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使用json 和jQuery制作级联dropdownlist

联动式的下拉选择是一个很普遍的需求,在ASP.NET MVC中可以使用Json和jQuery来实现,更简单的是使用jQuery的级联插件CascadingDropDown ,具体参见文章

   1: $(targetID).CascadingDropDown(sourceID, actionPath, settings) 
   3: •targetID 
   4: The ID of the select list that will auto populate.  
   6: •sourceID 
   7: The ID of the select list, which, on change, causes the targetID to auto populate. 
   9: •actionPath 
  10: The url to post to 
  11: Options
  13: •promptText 
  14: Text for the first item in the select list 
  15: Default : -- Select -- 
  17: •loadingText 
  18: Optional text to display in the select list while it is being loaded. 
  19: Default : Loading.. 
  21: •errorText 
  22: Optional text to display if an error occurs while populating the list 
  23: Default: Error loading data. 
  25: •postData 
  26: Data you want posted to the url in place of the default 
  27: Example : 
  28: postData: function () { 
  29:     return { prefix: $('#txtPrefix').val(), customerID: $('#customerID').val() }; 
  30: } 
  31: will cause prefix=foo&customerID=bar to be sent as the POST body. 
  32: Default: A text string obtained by calling serialize on the sourceID 
  34: •onLoading (event) 
  35: Raised before the list is populated. 
  37: •onLoaded (event) 
  38: Raised after the list is populated, The code below shows how to “animate” the  select list after load. 
posted @ 2010-07-04 16:48  张善友  阅读(3740)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报