01. 把存储过程结果集SELECT INTO到临时表
1. 使用select into会自动生成临时表,不需要事先创建
select * into #temp from sysobjects select * from #temp
2. 如果当前会话中,已存在同名的临时表
select * into #temp from sysobjects
再次运行,则会报错提示:数据库中已存在名为 '%1!' 的对象。
Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 2
There is already an object named '#temp' in the database.
在使用select into前,可以先做一下判断:
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') is not null drop table #temp select * into #temp from sysobjects select * from #temp
3. 利用select into生成一个空表
select * into #temp from sysobjects where 1=2 select * from #temp
(1) 通过select into复制表默认会保留identity列属性, 从linked server复制表则不会;
--server1, database1 create table test_identity(id int identity, value int) insert into test_identity values(100) --server2, database2 select * into temp from sever1.database1.dbo.test_identity select object_name(object_id) as table_name, name, is_identity,* from sys.columns where object_id=object_id('temp') /* table_name name is_identity temp id 0 */
(2) 列的是否为null属性默认直接复制,如果显式给定列值,则目标表的列属性不允许为null;
--principal_id列定义可为空 exec sp_help 'sys.objects' drop table if exists test_null01; drop table if exists test_null02; select principal_id into test_null01 from sys.objects select isnull(principal_id,0) as principal_id into test_null02 from sys.objects select name, is_nullable,* from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('test_null01') --name is_nullable --principal_id 1 select name, is_nullable,* from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('test_null02') --name is_nullable --principal_id 0 select isnull(null,'') c1 into test_null_01 select '' c1 into test_null_02 select 1 c1 into test_null_03 exec sp_columns test_null_01 exec sp_columns test_null_02 exec sp_columns test_null_03 --NULLABLE --0
(3) 如果显式给定列值为null,或者join后列值全部为null, 目标表中该列的数据类型默认为int,除非用CAST/CONVERT显式指定null列的数据类型;
--if get only null value after join, select into will use int for null-value columns as well select null as data_type into test_data_type; exec sp_columns test_data_type
(4) SELECT… INTO… 除了复制identity属性外,仅复制数据,所以原表上的约束/索引/压缩选项等都不会被复制,所以从columnstore的表拉数据出来,会发现表变大了很多了,因为columnstore默认压缩数据,这种场景可考虑使用insert into… with(tablock) select… 结合610跟踪标记来替代SELECT… INTO;
(5) 从SQL SERVER 2014起,SELECT …INTO…的插入操作,执行计划显示为并行化操作符,也即插入操作不再是单线程;
1. 使用insert into,需要先手动创建临时表
1.1 保存从select语句中返回的结果集
create table test_getdate(c1 datetime)
insert into test_getdate select GETDATE()
select * from test_getdate
1.2 保存从存储过程返回的结果集
create table #helpuser ( UserName nvarchar(128), RoleName nvarchar(128), LoginName nvarchar(128), DefDBName nvarchar(128), DefSchemaName nvarchar(128), UserID smallint, SID smallint ) insert into #helpuser exec sp_helpuser select * from #helpuser
1.3 保存从动态语句返回的结果集
create table test_dbcc ( TraceFlag varchar(100), Status tinyint, Global tinyint, Session tinyint ) insert into test_dbcc exec('DBCC TRACESTATUS') select * from test_dbcc
2. 不能嵌套使用insert exec语句
2.1 下面这个例子,尝试保存sp_help_job的结果集到临时表,发生错误
create table #JobInfo ( job_id uniqueidentifier, originating_server nvarchar(128), name nvarchar(128), enabled tinyint, description nvarchar(512), start_step_id int, category nvarchar(128), owner nvarchar(128), notify_level_eventlog int, notify_level_email int, notify_level_netsend int, notify_level_page int , notify_email_operator nvarchar(128), notify_netsend_operator nvarchar(128), notify_page_operator nvarchar(128), delete_level int, date_created datetime, date_modified datetime, version_number int, last_run_date int, last_run_time int, last_run_outcome int, next_run_date int, next_run_time int, next_run_schedule_id int, current_execution_status int, current_execution_step nvarchar(128), current_retry_attempt int, has_step int, has_schedule int, has_target int, type int ) insert into #JobInfo exec msdb..sp_help_job
返回错误信息:INSERT EXEC 语句不能嵌套。
Msg 8164, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_get_composite_job_info, Line 72
An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.
