Node Introduce

  • TexWithXForm – A texture sample with tiling and offset editable in the material.
  • Texture – A texture sample.
  • Cubemap – A cubemap sample.
  • Number – A constant single Number or float value.
  • Color – A constant color value.
  • Vector2 – A constant Vector2.
  • Vector3 – A constant Vector3.
  • Vector4 – A constant Vector4.
  • Add – Add A and B.
  • Subtract – Subtract B from A
  • Multiply – Multiple A and B
  • Divide – Divide A and B
  • Fresnel – The “facing ratio” of the surface.
  • Highest – The highest of 2 Number values (max).
  • Lowest – The lowest of 2 Number values (min)
  • Lerp – Blend between 2 values based on a 0-1 range bias.
  • UV1 – Primary uv channel.
  • UV2 – Secondary uv channel.
  • VertexColor – Vertex Color channel (Vector4).
  • SurfaceNormal – The normal of the surface in object space.
  • WorldNormal - The normal of the surface in world space.
  • Position – The position of the surface in world space.
  • ScreenPos – The position of the surface in screen space.
  • ScreenUVs – A Vector that maps the surface into screen space (0-1).
  • ViewDir – The unnormalized view direction.
  • SceneColor – The color of the render buffer behind the current pixel being rendered (Commonly used for water refraction).
  • SceneDepth – The depth of the render buffer behind the current pixel being rendered (Commonly used for blending based on distance. See DepthBlend node).
  • Time – Vector4 with time various time scales in each element.
  • TimeSeconds – The Time in seconds since the game started.
  • UnpackNormal – This must be used between a normal map texture sample and the “Normal” input on the master node.
  • DisplaceOffset – Calculate the parallax offset for uvs based on height data. add this to your UVs before plugging it into a Texture node.
  • InterlaceAlpha – This is used to do “Alpha To Coverage”. It allows you to fake alpha blending by dithering the output value over multiple pixels, giving the illusion of alpha blending without needing to be sorted.
  • DepthBlend – This is the difference between the value of the render buffers depth behind the pixel that is currently being rendered. The Dist input is the distance it takes to fade from black to white. This is commonly used to soften the edge of water as it get near solid surface.
  • Vector.X – The X or Red component of a vector or color.
  • Vector.Y – The Y or Green component of a vector or color.
  • Vector.Z – The Z or Blue component of a vector or color.
  • Vector.W – The W or Alpha component of a vector or color.
  • Vector.XY – The X,Y or Red,Green components of a vector color.
  • Vector.XYZ – The X,Y,Z or Red,Green,Blue components of a vector or vector.
  • Assembler – Creates a vector with a number of elements matching the number of connected inputs (inputs must be floats).
  • ElementOf – The element of a vector matching Index (Vector[index]).
  • Abs – The absolute value of a number or vector.
  • Distance – The distance between 2 points.
  • Normalize – Normalize a vector.
  • Power – Raise the input by a power of the input “Power”.
  • Floor – Round DOWN to the nearest whole number.
  • Ceil – Round Up to the nearest whole number.
  • Cosine – Cosine of Input.
  • Sine – Sine of Input.
  • CrossProduct – The cross product of vectors A and B. A and B must be vector3′s.
  • DotProduct – The dot product of A and B.
  • SquareRoot – The square root of Input.
  • Fmod – Remainder of A/B, with the same sign as A.
  • Frac – The fractional part of the input. Example Input = 6.46431 Output = 0.46431
  • ParamFloat – A Number value that you can change per material(or through code).
  • ParamColor – A Color value that you can change per material(or through code).
  • ParamVector – A Vector4 value that you can change per material(or through code).
  • Transform – Transform a vector based on a matrix. This is probably not very useful now.
  • ObjToWorld – ObjectToWorld transform matrix (as Vector4x4)
  • ObjToWorldV3 – ObjectToWorld transform matrix (as Vector3x3)
  • WorldToObj – WorldToObj transform matrix (as Vector4x4)
  • WorldToObjV3 – WorldToObj transform matrix (as Vector3x3)
  • MVP – Model View Projection matrix.
posted @ 2011-03-13 13:51  softimagewht  阅读(230)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报