
#ifndef __CC_ANIMATION_H__

#define __CC_ANIMATION_H__

#include "platform/CCPlatformConfig.h"

#include "cocoa/CCObject.h"

#include "cocoa/CCArray.h"

#include "cocoa/CCDictionary.h"

#include "cocoa/CCGeometry.h"

#include "CCSpriteFrame.h"

#include <string>


class CCTexture2D;

class CCSpriteFrame;


 * @addtogroup sprite_nodes

 * @{


/** CCAnimationFrame

 A frame of the animation. It contains information like:

    - sprite frame name

    - # of delay units.

    - offset


 @since v2.0


class CC_DLL CCAnimationFrame : public CCObject




    virtual ~CCAnimationFrame();

    virtual CCObject* copyWithZone(CCZone* pZone);

    /** initializes the animation frame with a spriteframe, number of delay units and a notification user info */

    bool initWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame* spriteFrame, float delayUnits, CCDictionary* userInfo);


    /** CCSpriteFrameName to be used */

    CC_SYNTHESIZE_RETAIN(CCSpriteFrame*, m_pSpriteFrame, SpriteFrame)

    /**  how many units of time the frame takes */

    CC_SYNTHESIZE(float, m_fDelayUnits, DelayUnits)

    /**  A CCAnimationFrameDisplayedNotification notification will be broadcast when the frame is displayed with this dictionary as UserInfo. If UserInfo is nil, then no notification will be broadcast. */

    CC_SYNTHESIZE_RETAIN(CCDictionary*, m_pUserInfo, UserInfo)


/** A CCAnimation object is used to perform animations on the CCSprite objects.

The CCAnimation object contains CCAnimationFrame objects, and a possible delay between the frames.

You can animate a CCAnimation object by using the CCAnimate action. Example:

[sprite runAction:[CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:animation]];


class CC_DLL CCAnimation : public CCObject






    /** Creates an animation

    @since v0.99.5


    static CCAnimation* create(void);

    /* Creates an animation with an array of CCSpriteFrame and a delay between frames in seconds.

     The frames will be added with one "delay unit".

     @since v0.99.5


    static CCAnimation* createWithSpriteFrames(CCArray* arrayOfSpriteFrameNames, float delay = 0.0f);

    /* Creates an animation with an array of CCAnimationFrame, the delay per units in seconds and and how many times it should be executed.

     @since v2.0


    static CCAnimation* create(CCArray *arrayOfAnimationFrameNames, float delayPerUnit, unsigned int loops);

    static CCAnimation* create(CCArray *arrayOfAnimationFrameNames, float delayPerUnit) {

        return CCAnimation::create(arrayOfAnimationFrameNames, delayPerUnit, 1);


    /** Adds a CCSpriteFrame to a CCAnimation.

     The frame will be added with one "delay unit".


    void addSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame *pFrame);

    /** Adds a frame with an image filename. Internally it will create a CCSpriteFrame and it will add it.

     The frame will be added with one "delay unit".

     Added to facilitate the migration from v0.8 to v0.9.


    void addSpriteFrameWithFileName(const char *pszFileName);

    /** Adds a frame with a texture and a rect. Internally it will create a CCSpriteFrame and it will add it.

     The frame will be added with one "delay unit".

     Added to facilitate the migration from v0.8 to v0.9.


    void addSpriteFrameWithTexture(CCTexture2D* pobTexture, const CCRect& rect);

    bool init();

    /** Initializes a CCAnimation with frames and a delay between frames

    @since v0.99.5


    bool initWithSpriteFrames(CCArray *pFrames, float delay = 0.0f);

    /** Initializes a CCAnimation with CCAnimationFrame

    @since v2.0


    bool initWithAnimationFrames(CCArray* arrayOfAnimationFrames, float delayPerUnit, unsigned int loops);

    virtual CCObject* copyWithZone(CCZone* pZone);

    /** total Delay units of the CCAnimation. */

    CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(float, m_fTotalDelayUnits, TotalDelayUnits)

    /** Delay in seconds of the "delay unit" */

    CC_SYNTHESIZE(float, m_fDelayPerUnit, DelayPerUnit)

    /** duration in seconds of the whole animation. It is the result of totalDelayUnits * delayPerUnit */

    CC_PROPERTY_READONLY(float, m_fDuration, Duration)

    /** array of CCAnimationFrames */

    CC_SYNTHESIZE_RETAIN(CCArray*, m_pFrames, Frames)

    /** whether or not it shall restore the original frame when the animation finishes */

    CC_SYNTHESIZE(bool, m_bRestoreOriginalFrame, RestoreOriginalFrame)

    /** how many times the animation is going to loop. 0 means animation is not animated. 1, animation is executed one time, ... */

    CC_SYNTHESIZE(unsigned int, m_uLoops, Loops)


// end of sprite_nodes group

/// @}


#endif // __CC_ANIMATION_H__

posted @ 2014-05-22 09:41  sssssnian  阅读(271)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报