我的 conky 配置 (入门)
在我的 LXDE 环境下,每当点击“显示桌面”(最小化所有窗口)时,conky 都会消失,尝试了很多方法都无法解决。
只好取消 pcmanfm 的“管理桌面并显示文件图标”选项。这样虽然解决了上述问题,但代价是不能用桌面了。
$ sudo pacman -S feh 一个轻量级、强大的图像查看器,同时它也可以用来管理桌面壁纸,特别适合缺少这类特性的独立窗口管理器。
feh --bg-center /PATH/TO/壁纸 把这一行添加到 ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
想要用桌面的话就把 own_window_type 改成 normal ,不要用"iconify all windows" 。
my ~/.conkyrc :
background no
override_utf8_locale yes
font DejaVu Sans:size=9
xftfont DejaVu Sans:size=9
use_xft yes
xftalpha 0.1
update_interval 1.5
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
#own_window_class Conky
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent no
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
minimum_size 165 5
maximum_width 225
alignment top_right
gap_x 5
gap_y 45
#no_buffers yes
cpu_avg_samples 2
uppercase no
use_spacer none
out_to_console no
default_color moccasin
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color grey90
${Font}${font Yahei Mono:size=9}${exec ~/scripts/lunardate.py }
${font} ${exec whoami} @ $nodename${color} on $machine ${font OpenLogos:size=21}B
${voffset -12}${color}${font Weather:size=21}${execi 3600 ~/scripts/weathers.sh}${font Yahei Mono:size=9} ${voffset -6}今日:${execi 7200 ~/scripts/conkytq.sh}
${font Yahei Mono:size=9}${execi 7200 ~/scripts/conditions.sh}
${voffset -2}${color}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=11}U${font}${color slate grey} UpTime:$alignr${color }$uptime
${color}${font StyleBats:size=10}Q${font}${color slate grey} Kernel:$alignr${color }$kernel
${font StyleBats:size=10}j${font Yahei Mono:size=9} 电池:$alignr ${font}$battery
${color}${font StyleBats:size=10}A${font}${color slate grey} CPU temperature: $alignr${color}${acpitemp}℃
${color}usage: $alignc Core0: ${cpu cpu1} % $alignr Core1: ${cpu cpu2} %
${voffset 2}${color}${font StyleBats:size=10}M${font Yahei Mono:size=9} 进程:$alignr$processes个 ($running_processes 个活跃进程)
${voffset -3}${color}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=10}h${font}${color slate grey} Highest CPU:$alignr -PID- CPU%
${color #ddaa00}${top name 1}$alignr${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1}
${color lightgrey}${top name 2}$alignr${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2}
${color lightgrey}${top name 3}$alignr${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}
${voffset -3}${color}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=10}j${font}${color slate grey} Highest MEM:$alignr -PID- MEM%
${color #ddaa00}${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem mem 1}
${color lightgrey}${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem mem 2}
${color lightgrey}${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem mem 3}
${voffset -4}${stippled_hr}
${color slate grey}RAM:${color} $memperc% used$alignr$mem/$memmax
${color slate grey}/: ${color} ${fs_free_perc /}% free$alignr${color}${fs_free /}/${fs_size /}
${font DejaVu Sans:size=8}${color slate grey}windows: ${color} ${fs_free_perc /mnt/windows}% free$alignr${color}${fs_free /mnt/windows}/${fs_size /mnt/windows}
${color slate grey}cache: ${color} ${fs_free_perc /mnt/cache}% free$alignr${color}${fs_free /mnt/cache}/${fs_size /mnt/cache}
${color slate grey}DATA: ${color} ${fs_free_perc /mnt/DATA}% free$alignr${color}${fs_free /mnt/DATA}/${fs_size /mnt/DATA}
${fs_bar 3,102 /} ${fs_bar 3,102 /mnt/windows}
${fs_bar 3,102 /mnt/cache} ${fs_bar 3,102 /mnt/DATA}
${font}${color slate grey}Disk Read: ${color #8844ee}${diskio_read /dev/sda} $alignr ${color slate grey} Write: ${color #22ccff}${diskio_write /dev/sda}
${color}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=12}?${font} IP Address: $alignr${addr eth0}
${color}${font Yahei Mono:size=9}总计: ${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}M${font} ${totalup eth0} ${alignr}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}S${font} ${totaldown eth0}
${color slate grey}${font} Up: ${color #22ccff}${upspeed eth0}k/s ${alignr}${color slate grey}Down: ${color #8844ee}${downspeed eth0}k/s
${voffset -4}${color}${upspeedgraph eth0 30,100 000000 ffffff}$alignr${downspeedgraph eth0 30,100 000000 ffffff}
