Consider Consolidating Method Parameters

Consider Consolidating Method Parameters


Sometimes it's a good idea to encapsulate multiple parameters to a method into a single object. This may enhance readability and simplify calling code. Consider a method signature like this:


public void setOptions(Font f, int lineSpacing, int linesPerPage,
int tabSize);

We could simplify this signature by rolling the multiple parameters into a single object, like this:


public void setOptions(Options options);

The main advantage is flexibility. We don't need to break signatures to add further parameters: we can add additional properties to the parameter object. This means that we don't have to break code in existing callers that aren't interested in the added parameters.


As Java, unlike C++, doesn't offer default parameter values, this can be a good way to enable clients to simplify calls. Let's suppose that all (or most) or the parameters have default values. In C++ we could code the default values in the method signature, enabling callers to omit some of them, like this:


void SomeClass::setOptions(Font f, int lineSpacing = 1, int linesPerPage = 25,
int tabSize = 4);

This isn't possible in Java, but we can populate the object with default values, allowing subclasses to use syntax like this:


Options o = new Options();

Here, the Options object's constructor sets all fields to default values, so we need modify only to those that vary from the default. If necessary, we can even make the parameter object an interface, to allow more flexible implementation.


This approach works particularly well with constructors. It's indicated when a class has many constructors, and subclasses may face excessive work just preserving superclass constructor permutations. Instead, subclasses can use a subclass of the superclass constructor's parameter object.


The Command design pattern uses this approach: a command is effectively a consolidated set of parameters, which are much easier to work with together than individually.


The disadvantage of parameter consolidation is the potential creation of many objects, which increases memory usage and the need for garbage collection. Objects consume heap space; primitives don't. Whether this matters depends on how often the method will be called.




Consolidating method parameters in a single object can occasionally cause performance degradation in J2EE applications if the method call is potentially remote (a call on the remote interface of an EJB), as marshaling and unmarshaling several primitive parameters will always be faster than marshaling and unmarshaling an object. However, this isn't a concern unless the method is invoked particularly often (which might indicate poor application partitioning – we don't want to make frequent remote calls if we can avoid it).


posted @ 2012-11-26 22:44  sqtds  阅读(188)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报