南通最专业的开锁公司 南通最好的开锁公司 君威遥控器电池 君威专用汽车钥匙电池雷诺科雷傲汽车钥匙遥控器电池更换方法 南通开锁公司电话_南通修锁 换锁芯 开汽车锁 崇川区 港闸区 如皋 如东开锁 南通开锁公司电话 南通金钥匙开锁服务部-专业开修锁 换锁芯(正规公安工商备案) 南通开锁公司电话 南通开锁公司修锁 装锁电话|崇川区开锁|港闸区开锁 led吸顶灯光源 吸顶灯32w 吸顶灯 灯管 吸顶灯 节能灯泡 led吸顶灯灯泡 三头吸顶灯 led吸顶灯灯管 欧普圆形吸顶灯 55w吸顶灯 吸顶灯光源 旅游壶 真空保温 汉方养生壶 美的电热水壶15s08a2 半球牌电饭煲 美的 mg123-d hd2 飞科 三洋洗衣机全自动 新安怡 学饮杯 黑苦荞黄酮软胶囊 苦荞糖安胶囊 五彩凉山苦荞茶 苦荞茶250g 全胚芽黑苦荞茶500 内蒙特产苦荞茶 富贵康苦荞茶 苦荞面包邮 正中苦荞茶包邮 正中苦荞茶 包邮 苦荞香茶西部 苦荞香茶 西部 轩庆苦荞玫瑰鲜花饼 苦荞真空 苦荞500克 苦荞茶120 苦荞 真空 0.02安全套包邮0.2大力马鱼线0.4mm0.4鱼线0.5l氮纤维高压瓶007sh充电器007电子请柬00高达xn-raiser01102400018401背囊0-25微米千分尺03g101系列全套图集0-3个月婴儿连体哈衣05-08本田奥德赛05ffc23套机05版河南动感地带0603贴片电阻包06年款英派斯06斯巴鲁森林人cd机07军衔07军用水壶07款福克斯两厢07数码迷彩07速腾大灯总成 泰好大门锁 泰好豪华大门锁 cei超b级锁芯 玻璃橱门锁 指纹锁耶鲁4109 耶鲁凯特曼指纹锁 防盗挂锁包邮 包挂锁 包梁挂锁 新君威门锁 新君威门锁扣 指纹锁木门 太空铝黑色门锁 泰好浴室铜门锁 浴室门锁不锈钢 1178冷库门锁 南通配新桑塔纳2000 3000 时代超人 志俊汽车钥匙_配帕桑塔纳钥匙遥控器_帕萨特钥匙全丢重配崇川区 南通配宝来汽车钥匙_配宝来遥控器_宝来钥匙全丢如皋 南通配帕萨特汽车钥匙_配帕萨特遥控器_帕萨特钥匙全丢通州 南通配凯越汽车钥匙_配凯越遥控器_凯越钥匙全丢如东

  • 格子衬衣女 长袖 秋
  • t男恤 短袖 韩版包邮
  • 男士职业衬衫
  • 衬衫 女 长袖点点
  • 衬衫 素色 男 宽松 休闲
  • 职场气质衬衫女
  • t恤男短袖加大码不掉色
  • 帅T 小西装
  • 裤子棕色长裤男
  • 衬衣 女 灯芯绒
  • 衬衣 女商务
  • 女士职业衬衫短袖
  • 休闲裤 男 修身
  • jamesearl纯棉休闲长裤
  • 占姆士女式长袖衬衫
  • 男黑色商务休闲棉长裤
  • 女士长袖衬衫
  • 男士绿色休闲长裤
  • 全棉短袖衬衫 男 薄
  • 女士长袖纯棉衬衫
  • 秋裤男直筒
  • 马自达3汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品蒙迪欧致胜汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品 启辰D50汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品起亚K2汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品索纳塔汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品天籁汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品 天语SX4汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品英朗GT汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品英伦SC7汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品自由舰汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品雨燕汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品雪佛兰迈锐宝汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品