${voffset -12}${color}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=20}k${font}${color slate grey} ${voffset -8}E-Mail: 河蟹@gmail.com
${font Yahei Mono:size=9}${color}$alignr 有 ${color #22ccff}${texeci 7200 perl ~/scripts/check_gmail.sh} ${color}封新邮件,来自:
${voffset -4}${font DejaVu Sans:size=8}${execi 7200 ~/scripts/gmail.pl `~/scripts/check_gmail.sh`}
${if_running mpd}${voffset -20}${stippled_hr}
${voffset -4}${font Yahei Mono:size=9}$mpd_artist $alignr (${mpd_album})
${font Yahei Mono:size=9}$mpd_title
${font}${execi 2 ~/scripts/mpd.awk} ${color #88aadd}${mpd_bar 4,150} ${color}${font} $mpd_percent %
$alignc ${font}${execi 1 mpc | grep '#' | cut -c 10- | cut -d "(" -f1} ${font Webdings:size=12}X${font}:${mpd_vol} %
${font Yahei Mono:size=8}码率:${font} ${mpd_bitrate}kbps${font Yahei Mono:size=8} 随机:$mpd_random 循环:$mpd_repeat $endif
override_utf8_locale yes
font DejaVu Sans:size=9
xftfont DejaVu Sans:size=9
use_xft yes
xftalpha 0.1
update_interval 1.5
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
#own_window_class Conky
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent no
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
minimum_size 165 5
maximum_width 225
alignment top_right
gap_x 5
gap_y 45
#no_buffers yes
cpu_avg_samples 2
uppercase no
use_spacer none
out_to_console no
default_color moccasin
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color grey90
${Font}${font Yahei Mono:size=9}${exec ~/scripts/lunardate.py }
${font} ${exec whoami} @ $nodename${color} on $machine ${font OpenLogos:size=21}B
${voffset -12}${color}${font Weather:size=21}${execi 3600 ~/scripts/weathers.sh}${font Yahei Mono:size=9} ${voffset -6}今日:${execi 7200 ~/scripts/conkytq.sh}
${font Yahei Mono:size=9}${execi 7200 ~/scripts/conditions.sh}
${voffset -2}${color}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=11}U${font}${color slate grey} UpTime:$alignr${color }$uptime
${color}${font StyleBats:size=10}Q${font}${color slate grey} Kernel:$alignr${color }$kernel
${font StyleBats:size=10}j${font Yahei Mono:size=9} 电池:$alignr ${font}$battery
${color}${font StyleBats:size=10}A${font}${color slate grey} CPU temperature: $alignr${color}${acpitemp}℃
${color}usage: $alignc Core0: ${cpu cpu1} % $alignr Core1: ${cpu cpu2} %
${voffset 2}${color}${font StyleBats:size=10}M${font Yahei Mono:size=9} 进程:$alignr$processes个 ($running_processes 个活跃进程)
${voffset -3}${color}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=10}h${font}${color slate grey} Highest CPU:$alignr -PID- CPU%
${color #ddaa00}${top name 1}$alignr${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1}
${color lightgrey}${top name 2}$alignr${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2}
${color lightgrey}${top name 3}$alignr${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}
${voffset -3}${color}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=10}j${font}${color slate grey} Highest MEM:$alignr -PID- MEM%
${color #ddaa00}${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem mem 1}
${color lightgrey}${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem mem 2}
${color lightgrey}${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem mem 3}
${voffset -4}${stippled_hr}
${color slate grey}RAM:${color} $memperc% used$alignr$mem/$memmax
${color slate grey}/: ${color} ${fs_free_perc /}% free$alignr${color}${fs_free /}/${fs_size /}
${font DejaVu Sans:size=8}${color slate grey}windows: ${color} ${fs_free_perc /mnt/windows}% free$alignr${color}${fs_free /mnt/windows}/${fs_size /mnt/windows}
${color slate grey}cache: ${color} ${fs_free_perc /mnt/cache}% free$alignr${color}${fs_free /mnt/cache}/${fs_size /mnt/cache}
${color slate grey}DATA: ${color} ${fs_free_perc /mnt/DATA}% free$alignr${color}${fs_free /mnt/DATA}/${fs_size /mnt/DATA}
${fs_bar 3,102 /} ${fs_bar 3,102 /mnt/windows}
${fs_bar 3,102 /mnt/cache} ${fs_bar 3,102 /mnt/DATA}
${font}${color slate grey}Disk Read: ${color #8844ee}${diskio_read /dev/sda} $alignr ${color slate grey} Write: ${color #22ccff}${diskio_write /dev/sda}
${color}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=12}?${font} IP Address: $alignr${addr eth0}
