pacman 日志摘要

wqy-zenhei post install message
==> Special Note: By default, we disabled the embedded bitmaps,
    so that the characters will be displayed as Anti-aliased glyphs.
    For those who want to use bitmap font rendering (for 9pt-12pt),
    you can modify the enclosed 44-wqy-zenhei.conf and change the line
        <edit name=\"embeddedbitmap\"><bool>false</bool></edit>
        <edit name=\"embeddedbitmap\"><bool>true</bool></edit>"

    Remove 44-wqy-zenhei.conf and 66-wqy-zenhei-sharp.conf symlinks
    from /etc/fonts/conf.d/ directory if you have problems with this



 Place menu.xml, rc.xml and in ~/.config/openbox

 They can be found in /etc/xdg/openbox



  adding avahi system group... done.
[2009-10-08 14:38] adding avahi system user... done.
[2009-10-08 14:38] ==> The following daemons may be added to DAEMONS in /etc/rc.conf:
[2009-10-08 14:38]  -> avahi-daemon   - the mdns responder, you probably want this.
[2009-10-08 14:38]                      dbus needs to be running when you start it.
[2009-10-08 14:38]  -> avahi-dnsconfd - daemon used for peer-to-peer automatic dns
[2009-10-08 14:38]                      configuration on dhcp-less networks.
[2009-10-08 14:38]
[2009-10-08 14:38] ==> To use some of the client applications you will have to install pyt
[2009-10-08 14:38]  -> In addition, pygtk is required for the graphical ones and
[2009-10-08 14:38]     twisted-web for avahi-bookmarks.
[2009-10-08 14:38]
[2009-10-08 14:38] installed avahi (0.6.25-1)
[2009-10-08 14:38] ==> mpd: Create a config under /etc/mpd.conf before using MPD (Example:



 Example configuration files can be found in
[2009-10-08 15:03] /usr/share/doc/ncmpcpp
[2009-10-08 15:03] installed ncmpcpp (0.4-1)



[2009-10-08 15:26] ==>  cyrus-sasl has been split up into several standalone packages.
[2009-10-08 15:26] ==>
[2009-10-08 15:26] ==>  - If you use saslauthd, make sure you have cyrus-sasl installed
[2009-10-08 15:26] ==>
[2009-10-08 15:26] ==>  - If you use authentication modules other than sasldb,
[2009-10-08 15:26] ==>    install cyrus-sasl-plugins
[2009-10-08 15:26] ==>


 In order to use p7zip with mc:
[2009-10-09 12:09] :: Add u7z to /usr/share/mc/extfs/extfs.ini
[2009-10-09 12:09] :: and add the following to /usr/share/mc/mc.ext:
[2009-10-09 12:09] ::
[2009-10-09 12:09] :: regex/\.(7z|7Z)$
[2009-10-09 12:09] ::     View=%view{ascii} 7za l %f
[2009-10-09 12:09] ::     Open=%cd %p#u7z
[2009-10-09 12:09] installed p7zip (9.04-1)



   If you want to run the Transmission daemon at boot,
[2009-10-09 22:27]   add transmissiond to the DAEMONS array in /etc/rc.conf.
[2009-10-09 22:27]   You have to set the user in /etc/conf.d/transmissiond.



 ==> You need to restart the dbus service after
[2009-10-10 16:52] ==> upgrading wicd.
[2009-10-10 16:52] ==> Disable networkmanager,dhcdbd or other networking
[2009-10-10 16:52] ==> utility and add 'wicd' to DAEMONS
[2009-10-10 16:52] ==> in /etc/rc.conf
[2009-10-10 16:52] ==> 'dbus' HAS to be before 'wicd' in rc.conf in the
[2009-10-10 16:52] ==> DAEMONS array.
[2009-10-10 16:52] ==> Wireless Interface Connection Daemon
[2009-10-10 16:52]
[2009-10-10 16:52] ==> To run: wicd-client



 starting full system upgrade
[2009-10-12 11:20] ==> to use yaourt as user,add these entries to /etc/sudoers:
[2009-10-12 11:20]            user ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pacman
[2009-10-12 11:20]            user ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pacdiffviewer
[2009-10-12 11:20] (Please, use sudo very carefully)
[2009-10-12 11:20] ==> for a full colorized output, install pacman-color and set PacmanBin
 in /etc/yaourtrc


 ==> You must load the fuse kernel module to use FUSE.
[2009-11-08 12:43]  -> Run 'modprobe fuse' to load the module now.
[2009-11-08 12:43]  -> Add fuse to $MODULES in /etc/rc.conf to load on every boot.
[2009-11-08 12:43] ==> You will need a /dev/fuse device node to use FUSE.
[2009-11-08 12:43]  -> If you use udev, nothing needs to be done
[2009-11-08 12:43]  -> For a static /dev, run: mknod /dev/fuse -m 0666 c 10 229
[2009-11-08 12:43] installed fuse (2.8.1-1)



 The package is built using sysv ipc. If this causes segfaults
[2009-11-13 18:53] see included README file and rebuild the pkg --with-ipc=tcp
[2009-11-13 18:53] upgraded fakeroot (1.13.1-1 -> 1.14.3-1)



 ===> Important Fontconfig configuration change <===
[2009-12-10 21:04]
[2009-12-10 21:04]   The way fontconfig is configured has been changed.
[2009-12-10 21:04]   Configuration is done via /etc/fonts/conf.avail and conf.d.
[2009-12-10 21:04]   Read /etc/fonts/conf.d/README for more information.
[2009-12-10 21:04]
[2009-12-10 21:04]   Configuration via /etc/fonts/local.conf is still possible,
[2009-12-10 21:04]   but is no longer recommended for options available in conf.avail.