    秋冬季现代瑞纳 宝马5系 帕萨特 日产骐达专用汽车毛绒方向盘套 江苏省盐城市地图2014 最新版 江苏省卫星地图2014 最新版 百度地图-谷歌地图-中国地图-北京地图-搜狗地图google地图 广本凌派汽车座垫 凌派秋冬季汽车坐垫 四季通用 长安福特福克斯油耗详解 宝来汽车遥控钥匙电池 更换方法 图解宝来遥控钥匙的电池换法 宝骏630车钥匙遥控器电池更换步骤 更换方法 迈腾车钥匙电池 迈腾更换遥控器电池详解逍客汽车钥匙电池 遥控器逍客智能钥匙的电池更换步骤 新天籁智能遥控钥匙电池 新天籁智能钥匙如何更换纽扣电池 golf6 汽车钥匙遥控器换电池 图解高尔夫6遥控钥匙的电池换法 长安福特福克斯加速时间详解[图] 福克斯汽车钥匙电池 福克斯钥匙电池更换作业 Q5车钥匙更换电池方法 图解新凯越车钥匙更换电池
  • 汽车坐垫 可爱
  • wrc汽车坐垫
  • 汽车坐垫套四季通用
  • 明锐冰丝 汽车坐套
  • 骐达汽车脚垫全包围
  • 三菱蓝瑟汽车坐垫
  • 捷达汽车脚垫 3d
  • 奥迪S7坐垫
  • 别克荣御坐垫
  • Jeep指南者坐垫
  • 力帆320坐垫
  • 路虎卫士坐垫
  • 双龙爱腾坐垫
  • 斯柯达Yeti坐垫
  • 现代途胜坐垫
  • 一汽威乐坐垫
  • 哈飞路宝汽车坐垫
  • 吉利远景汽车坐垫
  • 吉利全球鹰汽车坐垫
  • 房门锁执手锁 防盗挂锁
  • 运动短裤
  • 短裤 男
  • 半裙
  • 手工拖鞋鞋底
  • iphone4皮套 手机套
  • 机油滤清器扳手工具
  • 桑塔纳3000机油
  • 家居摆件现代
  • 玻璃摆件
  • 瓷器摆件
  • 马到成功摆件
  • 高档瓷器摆件
  • 宝马山地自行车包邮
  • 根雕工艺品摆件
  • 家居摆件吊脚娃娃
  • 泰国佛像摆件工艺品
  • 美利达儿童自行车
  • 天鹅摆件结婚
  • 龙龟摆件纯铜
  • 金摆件聚宝盆
  • 亲子自行车 女式
  • 客厅卧室装饰摆件
  • 贵宾狗摆件
  • 木摆件
  • 羚羊头摆件
  • 招财兔摆件
  • 自行车前包
  • 牛仔短裤
  • 短裤 男 休闲
  • 高腰短裤
  • 夏季短裤
  • 蕾丝短裤
  • 连体短裤
  • 裙裤
  • 裤裙
  • 拖鞋 海外
  • 拖鞋 浴室
  • 拖鞋 防滑
  • 拖 鞋 男
  • 拖鞋 女
  • 浴室拖鞋
  • 家居拖鞋
  • 凉拖鞋
  • 夏天拖鞋
  • 香菇丸
  • 韩国饮料
  • 打草绳小松打草绳二手挖掘机小松 小松割灌机配件 钢木书桌办公桌钢木桌玻璃杯子水壶钢化玻璃水壶钢木办公桌钢木电脑桌进口玻璃水壶玻璃水成份防冻玻璃水包邮防冻玻璃水车用 环保果皮箱环保垃圾袋环保垃圾桶小松120-6常州小松割草机小松打草头小松割灌机小松割灌机配件 咖啡厅员工制服_咖啡厅服务员制服_西餐咖啡服务员制服_咖啡馆制服_咖啡店西餐
  • 5号充电电池8节套装
  • 5-7号电池充电器
  • 充电电池5号正品
  • 可充电电池5号
  • 7号充电电池批发
  • 7号电池包邮
  • 1.5v充电电池5号
  • 5号充电器电池免邮
  • 双鹿电池5号正品
  • 双鹿9v电池
  • 双鹿电池批发
  • 双鹿7号电池
  • 双鹿1号电池
  • 双鹿碱性电池
  • 三星s4电池原装正品
  • 三星s4原装电池后盖
  • n7100原装电池
  • 小米2s原装电池
  • galaxy s4大容量电池
  • galaxy s4原装电池
  • galaxy s3电池
  • galaxy nexus电池
  • 三星galaxy s4电池后盖
  • 品胜小米2s电池
  • 品胜手机电池
  • 小米2a电池品胜
  • 背夹电池iphone4s
  • note2背夹电池
  • 三星s4背夹电池皮套
  • 自行车fixedgear 自行车眼镜 近视 婴儿推车小自行车 自行车骑行眼镜风镜 钻石自行车 山地自行车立管 led自行车气嘴专用灯 三鼎自行车坐椅儿童 自行车线管 金镶玉玉器挂件 自行车脚踏双轴承 铬钼钢架自行车 邦德自行车女式 山地公路自行车 自行车骑行手电筒 自行车灯架 灯夹包邮 自行车水壶支架 自行车 组装 mosso 自行车载mp3 26自行车 男生单车 自行车 折叠 复古 giant山地车 自行车 炫彩自行车 七彩马亲子自行车 ucc山地车 自行车 贝嘉琦 女孩自行车 zxc自行车配件码表 自行车前置安全椅 女童自行车 小龙哈比 自行车碳纤维垫圈 自行车骑行用品 装饰木板板材 美式壁挂装饰 家具装饰配件 衣服装饰亮片 婚礼礼品实用 公司开业庆典礼品 婴儿衣柜 儿童欧式公主床 床围栏护栏嵌入式 床靠背套 派克圆珠笔芯 卧室台灯床头灯现代 个性笔袋 派克im签字笔 彩色铅笔包邮 派克宝珠笔芯 派克笔芯正品 百乐摩可擦笔笔芯 斑马油笔 微型钢笔钓鱼竿 电子教鞭遥控笔 镭射灯激光笔 彩色水笔芯 黑色水笔笔芯 公爵宝珠笔芯 touch3代马克笔 韩国文具笔包邮 水溶性彩色铅笔 马可 sgp触控笔 礼品创意笔筒 铂金 项链 pt950 男 老竹笔筒 竹雕笔筒 六福珠宝铂金手镯 8.9寸笔记本电脑 三菱签字笔1.0 华硕游戏笔记本 插座面板

