Bokeh is a Python interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation. Bokeh provides elegant, concise construction of novel graphics with high-performance interactivity over very large or streaming datasets in a quick and easy way.
libraryDependencies += "io.continuum.bokeh" %% "bokeh" % "0.6"
object source extends ColumnDataSource {
val x = column(-2 * pi to 2 * pi by 0.1)
val y = column(x.value.map(sin))
val xdr = new DataRange1d
val ydr = new DataRange1d
val tools = Pan | WheelZoom
val plot = new Plot().x_range(xdr).y_range(ydr).tools(tools).width(width).height(height)
其中xdr、ydr赋值new DataRange1d表示图表的x、y方向为1维连续变化的数据。tools表示在图表上显示的工具:有平移、缩放等,此处bokeh建立了相当于其他语言中枚举的概念。然后使用new Plot()即可创建一个Plot对象,width和height表示宽和高。
val axis = new LinearAxis.plot(plot).location(Location.Left)
plot.left <<= (axis :: _)
接下来可以使用val grid = new Grid().plot(plot).dimension(0).axis(axis)
val circle = new Circle().x(x).y(y)
val circleGlyph = new GlyphRenderer().data_source(source).glyph(circle)
val renderers: (List[Renderer] => List[Renderer]) = (xaxis :: yaxis :: xgrid :: ygrid :: circleGlyph :: _)
plot.renderers <<= renderers
val document = new Document(plot)
val html = document.save(path)
package geotrellis.bokeh
import io.continuum.bokeh.{Line => BokehLine, _}
import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq, NumericRange}
* Created by shoufengwei on 2016/7/30.
object BokehHelper {
* @param xdr
* @param ydr
* @param tools all Tools
* val panTool = new PanTool().plot(plot)
* val wheelZoomTool = new WheelZoomTool().plot(plot)
* val previewSaveTool = new PreviewSaveTool().plot(plot)
* val resetTool = new ResetTool().plot(plot)
* val resizeTool = new ResizeTool().plot(plot)
* val crosshairTool = new CrosshairTool().plot(plot)
* plot.tools := List(panTool, wheelZoomTool, previewSaveTool, resetTool, resizeTool, crosshairTool)
* @param width
* @param height
def getPlot(xdr: DataRange, ydr: DataRange, tools: List[Tool], width: Int = 800, height: Int = 400) = {
new Plot().x_range(xdr).y_range(ydr).tools(tools).width(width).height(height)
def getLinearAxis(plot: Plot, position: Location): ContinuousAxis = {
getAxis(plot, new LinearAxis, position)
* get datetime axis
* @param plot
* @param position
* @param formatter eg. new DatetimeTickFormatter().formats(Map(DatetimeUnits.Months -> List("%b %Y")))
* @return
def getDatetimeAxis(plot: Plot, position: Location, formatter: DatetimeTickFormatter = new DatetimeTickFormatter().formats(Map(DatetimeUnits.Months -> List("%b %Y")))): ContinuousAxis = {
getAxis(plot, new DatetimeAxis().formatter(formatter), position)
def getAxis(plot: Plot, axisType: ContinuousAxis, position: Location): ContinuousAxis = {
val axis = axisType.plot(plot).location(position)
setPlotAxis(plot, axis, position)
setRenderer(plot, axis)
def setAxisLabel(axis: ContinuousAxis, axisLabel: String) = {
def setPlotAxis(plot: Plot, axis: ContinuousAxis, position: Location) {
position match {
case Location.Left => plot.left <<= (axis :: _)
case Location.Above => plot.above <<= (axis :: _)
case Location.Below => plot.below <<= (axis :: _)
case Location.Right => plot.right <<= (axis :: _)
case _ =>
def getCircleGlyph(column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, size: Int = 5, fill_Color: Color = Color.Red, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val circle = new Circle().x(column_x).y(column_y).size(size).fill_color(fill_Color).line_color(line_Color)
getGlyphRenderer(value, circle)
def setCircleGlyph(plot: Plot, column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, size: Int = 5, fill_Color: Color = Color.Red, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val circleGlyph = getCircleGlyph(column_x, column_y, value, size, fill_Color, line_Color)
setRenderer(plot, circleGlyph).asInstanceOf[GlyphRenderer]
def getLineGlyph(column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, width: Int = 3, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val line = new BokehLine().x(column_x).y(column_y).line_width(width).line_color(line_Color)
getGlyphRenderer(value, line)
def setLineGlyph(plot: Plot, column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, width: Int = 3, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val lineGlyph = getLineGlyph(column_x, column_y, value, width, line_Color)
setRenderer(plot, lineGlyph).asInstanceOf[GlyphRenderer]
def getPatchGlyph(column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, width: Int = 3, fill_Color: Color = Color.Red, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val patch = new Patch().x(column_x).y(column_y).line_width(width).line_color(line_Color).fill_color(fill_Color)
getGlyphRenderer(value, patch)
def setPatchGlyph(plot: Plot, column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, width: Int = 3, fill_Color: Color = Color.Red, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val patchGlyph = getPatchGlyph(column_x, column_y, value, width, fill_Color, line_Color)
setRenderer(plot, patchGlyph).asInstanceOf[GlyphRenderer]