  ==> You may need to delete your local /home/useless/.mozilla/firefox/pl
[2010-01-11 13:05] ==> file for mozplugger to be enabled correctly after you update it.
[2010-01-11 13:05] ==> (It will get regenerated).
[2010-01-11 13:05] ==> To add more helpers, edit /etc/mozpluggerrc.
[2010-01-11 13:05] ==> The window name can be obtained using the utility xprop(1x).
[2010-01-11 13:05] ==> Type xprop WM_CLASS and click on a window.
[2010-01-11 13:05] installed mozplugger (1.13.0-2)



 NOTE for thunar-archive-plugin:
[2010-01-12 17:04] ----
[2010-01-12 17:04]   ==> please install xarchiver, squeeze, file-roller or ark to use the
[2010-01-12 17:04] installed thunar-archive-plugin (0.2.4-5)



[2010-01-18 12:32] Most of the modules in perl-xyne-arch have been rewritten for version 1
.0. This
[2010-01-18 12:32] has led to changes in several packages which provide frontends to these
[2010-01-18 12:32] most importantly powerpill, pkgd, rebase and reflector.
[2010-01-18 12:32]
[2010-01-18 12:32] Please check the help messages and man pages of these packages for opti
on and
[2010-01-18 12:32] configuration changes.
[2010-01-18 12:32] upgraded perl-xyne-arch (0.95-1 -> 1.0.38-1)
[2010-01-18 12:32] >>> The kernel-mode plugin has a new place.
[2010-01-18 12:32] >>> It's now located under /usr/lib/rp-pppoe/
[2010-01-18 12:32] >>> Change LINUX_PLUGIN to the new path in your /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf
[2010-01-18 12:32] upgraded rp-pppoe (3.10-1 -> 3.10-2)



 Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
[2010-02-20 13:43] export PYTHONDOCS=/usr/share/doc/python/html/
[2010-02-20 13:43]
[2010-02-20 13:43] installed python-docs (2.6.4-1)



 >>> For first time, you must run 'mentohust' to configure once.
[2010-04-22 03:08] >>> If you want to autorun mentohust, and please
[2010-04-22 03:08] >>> add 'mentohust' in DAEMONS section in /etc/rc.conf
[2010-04-22 03:08] installed mentohust (0.3.1-2)



 ==> Running PunkBuster updater to make sure
[2010-04-24 01:28] ==> that your PunkBuster installation is updated
[2010-04-24 01:28] ==> to the latest version.
[2010-04-24 01:28]
[2010-04-24 01:28] ==> Please don't cancel the PunkBuster updater.
[2010-04-24 01:28]
[2010-04-24 01:28] PBWEB v2.2
[2010-04-24 01:28] This program is (C) Copyright 2002-2005 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved.



Installing MySQL system tables...
[2010-05-01 04:00] OK
[2010-05-01 04:00] Filling help tables...
[2010-05-01 04:00] OK
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy
[2010-05-01 04:00] support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
[2010-05-01 04:00] /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h useless password 'new-password'
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] Alternatively you can run:
[2010-05-01 04:00] /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] which will also give you the option of removing the test

 [2010-05-01 04:00] databases and anonymous user created by default.  This is
[2010-05-01 04:00] strongly recommended for production servers.
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] See the manual for more instructions.
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] You can start the MySQL daemon with:
[2010-05-01 04:00] cd /usr ; /usr/bin/mysqld_safe &
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] You can test the MySQL daemon with
[2010-05-01 04:00] cd /usr/mysql-test ; perl
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] Please report any problems with the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script!
[2010-05-01 04:00]
[2010-05-01 04:00] installed mysql (5.1.46-2)


 ==> To add the gnuplot mode in Emacs, add the content of /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/dotemacs to your ~/.emacs file.[2010-05-03 20:37] installed gnuplot (4.4.0-1)



[2010-05-03 22:45] ==> It is not allowed to install 3rd party modules, or delete existing
[2010-05-03 22:45] ==> Please write your own PKGBUILDS for 3rd party modules and additiona
l themes.
[2010-05-03 22:45] Setup:
[2010-05-03 22:45] ==> To make webmin start at boot time, add webmin to rc.conf daemons
[2010-05-03 22:45] ==> Point your web browser to http://localhost:10000 to use webmin.
[2010-05-03 22:45] ==> The access is restricted to localhost, if you want to connect from
other locations
[2010-05-03 22:45] ==> change /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf to something like that: allow=127.
0.0.1 <your-ip>
[2010-05-03 22:45] ==> If you want to have ssl encryption please install 'perl-net-ssleay'
[2010-05-03 22:45] installed webmin (1.510-1)




posted @ 2010-05-10 17:10  shankun  阅读(678)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报