    制作你的第一个HTML 5游戏

    Final Product What You'll Be Creating

    HTML5 is growing up faster than anyone could have imagined. Powerful and professional solutions are already being developed…even in the gaming world! Today, you’ll make your first game using Box2D and HTML5′s canvas tag.

    What is Box2D?

    Box2D is an open source and popular engine that simulates 2D physics for making games and applications. Primarily written in C++, it has been converted to numerous languages by community contributors.

    With the same methods and objects, you have the ability to make your games’ physics in many languages, such as Objective C (iPhone/iPad), Actionscript 3.0 (Web), HTML 5 (Web), etc.

    Step 1 - Setting up your Project

    To begin developing your demo, download the Box2D engine for HTML5 here. Next, create a new HTML file with the following structure (copy js and lib directories from box2d-js project to your game folder).

    Now, you must insert the necessary files to run box2D into your HTML file:

    1. <!--[if IE]><script src="lib/excanvas.js"></script><![endif]-->  
    2.  <script src="lib/prototype-"></script>  
    3. <!-- box2djs -->  
    4.  <script src='js/box2d/common/b2Settings.js'></script>  
    5.  <script src='js/box2d/common/math/b2Vec2.js'></script>  
    6.  <script src='js/box2d/common/math/b2Mat22.js'></script>  
    7.  <script src='js/box2d/common/math/b2Math.js'></script>  
    8.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2AABB.js'></script>  
    9.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2Bound.js'></script>  
    10.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2BoundValues.js'></script>  
    11.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2Pair.js'></script>  
    12.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2PairCallback.js'></script>  
    13.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2BufferedPair.js'></script>  
    14.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2PairManager.js'></script>  
    15.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2BroadPhase.js'></script>  
    16.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2Collision.js'></script>  
    17.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/Features.js'></script>  
    18.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2ContactID.js'></script>  
    19.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2ContactPoint.js'></script>  
    20.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2Distance.js'></script>  
    21.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2Manifold.js'></script>  
    22.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2OBB.js'></script>  
    23.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/b2Proxy.js'></script>  
    24.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/ClipVertex.js'></script>  
    25.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/shapes/b2Shape.js'></script>  
    26.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/shapes/b2ShapeDef.js'></script>  
    27.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/shapes/b2BoxDef.js'></script>  
    28.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/shapes/b2CircleDef.js'></script>  
    29.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/shapes/b2CircleShape.js'></script>  
    30.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/shapes/b2MassData.js'></script>  
    31.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/shapes/b2PolyDef.js'></script>  
    32.  <script src='js/box2d/collision/shapes/b2PolyShape.js'></script>  
    33.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/b2Body.js'></script>  
    34.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/b2BodyDef.js'></script>  
    35.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/b2CollisionFilter.js'></script>  
    36.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/b2Island.js'></script>  
    37.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/b2TimeStep.js'></script>  
    38.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2ContactNode.js'></script>  
    39.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2Contact.js'></script>  
    40.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2ContactConstraint.js'></script>  
    41.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2ContactConstraintPoint.js'></script>  
    42.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2ContactRegister.js'></script>  
    43.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2ContactSolver.js'></script>  
    44.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2CircleContact.js'></script>  
    45.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2Conservative.js'></script>  
    46.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2NullContact.js'></script>  
    47.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2PolyAndCircleContact.js'></script>  
    48.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/contacts/b2PolyContact.js'></script>  
    49.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/b2ContactManager.js'></script>  
    50.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/b2World.js'></script>  
    51.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/b2WorldListener.js'></script>  
    52.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2JointNode.js'></script>  
    53.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2Joint.js'></script>  
    54.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2JointDef.js'></script>  
    55.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2DistanceJoint.js'></script>  
    56.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2DistanceJointDef.js'></script>  
    57.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2Jacobian.js'></script>  
    58.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2GearJoint.js'></script>  
    59.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2GearJointDef.js'></script>  
    60.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2MouseJoint.js'></script>  
    61.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2MouseJointDef.js'></script>  
    62.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2PrismaticJoint.js'></script>  
    63.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2PrismaticJointDef.js'></script>  
    64.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2PulleyJoint.js'></script>  
    65.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2PulleyJointDef.js'></script>  
    66.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2RevoluteJoint.js'></script>  
    67.  <script src='js/box2d/dynamics/joints/b2RevoluteJointDef.js'></script>  