exec sp_helptext sp_get_composite_job_info
发现里面还有个INSERT INTO…EXEC的嵌套调用,SQL Server在语法上不支持。
INSERT INTO @xp_results EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @can_see_all_running_jobs, @job_owner, @job_id
2.2 可以用分布式查询来避免这个问题,这种写法在INSIDE SQL Server 2005中作者提到过
(1) 首先到打开服务器选项Ad Hoc Distributed Queries
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1 RECONFIGURE GO exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1 RECONFIGURE GO
(2) 通过OPENROWSET连接到本机,运行存储过程,取得结果集
select * into #JobInfo_S1 from openrowset('sqloledb', 'server=(local);trusted_connection=yes','exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_job') select * from #JobInfo_S1
使用SQL Server认证
SELECT * INTO #JobInfo_S2 FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'sa_password','exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_job') SELECT * FROM #JobInfo_S2
这样的写法,既免去了手动建表的麻烦,也可以避免insert exec 无法嵌套的问题。几乎所有SQL语句都可以使用。
--dbcc不能直接运行 SELECT a.* into #t FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'sa_password', 'dbcc log(''master'',3)') AS a --可以变通一下 SELECT a.* into #t FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'sa_password', 'exec(''DBCC LOG(''''master'''',3)'')') AS a
后续的SQL SERVER版本中,这种写法有限制 (更新:2018-09-19)
1. 在SQL SERVER 2008 R2下测试,问题如下:
--sp_help_job没问题 SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET ('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted_Connection=yes','EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job') --随手写了几个sp_who2, xp_fixeddrives, sp_helpdb,都失败了 select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','exec sp_who2') /* Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 2 Cannot process the object "exec sp_who2". The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object. */ select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','exec xp_fixeddrives') /* Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot process the object "exec xp_fixeddrives". The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object. */ select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','exec sp_helpdb') /* Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_helpdb, Line 51 Invalid object name '#spdbdesc'. */
2.在SQL SERVER 2012, 2014, 2016下测试,问题如下:
--sp_help_job也失败了 SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET ('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\MSSQL2016;Trusted_Connection=yes','EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job') /* Msg 11520, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1 The metadata could not be determined because statement 'EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_is_starting @retval OUTPUT' in procedure 'sp_is_sqlagent_starting' invokes an extended stored procedure.*/ --sp_who2, xp_fixeddrives, sp_helpdb,错误也都相对统一了 select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\MSSQL2016;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','exec sp_who2') /* Msg 11526, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1 The metadata could not be determined because statement 'delete #tb1_sysprocesses where lower(status) = 'sleeping' and upper(cmd) in (' in procedure 'sp_who2' uses a temp table. */ select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\MSSQL2016;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','exec xp_fixeddrives') /* Msg 11519, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1 The metadata could not be determined because statement 'exec xp_fixeddrives' invokes an extended stored procedure. */ select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\MSSQL2016;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','exec sp_helpdb') /* Msg 11526, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1 The metadata could not be determined because statement 'insert into #spdbdesc (dbname, owner, created, dbid, cmptlevel) select name, isnull(suser_sname(s' in procedure 'sp_helpdb' uses a temp table. */
EXEC sp_describe_first_result_set @tsql = N'exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_job' GO /* Msg 11520, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1 The metadata could not be determined because statement 'EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_is_starting @retval OUTPUT' in procedure 'sp_is_sqlagent_starting' invokes an extended stored procedure. */
变通的解决办法:自定义SP对需要调用的系统SP包装一次,用WITH RESULT SETS返回固定的结果集,从而避免这个错误;
注意WITH RESULT SETS选项从SQL SERVER 2012起开始支持,实例如下:
