主从复制时报:ERROR 1794 (HY000): Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in t

centos 6.5


在从库作stop slave时报:

ERROR 1794 (HY000): Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.


use mysql
drop table slave_master_info;
drop table slave_relay_log_info;
drop table slave_worker_info;
drop table innodb_index_stats;
drop table innodb_table_stats;
source /usr/coolpad/mysql/share/mysql_system_tables.sql




posted @ 2017-02-16 16:41  瓶子倒了水未必流出来  阅读(10319)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报