    Yep, that’s a huge number of HTTP requests!

    Please note that, for deployment, it’s highly recommended that you concatenate all of these resources into one script file.

    Next, create two more scripts inside the /js/ folder, called "box2dutils.js" and "game.js".

    • box2dutils.js – it’s a copy and paste from some demos that come with box2dlib, and is important for drawing functions (I will also explain some important parts here).
    • game.js – the game, itself; this is where we create the platforms, the player, apply the keyboard interactions, etc.

    Copy and paste the following code into box2dutils.js. Don’t worry! I’ll explain it bit by bit!

    1. function drawWorld(world, context) {  
    2.     for (var j = world.m_jointList; j; j = j.m_next) {  
    3.         drawJoint(j, context);  
    4.     }  
    5.     for (var b = world.m_bodyList; b; b = b.m_next) {  
    6.         for (var s = b.GetShapeList(); s != null; s = s.GetNext()) {  
    7.             drawShape(s, context);  
    8.         }  
    9.     }  
    10. }  
    11. function drawJoint(joint, context) {  
    12.     var b1 = joint.m_body1;  
    13.     var b2 = joint.m_body2;  
    14.     var x1 = b1.m_position;  
    15.     var x2 = b2.m_position;  
    16.     var p1 = joint.GetAnchor1();  
    17.     var p2 = joint.GetAnchor2();  
    18.     context.strokeStyle = '#00eeee';  
    19.     context.beginPath();  
    20.     switch (joint.m_type) {  
    21.     case b2Joint.e_distanceJoint:  
    22.         context.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);  
    23.         context.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);  
    24.         break;  
    26.     case b2Joint.e_pulleyJoint:  
    27.         // TODO  
    28.         break;  
    30.     default:  
    31.         if (b1 == world.m_groundBody) {  
    32.             context.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);  
    33.             context.lineTo(x2.x, x2.y);  
    34.         }  
    35.         else if (b2 == world.m_groundBody) {  
    36.             context.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);  
    37.             context.lineTo(x1.x, x1.y);  
    38.         }  
    39.         else {  
    40.             context.moveTo(x1.x, x1.y);  
    41.             context.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y);  
    42.             context.lineTo(x2.x, x2.y);  
    43.             context.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);  
    44.         }  
    45.         break;  
    46.     }  
    47.     context.stroke();  
    48. }  
    49. function drawShape(shape, context) {  
    50.     context.strokeStyle = '#000000';  
    51.     context.beginPath();  
    52.     switch (shape.m_type) {  
    53.     case b2Shape.e_circleShape:  
    54.         {  
    55.             var circle = shape;  
    56.             var pos = circle.m_position;  
    57.             var r = circle.m_radius;  
    58.             var segments = 16.0;  
    59.             var theta = 0.0;  
    60.             var dtheta = 2.0 * Math.PI / segments;  
    61.             // draw circle  
    62.             context.moveTo(pos.x + r, pos.y);  
    63.             for (var i = 0; i < segments; i++) {  
    64.                 var d = new b2Vec2(r * Math.cos(theta), r * Math.sin(theta));  
    65.                 var v = b2Math.AddVV(pos, d);  
    66.                 context.lineTo(v.x, v.y);  
    67.                 theta += dtheta;  
    68.             }  
    69.             context.lineTo(pos.x + r, pos.y);  
    71.             // draw radius  
    72.             context.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);  
    73.             var ax = circle.m_R.col1;  
    74.             var pos2 = new b2Vec2(pos.x + r * ax.x, pos.y + r * ax.y);  
    75.             context.lineTo(pos2.x, pos2.y);  
    76.         }  
    77.         break;  
    78.     case b2Shape.e_polyShape:  
    79.         {  
