一:Worldview  世界观


  1. you start somewhere
  2. the more you explore, the more you know
  3. if you get stuck, you can explore elsewhere, but…
  4. you can come back to it






  1. Gravitate towards the unknown   倾向于未知领域
  2. Keep a question log  保存一个问题清单
  3. Important: Get those questions answered 得到这些问题的答案



1.Write down 3-5 things that you are most anxious or uncomfortable.  写下3-5个你最重要着急解决的事情和不着急解决的

2.For each item, ask yourself

  1. If this were the only thing I accomplished today, would I be satisfied with my day?    我这一天是否满意自己所做的工作或者事情
  2. Will moving this forward make all the other items unimportant or easier?  我是否需要把不重要或者简单的事情先解决

二:专注 focus


Learn React!

Learn React,
and Webpack!


三:Double Down  on Evergreen Skills   


四:Embrace Mistakes   拥抱错误  


五:Recovering From Mistakes  回收错误列表

  1. Don’t Trust  Your Gut  不要相信自己的直觉


"The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge." - Wikipedia

Scientific Method Recipe 科学的方法

1. Question (Why is the sky blue?)                     1.问题
2. Hypothesis (Maybe blue dye?)                    2.假设
3. Prediction (Fly a white cloth to the sky and it will turn blue)      3.预测
4. Experiment (Actually do the above)                  4.实验
5. Analysis (What happened? Why?)                 5.分析
6. Repeat if necessary(Go back to 1)

Don’t Skip  Step 4! 警告:不要越过第4步。


六:How to Cheat: Juxtapositioning  怎样欺骗:并行   /Negation  否定

take a problem you know well, and model it in a program   用你熟悉处理问题的方式来建立一个模型

use your unique skills to teach others programming  用你的技能来教别人编程(这里我觉得指的是一种编程能力或者编程模型,对已知有一定的概念并能作出反馈和处理)

rewrite a program in a language you know  在你可控的范围进行重写

rewrite a app in a different style/framework/language 重写不同风格,框架,语言的应用程序

write a different type of app in the same language  用一种语言写不用的应用

same language (JS) but on a different *-side  相同的语言在不同终端的表现

Re-implement a library (concept) in a different language/framework  重新实现不同语言的框架,库 (概念)


write code without inheritance 写代码而不只是集成

write code without objects  

write code without functions

write code without if statements

write code without jQuery

write a web app without a backend



八:Teach It Back


You don't understand something unless you can teach it to other people. - Kyle Simpson   除非你能教别人你才算是明白。

The best way to learn is to teach  最好的学习方法就是教别人


  1. Meetups                 聚会   
  2. Speak                    演讲 
  3. Mentor           
  4. Online                   线上交流
  5. Chatrooms             聊天室  斗鱼直播
  6. Tech404.io   
  7. Blog                      写博客
  8. Make Screencasts   截屏


posted on 2015-12-29 16:07  shininguang  阅读(269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报