def getCircleCrossGlyph(column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, size: Int = 5, fill_Color: Color = Color.Red, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val circleCross = new CircleCross().x(column_x).y(column_y).size(size).fill_color(fill_Color).line_color(line_Color)
getGlyphRenderer(value, circleCross)
def setCircleCrossGlyph(plot: Plot, column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, size: Int = 5, fill_Color: Color = Color.Red, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val circleCrossGlyph = getCircleCrossGlyph(column_x, column_y, value, size, fill_Color, line_Color)
setRenderer(plot, circleCrossGlyph).asInstanceOf[GlyphRenderer]
def getTextGlyph(column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, size: Int = 5, fill_Color: Color = Color.Red, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val text = new Text().x(column_x).y(column_y).text("1")
getGlyphRenderer(value, text)
def setTextGlyph(plot: Plot, column_x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], column_y: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double], value: DataSource, size: Int = 5, fill_Color: Color = Color.Red, line_Color: Color = Color.Black) = {
val textGlyph = getTextGlyph(column_x, column_y, value, size, fill_Color, line_Color)
setRenderer(plot, textGlyph).asInstanceOf[GlyphRenderer]
def getGlyphRenderer(value: DataSource, glyph: Glyph) = {
new GlyphRenderer().data_source(value).glyph(glyph)
* @param legends eg. val legends = List("y = sin(x)" -> List(lineGlyph, circleGlyph))
def getLegends(plot: Plot, legends: List[(String, List[GlyphRenderer])]): Legend = {
val legend = new Legend().plot(plot).legends(legends)
setRenderer(plot, legend)
def getLegends(plot: Plot, name: String, glyphList: List[GlyphRenderer]): Legend = {
getLegends(plot, List(name -> glyphList))
* @param plot
* @param axis
* @param dimension 0 means x and 1 means y
* @return
def getGrid(plot: Plot, axis: ContinuousAxis, dimension: Int) = {
val grid = new Grid().plot(plot).dimension(dimension).axis(axis)
setRenderer(plot, grid)
def setRenderers(plot: Plot, renderers: List[Renderer] => List[Renderer]) = {
plot.renderers <<= renderers
def setRenderer(plot: Plot, renderer: Renderer) = {
val renderers: (List[Renderer] => List[Renderer]) = (renderer :: _)
setRenderers(plot, renderers)
* use this method just can plot one renderer
* @param plot
* @param renderers
def setRenderers(plot: Plot, renderers: List[Renderer]) = {
plot.renderers := renderers
* use gridplot Multiple plots in the document
* @param children every child List is one row eg. val children = List(List(microsoftPlot, bofaPlot), List(caterPillarPlot, mmmPlot))
* @return
def multiplePlots(children: List[List[Plot]], title: String = ""): Plot = {
new GridPlot().children(children).title(title)
def save2Document(plot: Plot, path: String = "sample.html"): Unit = {
val document = new Document(plot)
val html = document.save(path)
println(s"Wrote ${html.file}. Open ${html.url} in a web browser.")
package geotrellis.bokeh
import io.continuum.bokeh._
import io.continuum.bokeh.Tools._
import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq, NumericRange}
import math.{Pi => pi, sin}
* Created by shoufengwei on 2016/7/29.
* http://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/quickstart.html
object BokehTest extends App {
val xdr = new DataRange1d()
val ydr = new DataRange1d()
object source extends ColumnDataSource {
val x: ColumnDataSource#Column[IndexedSeq, Double] = column(-2 * pi to 2 * pi by 0.1)
val y = column(x.value.map(sin))
val z = column(x.value.map(Math.pow(2, _)))
val p = column(x.value.map(Math.pow(3, _)))
// val x = column(-10.0 to 10 by 0.1)
// val y = column(-10.0 to 5 by 0.1)
import source.{x, y, z, p}
// val plot = plotOne("全图")
// BokehHelper.save2Document(plot = plot)
val plot = plotMulitple()
def plotMulitple() = {
val plot1 = plotOne("1")
val plot2 = plotOne("2")
val plot3 = plotOne("3")
val plot4 = plotOne("4")
BokehHelper.multiplePlots(List(List(plot1, plot2), List(plot3, plot4)), "all chart")
def plotOne(title: String = ""): Plot = {
val plot = BokehHelper.getPlot(xdr, ydr, Pan | WheelZoom | Crosshair)
val legend = plotContent(plot)
plotLegend(plot, legend)
def plotBasic(plot: Plot) = {
val xaxis = BokehHelper.getLinearAxis(plot, Location.Below)
BokehHelper.setAxisLabel(xaxis, "x")
val yaxis = BokehHelper.getLinearAxis(plot, Location.Right)
BokehHelper.setAxisLabel(yaxis, "y")
val xgrid = BokehHelper.getGrid(plot, xaxis, 0)
val ygrid = BokehHelper.getGrid(plot, yaxis, 1)
def plotContent(plot: Plot) = {
val circleGlyph = BokehHelper.setCircleGlyph(plot, x, y, source)
val lineGlyph = BokehHelper.setLineGlyph(plot, x, z, source)
val lineGlyph2 = BokehHelper.setLineGlyph(plot, x, y, source)
val patchGlyph = BokehHelper.setPatchGlyph(plot, x, p, source)
val circleCrossGlyph = BokehHelper.setCircleCrossGlyph(plot, x, p, source)
val textGlyph = BokehHelper.setTextGlyph(plot, x, z, source)
List("y = sin(x)" -> List(circleGlyph, lineGlyph2), "y = x^2" -> List(lineGlyph), "y = x^3" -> List(circleCrossGlyph, patchGlyph))
def plotLegend(plot: Plot, legends: List[(String, List[GlyphRenderer])]) = {
BokehHelper.getLegends(plot, legends)
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