    80.             var poly = shape;  
    81.             var tV = b2Math.AddVV(poly.m_position, b2Math.b2MulMV(poly.m_R, poly.m_vertices[0]));  
    82.             context.moveTo(tV.x, tV.y);  
    83.             for (var i = 0; i < poly.m_vertexCount; i++) {  
    84.                 var v = b2Math.AddVV(poly.m_position, b2Math.b2MulMV(poly.m_R, poly.m_vertices[i]));  
    85.                 context.lineTo(v.x, v.y);  
    86.             }  
    87.             context.lineTo(tV.x, tV.y);  
    88.         }  
    89.         break;  
    90.     }  
    91.     context.stroke();  
    92. }  
    94. function createWorld() {  
    95.     var worldAABB = new b2AABB();  
    96.     worldAABB.minVertex.Set(-1000, -1000);  
    97.     worldAABB.maxVertex.Set(1000, 1000);  
    98.     var gravity = new b2Vec2(0, 300);  
    99.     var doSleep = true;  
    100.     var world = new b2World(worldAABB, gravity, doSleep);  
    101.     return world;  
    102. }  
    104. function createGround(world) {  
    105.     var groundSd = new b2BoxDef();  
    106.     groundSd.extents.Set(1000, 50);  
    107.     groundSd.restitution = 0.2;  
    108.     var groundBd = new b2BodyDef();  
    109.     groundBd.AddShape(groundSd);  
    110.     groundBd.position.Set(-500, 340);  
    111.     return world.CreateBody(groundBd)  
    112. }  
    114. function createBall(world, x, y) {  
    115.     var ballSd = new b2CircleDef();  
    116.     ballSd.density = 1.0;  
    117.     ballSd.radius = 20;  
    118.     ballSd.restitution = 1.0;  
    119.     ballSd.friction = 0;  
    120.     var ballBd = new b2BodyDef();  
    121.     ballBd.AddShape(ballSd);  
    122.     ballBd.position.Set(x,y);  
    123.     return world.CreateBody(ballBd);  
    124. }  
    126. function createBox(world, x, y, width, height, fixed, userData) {  
    127.     if (typeof(fixed) == 'undefined') fixed = true;  
    128.     var boxSd = new b2BoxDef();  
    129.     if (!fixed) boxSd.density = 1.0;  
    131.     boxSd.userData = userData;  
    133.     boxSd.extents.Set(width, height);  
    134.     var boxBd = new b2BodyDef();  
    135.     boxBd.AddShape(boxSd);  
    136.     boxBd.position.Set(x,y);  
    137.     return world.CreateBody(boxBd)  
    138. }  

    Step 2 - Developing the Game

    Open the index.html file that you previously created, and add a canvas element (600x400) within the body element. This is where we'll work with the HTML5 drawing API:

    1. <canvas id="game" width="600" height="400"></canvas>  

    Also, while you're here, reference game.js and box2dutils.js.

    1. <script src='js/box2dutils.js'></script>  
    2. <script src='js/game.js'></script>  

    That'll do it for the HTML! Let's work on the fun JavaScript now!

    Open game.js, and insert the code below:

    1. // some variables that we gonna use in this demo  
    2. var initId = 0;  
    3. var player = function(){  
    4.     this.object = null;  
    5.     this.canJump = false;  
    6. };  
    7. var world;  
    8. var ctx;  
    9. var canvasWidth;  
    10. var canvasHeight;  
    11. var keys = [];  
    13. // HTML5 onLoad event  
    14. Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {  
    15.     world = createWorld(); // box2DWorld  
    16.     ctx = $('game').getContext('2d'); // 2  
    17.     var canvasElm = $('game');  
    18.     canvasWidth = parseInt(canvasElm.width);  
    19.     canvasHeight = parseInt(canvasElm.height);  
    20.     initGame(); // 3  
    21.     step(); // 4  
    23. // 5  
    24.     window.addEventListener('keydown',handleKeyDown,true);  
    25.     window.addEventListener('keyup',handleKeyUp,true);  
    26. });  

    Box2DWorld - that's why we're here

    Okay, let's figure out what this chunk of code does!

    Box2DWorld is one of the classes that is made available, via the core of box2d. Its function is simple: combine everything into one class. In box2DWorld, you have the bodies definition and collisions manager of your game or application.

