EF Unit Of Work

BaseEntity, 所有的业务表都继承这个类,每个表的主键都是GUID, 主键名Id.

public abstract class BaseEntity{
     public BaseEntity()
          this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
     public vritual Guid Id{get;set;}

 Student, 例子类

public Student:BaseEntity
     public Name {get;set;}   


public class StudentContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Student> Students {get;set;}

 IRepository<T> where T :BaseEntity

public IRepository<T> where T :BaseEntity
    T GetById(object Id);
    void Insert(T entity);
    void Update(T entity);
    void Delete(T entity);
    IQueryable<T> Table{get;}
// other common operations ...


public class EFRepository<T>:IRepository<T> where T: BaseEntity
    DbContext _db;
    public EFRepository(DbContext db)
        _db = db;
    // implement the operations below. GetById, Insert, Update.....


public interface IUnitOfWork
    IRepository<Student> StudentRepository {get;set}
    // add other repositories below.

    void Save();

    Task SaveAsync();


public class UnitOfWork:IUnitOfWork
    DbContext _db;
    public UnitOfWork(
                    DbContext db,
                    IRepository<Student> studentRepository){
     StudentRepository =studentRepository;
     _db =db;      
    public IRepository<Student> StudentRepository {get;set}
    // add other repositories below.

    public void Save()

    public async Task SaveAsync()
        await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

 ISudentService, UI 业务操作的接口和实现

public interface IStudentService
    void Create(Student stud);

public class StudentService:IStudentService
    IUnitOfWork _uof;
    public StudentService(IUnitOfWork uof)
        _uof = uof;
    pubilc void Create(Student stud)


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