react.js Warning: Failed form propType: You provided a value prop to a form field without an onChange handler. This will render a read-only field.


eact.js:20483 Warning: Failed form propType: You provided a value prop to a form field without an onChangehandler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use defaultValue. Otherwise, set either onChange or readOnly. Check the render method of TickTock.



英文讲得很明白,如果你希望的是给字段赋初值那就用 defaultValue,如果用了类似 <input value={1} />这种,那这个输入框的值将永远为1,无法通过输入来更改,只能通过onChange来修改

posted @ 2018-08-01 15:42  脚本小娃子  阅读(5759)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报