    Keep the game.js and box2dutils.js files open, and search for the createWorld() function within box2dutils.js.

    1. function createWorld() {  
    2.     // here we create our world settings for collisions  
    3.     var worldAABB = new b2AABB();  
    4.     worldAABB.minVertex.Set(-1000, -1000);  
    5.     worldAABB.maxVertex.Set(1000, 1000);  
    6.     // set gravity vector  
    7.     var gravity = new b2Vec2(0, 300);  
    8.     var doSleep = true;  
    9.     // init our world and return its value  
    10.     var world = new b2World(worldAABB, gravity, doSleep);  
    11.     return world;  
    12. }  

    It's quite simple to create the box2DWorld.

    Back to game.js

    Refer to the commented numbers in the two blocks of code above. On number two, we retrieve the canvas element's context by using the selector API (looks like jQuery or MooTools selectors, don't they?). On number three, we have a new interesting function: initGame(). This is where we create the scenery.

    Copy and paste the code below into game.js, and then we'll review it together.

    1. function initGame(){  
    2.     // create 2 big platforms  
    3.     createBox(world, 3, 230, 60, 180, true, 'ground');  
    4.     createBox(world, 560, 360, 50, 50, true, 'ground');  
    6.     // create small platforms  
    7.     for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){  
    8.         createBox(world, 150+(80*i), 360, 5, 40+(i*15), true, 'ground');  
    9.     }  
    11.     // create player ball  
    12.     var ballSd = new b2CircleDef();  
    13.     ballSd.density = 0.1;  
    14.     ballSd.radius = 12;  
    15.     ballSd.restitution = 0.5;  
    16.     ballSd.friction = 1;  
    17.     ballSd.userData = 'player';  
    18.     var ballBd = new b2BodyDef();  
    19.     ballBd.linearDamping = .03;  
    20.     ballBd.allowSleep = false;  
    21.     ballBd.AddShape(ballSd);  
    22.     ballBd.position.Set(20,0);  
    23.     player.object = world.CreateBody(ballBd);  
    25. }  
    27.  Inside <code>box2dutils.js</code>, we've created a function, called <code>createBox</code>. This creates a static rectangle body.  
    29. function createBox(world, x, y, width, height, fixed, userData) { 
    30.     if (typeof(fixed) == 'undefined') fixed = true;  
    31.     //1  
    32. var boxSd = new b2BoxDef();  
    33.     if (!fixed) boxSd.density = 1.0;  
    34.     //2  
    35.     boxSd.userData = userData;  
    36.     //3  
    37.     boxSd.extents.Set(width, height);  
    39.     //4  
    40.     var boxBd = new b2BodyDef();  
    41.     boxBd.AddShape(boxSd);  
    42.     //5  
    43.     boxBd.position.Set(x,y);  
    44.     //6  
    45.     return world.CreateBody(boxBd)  
    46. }  


    A Box2DBody has some unique characteristics:

    • It can be static (not affected by collisions impacts), kinematic (it isn't affected by collisions, but it can be moved by your mouse, for example), or dynamic (interacts with everything)
    • Must have a shape definition, and should indicate how the object appears
    • May have more than one fixture, which indicates how the object will interact with collisions
    • Its position is set by the center of your object, not the left top edge as many other engines do.

    Reviewing the code:

    1. Here, we create one shape definition that will be a square or rectangle, and setup its density (how often it gonna be moved, or rotate by forces).
    2. We setup the userData, usually you setup graphics objects here, but in this example, I just setup strings that will be the identifier of the type of the object for collisions. This parameter doesn't affect physics algorithms.
    3. Setup half of the size of my box (it's a line from the position point, or the center point of the object to a corner)
    4. We create the body definition, and add to it the box shape definition.
    5. Setup the position.
    6. Create the body in the world and return its value.

    Creating the Player Ball Body

    I've coded the player (ball) directly in the game.js file. It follows the same sequence of creating boxes, but, this time, it's a ball.

    1. var ballSd = new b2CircleDef();  
    2.     ballSd.density = 0.1;  
    3.     ballSd.radius = 12;  
    4.     ballSd.restitution = 0.5;  
    5.     ballSd.friction = 1;  
    6.     ballSd.userData = 'player';  
    7.     var ballBd = new b2BodyDef();  
    8.     ballBd.linearDamping = .03;  
    9.     ballBd.allowSleep = false;  
    10.     ballBd.AddShape(ballSd);  
    11.     ballBd.position.Set(20,0);  
    12.     player.object = world.CreateBody(ballBd);  

    So how do we create a body, step by step?

