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string seed = "http://www.ebigear.com/reslist-92-1.html";
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WebResponse wResponse = wRequest.GetResponse();
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html= streamReader.ReadToEnd(); //获取seed 网页的源代码
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class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >1263</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001982&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">2天前</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001983.html" title="国外英语动画故事-A Lion and a mouse" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-A Lion and a mouse</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">A Lion and a mouse One fine day in spring, a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >4035</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001983&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">18天前</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001984.html" title="国外英语动画故事-A Quiet Quiz" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-A Quiet Quiz</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">感谢大耳朵网友"大耳朵usa"提供的听力原文 A Quiet Quiz Please, be quiet. This is a quiz. Q...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >7191</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001984&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">11/04/28</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001985.html" title="国外英语动画故事-A wolf and shadow" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-A wolf and shadow</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">A wolf and his shadow 狼和它的影子 When it was getting dark a wolf was walking along the road. ...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >5719</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001985&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">11/05/01</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001986.html" title="国外英语动画故事-Allen’s Fear" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-Allen’s Fear</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">英文: Allen’s Fear Allen does not like high places. Allen would never climb a ladder. ...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >3021</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001986&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">10/07/15</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001987.html" title="国外英语动画故事-An animal hospital nurse" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-An animal hospital nurse</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">感谢大耳朵网友"dingxiang6"提供的听力原文 Who is it ? A kangaroo nurse. She works all day. ...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >4299</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001987&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">一个月前</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001988.html" title="国外英语动画故事-Annie the Detective" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-Annie the Detective</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">Annie the Detective 1.Annie and her family were enjoying dessert. Everyone loved Mother’s...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >2554</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001988&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">10/02/17</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001989.html" title="国外英语动画故事-At Night" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-At Night</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">英文: At Night The horse sleeps in the stable. The pig sleeps in the pen. The squirrel...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >3910</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001989&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">11/03/14</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001990.html" title="国外英语动画故事-Autumn’s Coming" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-Autumn’s Coming</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">Autumn’s Coming It’s a autumn,it’s fall,can you hear the call? The leaves are falling,...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >3759</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001990&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">一个月前</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001991.html" title="国外英语动画故事-Ball Goes on a Picnic" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-Ball Goes on a Picnic</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">英文: Ball Goes on a Picnic It’s a nice fall day. So today, Ball is going on a picnic. ...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >7994</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001991&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">10/08/03</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001992.html" title="国外英语动画故事-Blue Cow in the Playground" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-Blue Cow in the Playground</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >8144</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001992&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">10/01/26</ A ></ div > </ li > < li > < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001993.html" title="国外英语动画故事-Bob Goes to the Dentist" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-Bob Goes to the Dentist</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">英文: Bob Goes to the Dentist Today is my first dentist appointment. I really do not wa...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >3087</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001993&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">10/12/30</ A ></ div > </ li > < li style="border:0"> < div >< strong >< a href="/res-92-7777700001994.html" title="国外英语动画故事-Bremen Town Musicians" target="_blank">国外英语动画故事-Bremen Town Musicians</ a ></ strong ></ div > < div class="contentintro">感谢大耳朵网友"大耳朵usa"提供的听力原文 Bremen Town Musicians Once upon a time, a donkey ...</ div > < div class="listauthor">< img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/icon/s_flash.gif">作者:< A HREF="/member-702.html" target="_blank">little ear</ A > 点击:< span >7587</ span > 发布时间:< span >05/05/28</ span > 最后评论:< A href="/?module=review&act=lists&ObjectID=7777700001994&ObjectType=rs" target="_blank">2天前</ A ></ div > </ li > </ ul > < div 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2. 我们来分析一下要抓取的文章的链接
<a target="_blank" title="国外英语动画故事-A Country Road" href="/res-92-7777700001981.html">国外英语动画故事-A Country Road</a>
<a target="_blank" title="国外英语动画故事-A Hot Air Balloon" href="/res-92-7777700001982.html">国外英语动画故事-A Hot Air Balloon</a>
经过分析,可以得到 获取链接的正则表达式
Regex rg1 = new Regex("/res-92[^\"]+html", RegexOptions.Compiled |RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
MatchCollection mc=rg1.Matches(html);
foreach (Match a in mc)
string catchUrl = @"http://www.ebigear.com" + a.Value;
wRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(catchUrl);
wResponse = wRequest.GetResponse();
using(Stream stream = wResponse.GetResponseStream())
using(StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
html = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
Regex rgN = new Regex("\n|\r|\t");
Regex rgReplace = new Regex(""");
Regex rgContent = new Regex("(?<=<div\\s*id=\"enText\"\\s*style=\"display:block\">).*?(?=</div>)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Multiline);
ShowBox.Text+= rgContent.Match(rgReplace.Replace( rgN.Replace(html,""),"\"")).Value+"\n\n\n\n\n"; //要先去掉\n\t\r,不然正则没效果
这里就不处理了,把<br/> 替换一下就可以了。
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