${color}${font Yahei Mono:size=9}总计: ${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}M${font} ${totalup eth0} ${alignr}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}S${font} ${totaldown eth0}
${color slate grey}${font} Up: ${color #22ccff}${upspeed eth0}k/s ${alignr}${color slate grey}Down: ${color #8844ee}${downspeed eth0}k/s
${voffset -4}${color}${upspeedgraph eth0 30,100 000000 ffffff}$alignr${downspeedgraph eth0 30,100 000000 ffffff}
${voffset -12}${color}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=20}k${font}${color slate grey} ${voffset -8}E-Mail: 河蟹@gmail.com
${font Yahei Mono:size=9}${color}$alignr 有 ${color #22ccff}${texeci 7200 perl ~/scripts/check_gmail.sh} ${color}封新邮件,来自:
${voffset -4}${font DejaVu Sans:size=8}${execi 7200 ~/scripts/gmail.pl `~/scripts/check_gmail.sh`}
${if_running mpd}${voffset -20}${stippled_hr}
${voffset -4}${font Yahei Mono:size=9}$mpd_artist $alignr (${mpd_album})
${font Yahei Mono:size=9}$mpd_title
${font}${execi 2 ~/scripts/mpd.awk} ${color #88aadd}${mpd_bar 4,150} ${color}${font} $mpd_percent %
$alignc ${font}${execi 1 mpc | grep '#' | cut -c 10- | cut -d "(" -f1} ${font Webdings:size=12}X${font}:${mpd_vol} %
${font Yahei Mono:size=8}码率:${font} ${mpd_bitrate}kbps${font Yahei Mono:size=8} 随机:$mpd_random 循环:$mpd_repeat $endif
lunardate.py :
import locale, time, liblunar
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
format="农历:%(NIAN)年%(YUE)月%(RI)日 生肖:%(shengxiao)"
print l.strftime(format)
import locale, time, liblunar
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
format="农历:%(NIAN)年%(YUE)月%(RI)日 生肖:%(shengxiao)"
print l.strftime(format)
liblunar 来自这里,支持python binding。AUR中也有。
weather.sh :
w3m -dump $URL > $weather
end=`cat -n $weather | grep "当前:" | cut -f1`
let end=end+10
head -n $end $weather | tail -n 11 | cut -d " " -f1- > $weather
# iconv -f gbk -t utf-8 $weather > $weather # 转化为utf-8编码
cnd=$(cat $weather | grep "当前:" | cut -c 4-)
if echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '多云'; then
echo 'c'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '晴'; then
echo 'B'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '阴'; then
echo 'e'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '小雨|中雨'; then
echo 'g'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '大雨'; then
echo 'h'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '阵雨'; then
echo 'i'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '中雪|大雪'; then
echo 'j'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '小雪'; then
echo 'k'
w3m -dump $URL > $weather
end=`cat -n $weather | grep "当前:" | cut -f1`
let end=end+10
head -n $end $weather | tail -n 11 | cut -d " " -f1- > $weather
# iconv -f gbk -t utf-8 $weather > $weather # 转化为utf-8编码
cnd=$(cat $weather | grep "当前:" | cut -c 4-)
if echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '多云'; then
echo 'c'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '晴'; then
echo 'B'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '阴'; then
echo 'e'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '小雨|中雨'; then
echo 'g'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '大雨'; then
echo 'h'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '阵雨'; then
echo 'i'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '中雪|大雪'; then
echo 'j'
elif echo "$cnd" | grep -E -i -q '小雪'; then
echo 'k'
conkytq.sh :
tq=$(sed -n '4,4p' $weather)
wind=$(sed -n '2,2p' $weather)
temp=$(sed -n '5,5p' $weather)
echo $tq
echo ' ' $wind ' ' $temp
tq=$(sed -n '4,4p' $weather)
wind=$(sed -n '2,2p' $weather)
temp=$(sed -n '5,5p' $weather)
echo $tq
echo ' ' $wind ' ' $temp
conditions.sh :
week1=$(sed -n '6,6p' $weather)
tq1=$(sed -n '7,7p' $weather)
temp1=$(sed -n '8,8p' $weather)
week2=$(sed -n '9,9p' $weather)
tq2=$(sed -n '10,10p' $weather)
temp2=$(sed -n '11,11p' $weather)
echo $week1 ' ' $tq1 $temp1
echo $week2 ' ' $tq2 $temp2
week1=$(sed -n '6,6p' $weather)
tq1=$(sed -n '7,7p' $weather)
temp1=$(sed -n '8,8p' $weather)
week2=$(sed -n '9,9p' $weather)
tq2=$(sed -n '10,10p' $weather)
temp2=$(sed -n '11,11p' $weather)
echo $week1 ' ' $tq1 $temp1
echo $week2 ' ' $tq2 $temp2
gmail.pl :