    1. Create the shape, fixture and sensor definition
    2. Create the body definition
    3. Add into the body your shape, fixtures or sensors (not explained in this article)
    4. Create the body in the world


    As I noted earlier, this follows the same creation process of a box, but now you must set some new parameters.

    • radius - This is the length of a line from the center of the circle to any point on its edge.
    • restitution - How the ball will lose, or gain force when collides with other body.
    • friction - How the ball will roll.

    Box2DBody - More Properties

    • damping is used to reduce the velocity of the body - there's angular damping and linear damping.
    • sleep in box2D, bodies can sleep to solve performance issues. For example, let's suppose you are developing a platform game, and the level is defined by a 6000x400 screen. Why do you need to perform physics for objects that are off screen? You don't; that's the point! So the correct choice is to put them to sleep, and improve your game's performance.

    We've already created our world; you can test the code that you have so far. You'll see the player falling above the west platform.

    Now, if you tried to run the demo, you should be wondering, why is the page as barren as white paper?

    Always remember: Box2D doesn't render; it only calculates physics.

    Step 3 - Rendering Time

    Next, let's render the box2DWorld.

    Open your game.js script, and add the following code:

    1. function step() {  
    3.     var stepping = false;  
    4.     var timeStep = 1.0/60;  
    5.     var iteration = 1;  
    6.     // 1  
    7.     world.Step(timeStep, iteration);  
    8.     // 2  
    9.     ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);  
    10.     drawWorld(world, ctx);  
    11.     // 3  
    12.     setTimeout('step()', 10);  
    13. }  

    What we accomplish here:

    1. Instructed box2dWorld to perform physics simulations
    2. Cleared canvas screen and draw again
    3. Execute the step() function again in ten milliseconds

    With this bit of code, we are now working with physics and drawing. You can test yourself, and watch for a falling ball, as demonstrated below:

    drawWorld in box2dutils.js

    1. function drawWorld(world, context) {  
    2.     for (var j = world.m_jointList; j; j = j.m_next) {  
    3.         drawJoint(j, context);  
    4.     }  
    5.     for (var b = world.m_bodyList; b; b = b.m_next) {  
    6.         for (var s = b.GetShapeList(); s != null; s = s.GetNext()) {  
    7.             drawShape(s, context);  
    8.         }  
    9.     }  
    10. }  

    What we've written above is a debug function that draws our world into the canvas, using the graphics API provided by HTML5's Canvas API.

    The first loop draws all joints. We didn't use joints in this article. They are a bit complex for a first demo, but, nonetheless, they're essential for your games. They allow you to create very interesting bodies.

    The second loop draws all bodies, which is why we're here!

    1. function drawShape(shape, context) {  
    2.     context.strokeStyle = '#000000';  
    3.     context.beginPath();  
    4.     switch (shape.m_type) {  
    5.     case b2Shape.e_circleShape:  
    6.         {  
    7.             var circle = shape;  
    8.             var pos = circle.m_position;  
    9.             var r = circle.m_radius;  
    10.             var segments = 16.0;  
    11.             var theta = 0.0;  
    12.             var dtheta = 2.0 * Math.PI / segments;  
    13.             // draw circle  
    14.             context.moveTo(pos.x + r, pos.y);  
    15.             for (var i = 0; i < segments; i++) {  
    16.                 var d = new b2Vec2(r * Math.cos(theta), r * Math.sin(theta));  
    17.                 var v = b2Math.AddVV(pos, d);  
    18.                 context.lineTo(v.x, v.y);  
    19.                 theta += dtheta;  
    20.             }  
    21.             context.lineTo(pos.x + r, pos.y);  
    23.             // draw radius  
    24.             context.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);  
    25.             var ax = circle.m_R.col1;  
    26.             var pos2 = new b2Vec2(pos.x + r * ax.x, pos.y + r * ax.y);  
    27.             context.lineTo(pos2.x, pos2.y);  
    28.         }  
    29.         break;  
    30.     case b2Shape.e_polyShape:  
    31.         {  
    32.             var poly = shape;  
    33.             var tV = b2Math.AddVV(poly.m_position, b2Math.b2MulMV(poly.m_R, poly.m_vertices[0]));  
    34.             context.moveTo(tV.x, tV.y);  
    35.             for (var i = 0; i < poly.m_vertexCount; i++) {  
    36.                 var v = b2Math.AddVV(poly.m_position, b2Math.b2MulMV(poly.m_R, poly.m_vertices[i]));  
    37.                 context.lineTo(v.x, v.y);  
    38.             }  
    39.             context.lineTo(tV.x, tV.y);  
    40.         }  
    41.         break;  
    42.     }  
    43.     context.stroke();  
    44. }  

    We're looping through every vertices of the object and drawing it with lines (context.moveTo and context.lineTo). Now, it's useful to have an example... but not so useful in practice. When you use graphics, you only need to pay attention to the bodies' positioning. You don't need to loop vertices, as this demo does.

