
1. one trick pony

pony原指矮种马,在以前很多小型的马戏团没什么大型表演,往往就是用矮种马和狗来凑数表演,后来one trick pony就指一个人只会具备很少很少的技能或者才干,能做的事情很少。

2. double whammy

a situation where two bad things happen at the same time.有点祸不单行的意思哦

例如 Critics claim that the cuts in public spending coupled with a pay freeze is a double whammy which will affect low-paid workers badly.

3. do a double take

to look at something or someone twice because you are so surprised at what you have seen. He walked past her and she did a double take. Without his beard he was quite transformed.

4.   Third time's a charm

The belief that the third time something is attempted is more likely to succeed than the previous two attempts. It is also used as a good luck charm - spoken just before trying something for the third time. 汉语里有“事不过三”,不过好事坏事都可以说。

5. five-dollar words

指big words, often hard to pronounce.

6. five second rule

五秒规则指如果吃的东西掉到地上,在5秒内捡起来的话还可以吃,据说5秒内细菌沾不上,哈哈。在电影《License To Wed》和小说Change of Heart里均出现过。

7. first base, second base, third base, fourth base


第一阶段first base主要指约会接吻; 第二阶段second base主要指身体上的亲密接触,比如触摸敏感部位;第三阶段third base主要指blowjob;第四阶段fourth base就是脱光了have sex...

在电影《辛普森大电影》里老爸让儿子裸体玩滑板,儿子问how naked?父亲回答fourth base就是说脱得干干净净,一丝不挂。另外,在电影License To Wed一开始也提到了first base和second base

8. the whole nine yards

all of something, including everything connected with it. When you join the gym, they show you all the equipment, tell you how to use it, the whole nine yards. They rushed him to the emergency room with lights flashing, sirens wailing, a police escort, the whole nine yards.

posted on 2009-06-20 16:59  SamZhang  阅读(558)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报