0.8
void CC_DLL ccDrawQuadBezier(const CCPoint& origin, const CCPoint& control, const CCPoint& destination, unsigned int segments);
/** draws a cubic bezier path
@warning This function could be pretty slow. Use it only for debugging purposes.
@since v0.8
void CC_DLL ccDrawCubicBezier(const CCPoint& origin, const CCPoint& control1, const CCPoint& control2, const CCPoint& destination, unsigned int segments);
/** draws a Catmull Rom path.
@warning This function could be pretty slow. Use it only for debugging purposes.
@since v2.0
void CC_DLL ccDrawCatmullRom( CCPointArray *arrayOfControlPoints, unsigned int segments );
/** draws a Cardinal Spline path.
@warning This function could be pretty slow. Use it only for debugging purposes.
@since v2.0
void CC_DLL ccDrawCardinalSpline( CCPointArray *config, float tension, unsigned int segments );
/** set the drawing color with 4 unsigned bytes
@since v2.0
void CC_DLL ccDrawColor4B( GLubyte r, GLubyte g, GLubyte b, GLubyte a );
/** set the drawing color with 4 floats
@since v2.0
void CC_DLL ccDrawColor4F( GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b, GLfloat a );
/** set the point size in points. Default 1.
@since v2.0
void CC_DLL ccPointSize( GLfloat pointSize );
// end of global group
/// @}