    Step 4 - Interactivity

    A game without interactivity is a movie, and a movie with interactivity is a game.

    Let's develop the keyboard arrow functionality to jump and move the ball.

    Add the following code to your game.js file:

    1. function handleKeyDown(evt){  
    2.     keys[evt.keyCode] = true;  
    3. }  
    5. function handleKeyUp(evt){  
    6.     keys[evt.keyCode] = false;  
    7. }  
    9. // disable vertical scrolling from arrows :)  
    10. document.onkeydown=function(){return event.keyCode!=38 && event.keyCode!=40}  

    With handleKeyDown and handleKeyUp, we setup an array which tracks every key the user types. With document.onkeydown, we disable the browser's native vertical scrolling function for up and down arrows. Have you ever played an HTML5 game, and when you jump, the player, enemies and objects go off screen? That won't be an issue now.

    Add this next bit of code to the beginning of your step() function:

    1. handleInteractions();  

    And outside, declare the function:

    1. function handleInteractions(){  
    2.     // up arrow  
    3.     // 1  
    4.     var collision = world.m_contactList;  
    5.     player.canJump = false;  
    6.     if (collision != null){  
    7.         if (collision.GetShape1().GetUserData() == 'player' || collision.GetShape2().GetUserData() == 'player'){  
    8.             if ((collision.GetShape1().GetUserData() == 'ground' || collision.GetShape2().GetUserData() == 'ground')){  
    9.                 var playerObj = (collision.GetShape1().GetUserData() == 'player' ? collision.GetShape1().GetPosition() :  collision.GetShape2().GetPosition());  
    10.                 var groundObj = (collision.GetShape1().GetUserData() == 'ground' ? collision.GetShape1().GetPosition() :  collision.GetShape2().GetPosition());  
    11.                 if (playerObj.y < groundObj.y){  
    12.                     player.canJump = true;  
    13.                 }  
    14.             }  
    15.         }  
    16.     }  
    17.     // 2  
    18.     var vel = player.object.GetLinearVelocity();  
    19.     // 3  
    20.     if (keys[38] && player.canJump){  
    21.         vel.y = -150;  
    22.     }  
    24.     // 4  
    25.     // left/right arrows  
    26.     if (keys[37]){  
    27.         vel.x = -60;  
    28.     }  
    29.     else if (keys[39]){  
    30.         vel.x = 60;  
    31.     }  
    33.     // 5  
    34.     player.object.SetLinearVelocity(vel);  
    35. }  

    The most complicated piece of the code above is the first one, where we check for a collision, and write some conditions to determine if the shape1 or the shape2 is the player. If it is, we verify if shape1 or shape2 is a ground object. Again, if so, the player is colliding with the ground. Next, we check if the player is above the ground. If that's the case, then the player can jump.

    On the second commented line (2), we retrieve the LinearVelocity of the player.

    The third and forth commented regions verify if arrows are being pressed, and adjust the velocity vector, accordingly.

    In the fifth region, we setup the player with the new velocity vector.

    The interactions are now done! But there's no objective, We just jump, jump, jump… and jump!

    Step 5 - "You Win" Message

    Add the code below to the beginning of your LinearVelocity function:

    1. if (player.object.GetCenterPosition().y > canvasHeight){  
    2.     player.object.SetCenterPosition(new b2Vec2(20,0),0)  
    3. }  
    4. else if (player.object.GetCenterPosition().x > canvasWidth-50){  
    5.     showWin();  
    6.     return;  
    7. }  
    • The first condition determines if the player falls, and should be transported back to the start point (above the west platform).
    • The second condition checks if the player is above the second platform, and won the game. Here's the showWin() function.
    1. function showWin(){  
    2.     ctx.fillStyle    = '#000';  
    3.     ctx.font         = '30px verdana';  
    4.     ctx.textBaseline = 'top';  
    5.     ctx.fillText('Ye! you made it!', 30, 0);  
    6.     ctx.fillText('thank you, andersonferminiano.com', 30, 30);  
    7.     ctx.fillText('@andferminiano', 30, 60);  
    8. }  

    And that's it! You've just completed your first simple game with HTML5 and Box2D. Congratulations!

    posted @ 2011-09-20 14:12  ChaunceyHao  阅读(590)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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