# Put this in ~/.gmail/ and use "crontab -e" to add something like
# "* * * * * ~/.gmail/gmail.pl > /dev/null" to run it every minute.
# ${exec ~/.gmail/gmail.pl} shows your inbox in Conky.
# Note that this was intended to be used with Gmail or any other
# ssl-enabled pop3 server.
# beginning of configuration
# pop3 host
$pop_host = "pop.gmail.com";
# pop3 username (for Gmail, I didn't have to put @gmail.com at the end)
$pop_user = "wqnmlgb";
# pop3 password
$pop_pass = "asshole";
# ssl port number (995 is what Gmail uses)
$ssl_port = "995";
# ssl protocol
$ssl_prot = "tcp";
# number of emails to show 读取命令行第一个参数
$dis_numb = $ARGV[0];
# end of configuration
use Mail::POP3Client;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerAddr => $pop_host,
PeerPort => $ssl_port,
Proto => $ssl_prot);
my $pop = Mail::POP3Client->new();
$msg_count = $pop->Count();
for ($i = $msg_count; $i >0 && $i >= $msg_count-($dis_numb-1); $i--) {
foreach ( $pop->Head( $i ) ) {
#/^(From|Subject):\s+/i and print $_, "\n";
if ($_ =~ m/^From:/) {
($from) = ($_ =~ m#^From: .*<(.*)>#);
$from = substr($from, 0, 30);
$out .= "$from\n";
#chop $out;
# Put this in ~/.gmail/ and use "crontab -e" to add something like
# "* * * * * ~/.gmail/gmail.pl > /dev/null" to run it every minute.
# ${exec ~/.gmail/gmail.pl} shows your inbox in Conky.
# Note that this was intended to be used with Gmail or any other
# ssl-enabled pop3 server.
# beginning of configuration
# pop3 host
$pop_host = "pop.gmail.com";
# pop3 username (for Gmail, I didn't have to put @gmail.com at the end)
$pop_user = "wqnmlgb";
# pop3 password
$pop_pass = "asshole";
# ssl port number (995 is what Gmail uses)
$ssl_port = "995";
# ssl protocol
$ssl_prot = "tcp";
# number of emails to show 读取命令行第一个参数
$dis_numb = $ARGV[0];
# end of configuration
use Mail::POP3Client;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerAddr => $pop_host,
PeerPort => $ssl_port,
Proto => $ssl_prot);
my $pop = Mail::POP3Client->new();
$msg_count = $pop->Count();
for ($i = $msg_count; $i >0 && $i >= $msg_count-($dis_numb-1); $i--) {
foreach ( $pop->Head( $i ) ) {
#/^(From|Subject):\s+/i and print $_, "\n";
if ($_ =~ m/^From:/) {
($from) = ($_ =~ m#^From: .*<(.*)>#);
$from = substr($from, 0, 30);
$out .= "$from\n";
#chop $out;
运行这个perl脚本之前需要 sudo cpan -i YAML Mail::POP3Client IO::Socket::SSL
check_gmail.sh :
dane="$(wget --secure-protocol=TLSv1 --timeout=3 -t 1 -q -O - \
https://${gmail_login}:${gmail_password}@mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom \
--no-check-certificate | grep 'fullcount' \
| sed -e 's/.*<fullcount>//;s/<\/fullcount>.*//' 2>/dev/null)"
if [ -z "$dane" ]; then
echo "Error"
echo "$dane"
dane="$(wget --secure-protocol=TLSv1 --timeout=3 -t 1 -q -O - \
https://${gmail_login}:${gmail_password}@mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom \
--no-check-certificate | grep 'fullcount' \
| sed -e 's/.*<fullcount>//;s/<\/fullcount>.*//' 2>/dev/null)"
if [ -z "$dane" ]; then
echo "Error"
echo "$dane"
mpd.awk :
#!/bin/awk -f
MPD_CMD = "mpc"; # mpd
MPD_CMD | getline;
MPD_CMD | getline;
mpd_state = $1;
if ( mpd_state == "[playing]" )
print " ▶ ";
if ( mpd_state == "[paused]" )
print " ❚❚";
print " ■ ";
MPD_CMD = "mpc"; # mpd
MPD_CMD | getline;
MPD_CMD | getline;
mpd_state = $1;
if ( mpd_state == "[playing]" )
print " ▶ ";
if ( mpd_state == "[paused]" )
print " ❚❚";
print " ■ ";
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【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步