opnet tutorial of web reporting

The ATM network used in this lesson is designed to show the differences in performance between two types of ATM traffic contracts, CBR (constant bit rate) and ABR (available bit rate).

In the CBR scheme, the traffic contract guarantees a certain amount of bandwidth at all times for each user. The advantage to this scheme is that each user gets a pre-defined amount of bandwidth, regardless of other traffic on the link. However, this limits the total number of users on a link at any one time. This scheme is useful when a high quality of service is required, as with voice or video traffic.    //恒定比特率传输,为每一个用户在任何时候都提供一定确定数目的带宽,保证网络质量,但是用户接入数受限                              


In the ABR scheme, the traffic contract does not guarantee a certain bandwidth; traffic uses whatever is left after the CBR traffic is handled. The advantage to this is that a large number of users can access the same link at the same time. However, the available bandwidth is divided among those users, possibly increasing response time. This scheme is useful when a high quality of service is not necessary, as with FTP traffic. //可用比特率,不保证确定数量的带宽使用CBR用户剩下的带宽,不保证服务质量但是可以有许多用户在同一时间使用同一链路






Verify that the Include graphed results checkbox is selected, then click OK to generate a report with the default name.

A web report is generated and placed in:

<user_home_dir>\              //这里的用户路径不是安装路径啊。像本宝宝是安装在

  op_reports\                 // D:\program file(x86)\opnet下,但是这里的

<project_name>\         // user_home_dir 是在C:\Users\asus\op_reports

        DES Reports 












posted @ 2016-04-18 12:49  sowhenn  阅读(212)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报