


#include "sprite_nodes/CCSprite.h"


#include "base_nodes/CCGLBufferedNode.h"

#endif // EMSCRIPTEN



 * @addtogroup misc_nodes

 * @{


/** Types of progress

 @since v0.99.1


typedef enum {

    /// Radial Counter-Clockwise


    /// Bar


} CCProgressTimerType;


 @brief CCProgressTimer is a subclass of CCNode.

 It renders the inner sprite according to the percentage.

 The progress can be Radial, Horizontal or vertical.

 @since v0.99.1


class CC_DLL CCProgressTimer : public CCNodeRGBA


, public CCGLBufferedNode

#endif // EMSCRIPTEN





    /**    Change the percentage to change progress. */

    inline CCProgressTimerType getType(void) { return m_eType; }

    /** Percentages are from 0 to 100 */

    inline float getPercentage(void) {return m_fPercentage; }

    /** The image to show the progress percentage, retain */

    inline CCSprite* getSprite(void) { return m_pSprite; }

    /** Initializes a progress timer with the sprite as the shape the timer goes through */

    bool initWithSprite(CCSprite* sp);

    void setPercentage(float fPercentage);

    void setSprite(CCSprite *pSprite);

    void setType(CCProgressTimerType type);

    void setReverseProgress(bool reverse);

    virtual void draw(void);

    void setAnchorPoint(CCPoint anchorPoint);

    virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool bValue);

    virtual bool isOpacityModifyRGB(void);


    inline bool isReverseDirection() { return m_bReverseDirection; };

    inline void setReverseDirection(bool value) { m_bReverseDirection = value; };


    /** Creates a progress timer with the sprite as the shape the timer goes through */

    static CCProgressTimer* create(CCSprite* sp);


    ccTex2F textureCoordFromAlphaPoint(CCPoint alpha);

    ccVertex2F vertexFromAlphaPoint(CCPoint alpha);

    void updateProgress(void);

    void updateBar(void);

    void updateRadial(void);

    void updateColor(void);

    CCPoint boundaryTexCoord(char index);


    CCProgressTimerType m_eType;

    float m_fPercentage;

    CCSprite *m_pSprite;

    int m_nVertexDataCount;

    ccV2F_C4B_T2F *m_pVertexData;


     *    Midpoint is used to modify the progress start position.

     *    If you're using radials type then the midpoint changes the center point

     *    If you're using bar type the the midpoint changes the bar growth

     *        it expands from the center but clamps to the sprites edge so:

     *        you want a left to right then set the midpoint all the way to ccp(0,y)

     *        you want a right to left then set the midpoint all the way to ccp(1,y)

     *        you want a bottom to top then set the midpoint all the way to ccp(x,0)

     *        you want a top to bottom then set the midpoint all the way to ccp(x,1)


    CC_PROPERTY(CCPoint, m_tMidpoint, Midpoint);


     *    This allows the bar type to move the component at a specific rate

     *    Set the component to 0 to make sure it stays at 100%.

     *    For example you want a left to right bar but not have the height stay 100%

     *    Set the rate to be ccp(0,1); and set the midpoint to = ccp(0,.5f);


    CC_SYNTHESIZE(CCPoint, m_tBarChangeRate, BarChangeRate);

    bool m_bReverseDirection;


// end of misc_nodes group

/// @}



posted @ 2014-05-21 19:19  sssssnian  阅读(139)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报