Microsoft® .NET Micro Framework Platform简介

First Beta Developer Kit Now Available
Developers can now take advantage of the .NET Micro Framework with Microsoft’s release of a broad beta developer kit. Microsoft has used the platform with several projects internally. With this kit, outside developers and Microsoft partners have the opportunity to build applications on the smallest of devices. To view the full news release click here.

The Microsoft .NET Micro Framework brings a full-featured managed code environment to smaller, less expensive, and more resource-constrained devices than could previously be served by such cutting-edge technology. Using only a few hundred kilobytes of RAM and an inexpensive processor, the Microsoft .NET Micro Framework platform gives you the means to build applications by using the same unsurpassed development tools and advanced languages that you use to build desktop applications. Currently, this framework supplies the software platform for all Smart Watches for MSN® Direct. There are also plans to include it in Windows Vista™ SideShow displays and in an upcoming version of Microsoft TV Foundation Edition.

The .NET Micro Framework grew out of the Smart Personal Objects Technology (SPOT) initiative, which Microsoft first publicly announced more than three years ago when it introduced the MSN Direct Smart Watch. Developing SPOT devices required support for rich graphical applications on very inexpensive and power-efficient hardware. However, it did not require all of the features that were available in Windows CE. As a result, Microsoft created the .NET Micro Framework.

Being a natural extension of Microsoft’s offerings for creating embedded systems, the .NET Micro Framework provides you with an easy-to-use solution for this type of development. Though it is used on very small devices, the Microsoft .NET Micro Framework provides a managed code environment that brings a fantastic degree of efficiency and reliability to the realm of embedded software development.

Do you want to reduce your "time to market"? The .NET Micro Framework is fully integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio®. Because of this, you are able to develop your software with familiar tools, even while you are debugging code that is running on your target hardware device. Visual Studio integration decreases the time to market of smaller embedded applications.

We have reports from one of our partners of a 4:1 productivity increase that is directly attributable to coding being done in C# rather than in C++. This is partly due to the inherent simplicity and robustness of managed code, and partly due to the exceptional quality of the development tools available in Visual Studio.

Do you have a vertically integrated solution that you want to extend into smaller and less expensive devices? One example of this might be an industrial automation solution to which you want to add an inexpensive display. With the .NET Micro Framework, you don’t have to hire an entirely new staff and invest in unfamiliar tools to implement your new device. Vertical application developers can now seamlessly utilize their expertise using a common set of Visual Studio tools, .NET libraries, and development skills from the low end of the device spectrum all the way up to corporate servers.

Since the announcement of our product, the team has published several beta releases of .NET Micro Framework for some of our partners’ hardware platforms, along with some supporting PC-based emulator software for embedded devices. If you would like to receive information on the ongoing beta releases and how you can participate, please sign up below.

Recently, our team also held its first porting training to get both OEMs and ISVs started working on ports of the framework to specific types of hardware. If you are interested in determining what it would take to get the platform working on your hardware, we can help you make that assessment. In addition, we can put you in touch with trained ISVs to get you started as soon as possible.

The next public event that we expect to attend will be the Embedded Systems Conference in Boston during the week of September 25, 2006. At that event, we expect to have both a broader beta release of the Emulation SDK and one or more reference boards in broad distribution. With the Emulation SDK, you can start building applications without having final hardware in hand. We’re also planning on showing beta products from our partners and presenting demonstrations of additional applications yet to come.

We have a number of new partners who will be working at the forefront of .NET Micro Framework application development. These partners all went through intensive training with us and acquired an in-depth knowledge of the platform. They will now apply this knowledge in porting the framework to various hardware scenarios. The ISVs who completed the first such training course are the following: EmbeddedFusion, Freescale, Garz & Fricke, GECO, MOTO, MPC Data, OpenNetCF, SJJ Micro, Via Technologies, Wechsler Consulting, and 3Soft.

To get involved in the .NET Micro Framework and to be kept abreast of what is happening with the platform, our team encourages you to sign up below. If you have a project that you are ready to start consideration of the .NET Micro Framework for, please indicate that. After you’ve signed up, we will have someone get directly in touch with you. In the coming months, you can expect to see more commercial products shipped on the .NET Micro Framework including everything from deeply embedded, headless applications to richly graphical and inexpensive displays.

Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Platform Information Request

Sign up to receive more information about the .NET Micro Framework. If you are interested in business opportunities using the Microsoft .NET Micro Framework in your products, please contact us at and include relevant company and product information.


posted @ 2006-09-30 08:38  飘飞的雪  阅读(359)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报