USE MSDB GO IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE (name = N'sp_help_job_with_results') AND (type = 'P'))) DROP PROCEDURE sp_help_job_with_results go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_help_job_with_results @job_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = NULL, @job_name SYSNAME = NULL, @job_aspect VARCHAR(9) = NULL, @job_type VARCHAR(12) = NULL, @owner_login_name SYSNAME = NULL, @subsystem NVARCHAR(40) = NULL, @category_name SYSNAME = NULL, @enabled TINYINT = NULL, @execution_status INT = NULL, @date_comparator CHAR(1) = NULL, @date_created DATETIME = NULL, @date_last_modified DATETIME = NULL, @description NVARCHAR(512) = NULL AS BEGIN -- If job_id or job_name were not specified there will be only one resultset IF (@job_id IS NULL AND @job_name IS NULL) BEGIN EXEC sp_help_job @job_id, @job_name, @job_aspect, @job_type, @owner_login_name, @subsystem, @category_name, @enabled, @execution_status, @date_comparator, @date_created, @date_last_modified, @description WITH RESULT SETS ( ( job_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, originating_server NVARCHAR(30), name SYSNAME, [enabled] TINYINT, [description] NVARCHAR(512), start_step_id INT, category SYSNAME, [owner] SYSNAME, notify_level_eventlog INT, notify_level_email INT, notify_level_netsend INT, notify_level_page INT, notify_email_operator SYSNAME, notify_netsend_operator SYSNAME, notify_page_operator SYSNAME, delete_level INT, date_created DATETIME, date_modified DATETIME, version_number INT, last_run_date INT, last_run_time INT, last_run_outcome INT, next_run_date INT, next_run_time INT, next_run_schedule_id INT, current_execution_status INT, current_execution_step SYSNAME, current_retry_attempt INT, has_step INT, has_schedule INT, has_target INT, [type] INT ) ) END ELSE BEGIN -- If job_id or job_name is not null, there will be multiple resultsets EXEC sp_help_job @job_id, @job_name, @job_aspect, @job_type, @owner_login_name, @subsystem, @category_name, @enabled, @execution_status, @date_comparator, @date_created, @date_last_modified, @description WITH RESULT SETS ( ( job_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, originating_server NVARCHAR(30), name SYSNAME, [enabled] TINYINT, [description] NVARCHAR(512), start_step_id INT, category SYSNAME, [owner] SYSNAME, notify_level_eventlog INT, notify_level_email INT, notify_level_netsend INT, notify_level_page INT, notify_email_operator SYSNAME, notify_netsend_operator SYSNAME, notify_page_operator SYSNAME, delete_level INT, date_created DATETIME, date_modified DATETIME, version_number INT, last_run_date INT, last_run_time INT, last_run_outcome INT, next_run_date INT, next_run_time INT, next_run_schedule_id INT, current_execution_status INT, current_execution_step SYSNAME, current_retry_attempt INT, has_step INT, has_schedule INT, has_target INT, [type] INT ), ( step_id INT, step_name SYSNAME, subsystem NVARCHAR(40) , command NVARCHAR(max) , flags NVARCHAR(4000), cmdexec_success_code INT, on_success_action NVARCHAR(4000), on_success_step_id INT, on_fail_action NVARCHAR(4000), on_fail_step_id INT, [server] SYSNAME, database_name SYSNAME, database_user_name SYSNAME, retry_attempts INT, retry_interval INT, os_run_priority NVARCHAR(4000), output_file_name NVARCHAR(200), last_run_outcome INT, last_run_duration INT, last_run_retries INT, last_run_date INT, last_run_time INT, proxy_id INT ), ( schedule_id INT, schedule_name SYSNAME, [enabled] INT, freq_type INT, freq_interval INT, freq_subday_type INT, freq_subday_interval INT, freq_relative_interval INT, freq_recurrence_factor INT, active_start_date INT, active_end_date INT, active_start_time INT, active_end_time INT, date_created DATETIME, schedule_description NVARCHAR(4000) , next_run_date INT, next_run_time INT, schedule_uid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, job_count INT ), ( server_id INT, server_name NVARCHAR(30), enlist_date DATETIME, last_poll_date DATETIME, last_run_date INT, last_run_time INT, last_run_duration INT, last_run_outcome TINYINT, last_outcome_message NVARCHAR(1024) ) ) END END GO
IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = 'sp_fixeddrives') AND (type = 'P'))) DROP PROCEDURE sp_fixeddrives GO CREATE PROCEDURE sp_fixeddrives AS BEGIN EXEC xp_fixeddrives WITH RESULT SETS ( ( drive varchar(10), [MB Free] varchar(100) ) ) END
SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC sp_describe_first_result_set @tsql = N'exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_job_with_results' GO EXEC sp_describe_first_result_set @tsql = N'exec sp_fixeddrives' GO --直接调用sp_help_job失败 SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\MSSQL2016;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_job') --封装为sp_help_job_with_results后调用成功 SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET ('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\MSSQL2016;Trusted_Connection=yes','EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job_with_results') --直接调用xp_fixeddrives失败 SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\MSSQL2016;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','exec xp_fixeddrives') --封装为sp_fixeddrives后调用成功 SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=.\MSSQL2016;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','exec sp_fixeddrives')